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.What is more, the priest's paralysis refers also to the paralysis of the Catholic religion and people's disappointment.The Church is symbolized by the priest because he stands for all the clergy of the Catholic Church.He followed the rules of the church, he has tried to teach young boys, however, he did not manage to succeed.Although the adults were grateful that the priest taught the boy they were not able to withdraw the prejudice they felt towards a Catholic priest.The readers do not know whether they should believe in their opinions as they were anti-Catholic people and saw only bad sides in the priest's behaviour.`The Sister' is a short story that is full of symbolism and references to the Catholic religion.It is told by a child, however the language used by the narrator is an adult one.The boy's narration is vivid at the beginning, but towards the end it changes.The narrator does not express his opinions and felling anymore, only bare facts are left to the readers.For these reasons the plot is difficult to follow.The adults do not help the reader understand the plot, either.To sum up, the receivers of the short story cannot fully believe none of the sides who describe the priest.As the boy treated the clergyman as a mentor and was grateful for the knowledge he received and adults looked only on strange behaviour of the priest and were prejudiced against the Catholic clergyman.Bibliography1.Joyce J., `The Sisters' [http://www.readbookonline.net/read/154/4457/]2.http://www.gradesaver.com/dubliners/study-guide/section1/`The Sisters ' by Joycehttp://www.gradesaver.com/dubliners/study-guide/section1/`The Sisters ' by Joyce`The Sisters ' by Joycehttp://www.gradesaver.com/dubliners/study-guide/section1/`The Sisters ' by Joyce1
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