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.SEE ALSO Abdominal Tumors.Typhoid, afflictions in Virgo, 542; Mars in Virgo, 562; Sun in Pisces, 546;Sun in Virgo, 546--U--Ulcer of leg, Moon in Aquarius, 552of stomach, Saturn in Cancer, 555Uranus, afflicted in twelve signs, 565 association of Neptune with, 573causes injury by electricity, explosions, 565effect of, on physical and spiritual growth, 573freaks and abnormal growths due to, 573, 577Pathogenic Effects of, article, 564parts of body ruled by, 564rules ether and gases, 564[PAGE 722] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS.Urates, excess of, Jupiter in Scorpio, 558Uremia, Moon in Libra, 552; Venus in Libra, 548Urethral disorders, Jupiter in Scorpio, 558; Mars in Scorpio, 563Ureters, diseases of, under Libra, 620Urinary complications, action of Saturn, 553; Mars in Libra, 563; Mars inScorpio, 563; Mars in Taurus, 562; Mercury in Libra, 550, Saturn inLibra, 555; square of Mercury and Moon, 563.SEE ALSO Polyuria.Uterine trouble, Mars in Scorpio, 563; Sun in Scorpio, 546; Venus inScorpio, 548--V--Vagina, inflammation of, Mars in Scorpio, 563Varicocele, Mars in Scorpio, 563; Venus in Scorpio, 548Varicose veins, afflictions in Aquarius, 543; Mars in Aquarius, 563; Mercuryin Aquarius, 550; Moon in Aquarius, 552; Sun in Aquarius, 546;Venus in Aquarius, 548Vehicles, man possesses finer than the physical, 568Venereal disease, 579, 676; afflictions in Scorpio, 543; afflictions inTaurus, 541; afflictions of Uranus, 564; afflictions of Venus, 547;Mars in Scorpio, 563; Mars in Taurus, 562; Uranus in Libra, 565;Uranus in Scorpio, 566; Venus in Scorpio, 548; Venus in Taurus, 547growths and kidney trouble, chart No.36, 676Ventral hernia, Mars in Pisces, 564; Cancer, 547Venus, afflicted in the twelve signs, 547, 548; parts of body ruled by, 547Pathogenic Effects of, article, 547rules Taurus and Libra, 547; Thymus gland, 570; venous blood, 600; venouscirculation, 547Vernal equinox.SEE article entitled "The Dragon's Head and Tail."Vertigo, Jupiter in Aries, 557; Jupiter in Libra, 558; Mercury in Aries,549; Mercury in Libra, 550Vibrations, of sense, due to Mercury, 592two kinds of, carried by Neptune, 592Virgo, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 542and mystic sun of life, 559A Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com is sign-ruler of spleen, 542Virgoans and Taureans fear sickness, 530[PAGE 723] INDEX TO NATAL ASTROLOGYVital fluid, electricity of body; failure to flow causes disease; invisibleto most; rose color, 544ruled by Sun, 664Vivisection, futile for functional study, 575Vocal Organs, Diseases of, article, 602Voice changes, of certain types, due to immorality, 605Voluntary nervous system, ruled by Mercury, 345Vomiting, affliction of Saturn, 554; Venus in Capricorn, 548.SEE ALSONausea.--W--Warning, An Important article on, 529-532about Taurus or Vigor patients, 530to astrologers never to predict death or crises, 529Warts, Venus in Gemini, 547Weak back, Saturn in Leo, 655Weakness, general, Mercury in Pisces, 550Whitlows, inflammation of fingers or toes, Venus in Gemini, 547Will, may overrule horoscope, 531; Neptune, will, 346Womb, diseases of, afflictions in Scorpio, 543Worms, Mars in Virgo, 562Worry, Mercury in Pisces, 550--X--X-ray for diagnosis, inferior to astrology, 528--Y--Yellow.SEE colors.--Z--Zodiac, Pathogenic Effects of Twelve Signs, 541SEE each sign by name.END OF "THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS" .A Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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