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.The conversations arelengthy and quite oblique for the most part but one theme appears to have been a desire onthe part of the individual to convey concerns that had been expressed to him by contacts inboth the Garda Síochána and Irish Army Security Services.A flavour of the principal threadsin the conversation can be gleaned from the following extracts of what was said by the callerto Mr :25th February 2014  first call:CALLER  Well, you know, one of the things that may come out of this,when you speak with the Judge & Is to impress upon him that that particular aspect ofthings that actually that you would like the Gardaí would actually get a copy ofeverything, right.& And, you know, try to impress upon him that, you know, that it s ineveryone s interest that all of this should be out in the open and that everyone couldtalk about it, because what it actually means to them, right, is that if he wouldbe monitored doing what you were doing, by somebody, right then that is a criminalmatter and that is something that needs to be investigated.CALLER  Right.And they should be investigated by the powers that be and in thiscase that means the Gardaí need to know exactly what it is that you actuallydiscovered.So that would be one of the primary things I believe that should come out ofall of this.25th February 2014  second call: MR : And, you know, the problem that we have when we go to the see the judgeis that the judge isn t a technical man so his& Because the likes of his understanding isprobably as little as Minister Shatter or Rits.61 CALLER: Well, you know, there is work going on behind the scenes there to put in aman in there who may understand the whole significance of it.Right.And I know thatthe boys in green are trying to get a man who is, let me say.MR : Is in to advise?CALLER: Someone who would know what he was on about, he would know exactlywho I would be talking about right.MR : Will I recognise him when I walk in?CALLER: No, no, you would never have met this individual.MR : All right.Good.CALLER: You would never had met this individual.This is an individual who wouldhave been in a similar appointment.MR : All right, okay.CALLER: In other words, retired.MR All right, I understand no problem.Well, he has been briefed about meanyway so at least he knows what I am talking about.CALLER: Yeah, well, he would know, he would know where these things are comingfrom now.Now I don t know whether you would be briefed or whatever, but he iscurrently not even in the country, he is out of the country, he works out of the country,but he would, I know that well talking to my man in green, he is kind of saying, youknow, that they would be proposing this particular individual.Shortly after the commencement of the Inquiry the Department of the Taoiseach passed to mea letter containing an unsolicited offer of assistance as an investigator from an individualwhose CV indicated 20 years experience in intelligence services as an officer in the DefenceForces.The offer was not taken up.I was satisfied that the  phone calls received by Mr had not in fact influenced in any wayhis co-operation with the Inquiry.As these events had no bearing on the subject matter of theTerms of Reference I considered it unnecessary to investigate the  phone calls further or toascertain whether there was any connection between the assertions made by the caller and theabove offer of assistance to the Inquiry.62 APPENDIX IVAMX Touch Panel  Quick Start Guide and specification from manufacturer s website.63 APPENDIX VSunday Times Article 9th February 201464 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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