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.JUPITER SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO NEPTUNE indicates lack of control of theemotions.The person is sensitive to the influences of the borderlandbetween the seen and the unseen worlds but they are often of anawe-inspiring and disgusting type, hence apt to cause hysterical conditions,involuntary trance and kindred disorders attendant upon negative psychism,[PAGE 402] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSbut from a material standpoint it gives danger of fraud through speculationor large companies and dealing with predatory interests should therefore beavoided.MARS SEXTILE OR TRINE TO NEPTUNE intensifies the emotional nature andgives a leaning toward the study and practice of occultism and mysticism.When other testimonies in the horoscope concur, the martial energy directedtoward the psychic subjects denoted by Neptune often helps the person verymaterially in his aim to penetrate into the invisible worlds in a consciousmanner.MARS CONJUNCTION, SQUARE, PARALLEL, OR OPPOSITION TO NEPTUNE makes thenature coarse and sensual, impulsive and irascible, militant and extravagantin speech and action, self-indulgent to a degree in whatever direction his passions may lead him and unable to exercise restraint over himself in anydirection.It gives a fanatical spirit which may express itself in eitherreligion or atheism and under favorable conditions such people are liableto become victims of discarnate spirits who may either use them as a mediumor by obsessing them.It gives a tendency to lawlessness and participationin anarchistic schemes or plots.[PAGE 403] NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITYURANUS SEXTILE OR TRINE TO NEPTUNE gives inclination towards the occultor mystical side of life, and if either is placed in the Tenth House theperson usually becomes a leader or authority in these lines, he wins atleast local recognition and if other testimonies concur his fame will be na-tional or international.Such an aspect will bring direct tough with thespiritual world and success in dealing with inhabitants of that plane.Itproduces dreams and visions of a prophetic and inspirational nature,strengthens the healing powers and will consequently enable the person to doa great deal of good for his suffering fellow-men.These aspects give ahighly developed intuition which amounts almost to mind-reading.There is alove of travel and exploration of the physical world as well as of nature'sfiner realms.Nor are such people altogether dreamers, they have a strongwill with excellent executive and organizing powers which will aid them inrealizing their hopes, wishes and ambitions to rise in life and be at theforefront of whatever profession they select.URANUS CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO NEPTUNE are convertible aspects; if theplanets are well placed by sign and otherwise well afflicted, their effectwill be similar to the sextile or trine, though not so pronounced, but ifthey are cadent, weak by sign, and afflicted they are only a little less[PAGE 404] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSevil than when aspected by square or opposition.URANUS SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO NEPTUNE brings underhanded, deceptive in-fluences into the life which aim to undermine the reputation and make theperson suffer scandal and public disfavor, sudden and unaccountable reversesin business are met with, or trouble in social affairs.There is the samelove of travel and exploration as given by the good aspects but the personcannot accomplish his aims with the same facility, or if he does it is tohis disadvantage and brings added trouble He is also drawn towards the oc-cult or mystic side of life, but his path is beset by dangers of mediumshipand obsession and all through life he is filled with a vague dread of im-pending disaster which he can neither account for nor dispel by will or rea-son, hence uncertainty overshadows the life as a cloud and robs him of peaceand contentment. For influence of Pluto see pages 728-734.[PAGE 405] THE DOCTRINE OF DELINEATIONCHAPTER XVIIITHE DOCTRINE OF DELINEATION IN A NUTSHELLStudents of the Stellar Science will find the following Table very usefulin delineating horoscopes for though the planets confer many more character-istics than there given, as shown in the general reading which opens thechapter wherein the places and aspects of each planet are given, the follow-ing keywords give in a succinct manner the quintessence of the characteris-tics conferred by each planet according to whether it is well or illaspected.When the student has mastered the meaning of the positions and aspects ofthe various planets as given in the preceding chapters he may with thegreatest of ease give a good delineation of the effect of each aspect bycombining the key-words in this Table and elaborating upon them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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