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." She brushed back his hair from his face."Now, tell me what Dumbledore said about your grandparents."Severus related to her what Dumbledore had told him."That does explain some of the thing they wrote in those letter that I didn't understand how they could know." Severus frowned."I wish Dumbledore had thought to call me to his office so I could meet him, but maybe, it would have been too awkward.""Are you going to tell Eileen about it?" Lily asked.Severus sighed."I haven't decided yet.On one hand, I think she'd want to know that her parents did forgive her, but at the same time I think she'd be upset that her father thought she'd never forgive him.""I think she would want to know that her parents did forgive her because I don't know that they really gave her any indication of it when she was talking to their portraits and your grandfather did tell me that they learned the hard way that family was much more important than blood status.""You're probably right.She'd want to know that she was forgiven and that my grandfather seems to have checked up on me fairly regularly.""In the meantime," Lily said pulling him to his feet and leading him towards the bed."I can think of something else we can do."Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page BreakMissy sat down next to Remus at lunch and across from Alice and Frank.She leaned over and asked, "So where are Lily and Sev? They weren't at breakfast either.""Black thinks they're shagging, but Potter of course, is in denial," Frank said, rolling his eyes."So what if they are?" Alice said."They are engaged after all.""James still has his fantasy about Lily and him being the "golden couple." You know, the couple everybody adores, envies, and wants to be," Remus remarked."No amount of reality can seem to dislodge it.""I didn't get a chance to tell you how much I appreciate you and Black giving Pettigrew a wash last night.Our room definitely smells better," Frank said to Remus."We took all his clothes this morning and gave them to the laundry elves to wash, too." Remus chuckled."In fact, Sirius had to shrink some of his own clothes to fit Peter so he wouldn't come down to breakfast naked.Sirius told Peter to keep the clothes.He doesn't want them back.""Eww!" Alice exclaimed."There's something I want to think about - a naked Pettigrew!""I wouldn't want them back either," Missy remarked, watching Peter eating.Further up the table Sirius and James were arguing."Will you give it a rest, Prongs? I don't give a bloody hoot what Snape and Evans are doing.""Well, she's a Gryffindor.She shouldn't be hanging around that wanking Death Eater Slytherin.""Well, if you want to tell Evans that, go ahead," Sirius snapped."But don't say I didn't warn you when you can't sit on your broom for the next two weeks!"Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page BreakLily was sitting cross-legged on her bed when Alice came in after dinner.She plopped down on the bed next to Lily."Where have you and Sev been hiding all day?"Lily smiled."In our special place." She stretched her arms above her head."Well, Black thinks you're shagging," Alice replied.Lily looked around then cast the Muffliato charm around the bed."We are making love, not shagging.I know a lot of people call it that, but that's not what Sev and I are doing."Alice moved closer to Lily."So what's it like?"Lily blushed."It's wonderful! Sev's a very good lover.He was so gentle and considerate the first time.""I heard it hurts …you know, the first time." Alice said."It did, but only for an instant and then it replaced by much more intense feelings.What about you and Frank.You've been going together as long as Sev and I have."Alice shook her head and sighed."Frank's old-fashioned.He wants to wait until we're married.I hope we'll be engaged by next Christmas then we'll probably get married right after graduation because we both want to be married before we start Auror training.""Sev wants to start summer classes at the College of Potions once we graduate.He thinks he can get his Mastery within two years.""Well, he is brilliant.Too bad he didn't want to become an Auror.I'll bet he could've headed the department within ten years.""I've got a four year program if I get accepted to the Healer program at St.Mungo's.""If?" Alice scoffed."You'll be accepted.You're the brightest witch in our year, Lily.They'd be crazy not to accept you.""That's what Sev says, too, but because of Riddle, there's so much more prejudice against Muggleborns than there used to be.""Frank heard rumors that Dumbledore's formed or is going to form a group to fight Riddle.His mum is always saying that Dumbledore is the only wizard Riddle is afraid of so why doesn't he go after him?""I wish somebody would.Everybody's just sitting back and letting Riddle grow more and more powerful." Lily said as they got ready for bed."Before long the Ministry will probably offer to sign a peace treaty with him [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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