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.Not far away, a narrow fall of water wastrickling down the cliffside.Jon tasted it and found it sweet and cool. The water s good, he said. We won t find a better place to camp for the night.And so they unpacked what they needed and sat down next to one another, looking all thewhile at the sea and the two islands, which gradually changed color from gray to pink to purpleas the sun approached the horizon.The ground was warm from the afternoon sunlight, but thelight wind was chill.Jon moved closer to John for warmth, and John put his arm around hisshoulder.It was a spontaneous gesture that must have surprised John himself because heimmediately started to move it away.But then he thought better of it and allowed his hand to reston Jon s arm.Jon felt him trembling slightly. I ll never forget this moment, John said. It s so incredibly beautiful the sea, the skyand everything.I m happy we could share this, Jon. I ll never forget it either.I like your family I like them very much.They ve treated melike no one has ever treated me before but I m glad the two of us are here alone together.It swhat I ve always wanted sharing an experience like this with you. Do you mean that? Yes, John.Hearing those words, John bent his head and kissed Jon s cheek.So this is why John had been afraid to be alone with him, Jon realized because he lovedhim.And he loved John.He d loved him from the moment he saw him standing above him onthe rock.He hadn t called it love, but now he knew that was what it had been.Jon turned his head and kissed him on the lips, first gently then passionately.And then itwas if he d touched a hidden spring.For now it was John who was kissing him, forcing himdown, pressing into him with an explosion of passion, then pulling away with a sudden start. I don t want to hurt you, Jon.I m afraid I may be hurting you.Jon reached out and put his hand on John s dick, stroking it through the fabric of hispants.It was his way of telling John that he wasn t afraid of anything he might do.John grinned. It feels so good the way you touch me, he said. It feels so good. Then he began undressing Jon. Your skin is so beautiful.I love your skin.I love everything about you. Hold me, Jon said. Hold me against your body.I want to feel your body.3When Jon awoke the next morning, the sun was just rising over the crest of the mountainbehind them.Opening his eyes, he was blinded by the sudden access of light.He turned his headand saw John sitting cross-legged next to him.He d never seen John with so distraught anexpression. It wasn t what I wanted to happen, John said. I wanted to be your friend and yourteacher and that was all.But now everything has changed.Will you ever forgive me? Why do you ask that? It s what the Brotherhood do to the boys they take from your valley use the lumpishones for labor and the handsome ones for sex. Well, I m glad you still think I m handsome.But do they love the ones they use forsex?John blinked.It wasn t the response he expected. No far from it.In fact, they pretend to despise them.They tell each other they have sexwith the boys only because there are no women among them not because they really enjoydoing it. And is that what we did did you use me for sex because there was no woman handy?Or was it something different? And are you now going to pretend to despise me?John ignored his questions.Instead, he got to his feet and walked to the edge of the patchof grass a few feet away, where the slope began to fall again.Then he turned to Jon. It was when I first saw you, that afternoon in the Valley of Women, looking up at me.From that moment on I wanted to hold you in my arms.I d never felt that way about anotherman before.Not about anyone else.Afterwards, I couldn t get you out of my head.I thoughtabout you every day, month after month.Is that crazy? I saw your face every time I closed myeyes looking at me so fearlessly like no one else I d ever seen.And I was sure you d come tothe Forest House I don t know why, but I was certain of it.And I d never wanted anything elseso much in my entire life. I thought about you, too.I wanted to find you.  You did? Yes. I would have found a way to get there, even if what happened in the valley with Piershadn t happened.That was what I was doing the day I struck him looking for the place you dused to cross the Boundary Mountain.That was true, but, Jon reminded himself, without the Mothers sentence of death hemight never have had the courage to cross the mountain.Someday he d confess that to John, butnot today.And he also wanted to ask him about Cressa and what Zoë had meant by  having a bitof fun. That hardly matched what John had just said about never loving anyone else.But thatconversation could wait, too.After all, what did it matter if John had had a woman in his life oreven more than one? Jon had him now, and he was certain John could never have felt about awoman the way he felt about Jon.There are some things you just know, and that was one ofthem. I love you, Jon.With all my heart, I love you [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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