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.He dragged his fingers into Gabe s hair, scraping his scalp.Gabereciprocated, twisting strands of Angelo s hair around a finger as he shuddered and sighed. I was so mad at you, Gabe confessed with his lips to Angelo s neck. I felt like I d have to choosebetween you and my job and I had no idea what my decision would be.Angelo tipped his head back to meet Gabe s eyes. I know I ask a lot of you, but that s not even halfof what I want.I m a selfish bastard. Are you willing to give the same? Yes. Not a fucking doubt about that. Yes. I want the truth from you.Always. Gabe s eyes were serious. That shit like today, beingblindsided with the news about Auggie, Manny and the drugs.Don t let it happen again.Angelo managed a smile as he brushed a thumb over Gabe s bottom lip. I take it the rules weestablished earlier are being left at the wayside?Gabe leaned forward, brushing his lips over Angelo s forehead and nose. Uhhuh.Angelo chuckled and cupped his nape, hauling him closer as he covered Gabe s mouth with his, kissing his man with greedy strokes of his tongue and sharp nips.Gabe opened for him, shifting untilhe sat astride Angelo, rocking his jean-clad ass over Angelo s equally covered crotch.Angelo cupped Gabe s ass, urging him to move faster, harder as he canted his pelvis forward.Hisheavy balls begged for release, but he ignored them in favor of just grinding on Gabe.Breaking thekiss, he dragged his mouth across Gabe s jaw to his left ear where he caught the lobe in his mouth. You said something about shopping earlier.What did you buy exactly? He squeezed his hand downthe back of Gabe s jeans and under the waistband of his underwear. Hmm. Gabe s fingers in Angelo s hair tightened painfully. I got about a month s supply of rubbersand a whole variety of lube.Angelo trailed a finger down his crack and Gabe flinched.His chest heaved as his words slowed to acrawl. I didn t know what kind to get so I got  em all. He clutched Angelo s shoulders as he stammered. I-I also did some online shopping. You don t say. Angelo feathered the pad of his index finger over Gabe s hole while worrying hisearlobe with his teeth. What did you buy online, amado? Ah. Gabe s hips rocked.He threw his head back, teeth sunk into his lower lip. I got toys andplugs.Angelo grinned. You did? Inserting the tip of his pinkie into Gabe, he asked,  Will you be wantingto use those toys and plugs on me, amado?Gabe s lashes fluttered open. That was my hope, yes. A smile played at the corners of his mouth.Angelo worked more of his pinkie into Gabe s body, savoring the tight heat and softness. Do I get toreciprocate? Fuck yeah. Gabe wiggled, drawing the remaining length of Angelo s finger into him. God. Hismuscles did a squeeze and release around Angelo.Angelo took his mouth again, thrusting his tongue deep, mouth-fucking Gabe as he humped the fingerin his ass with small grunts.He loved the sounds Gabe made when aroused, the look in his eyes thatspoke so clearly of his need for Angelo.After being so alone for so long, Angelo couldn t wrap hishead around what Gabe meant to him.Starved for touch all these years, he could happily binge on the slide of Gabe s palm across hischeek, or Gabe s lips on him.He didn t worry about not having a shot at Gabe s ass yet, he reallyloved bottoming right now.Bottoming for Gabe. Know what I want? he whispered in Gabe s ear as he thrust into him. I want you to fuck mewithout barriers, without a condom.Gabe stiffened and drew away. What? Tomorrow I ll get myself tested then I want there to be no barriers between us. He stared intoGabe s cloudy gray eyes, trying to gauge his reaction. I ve never gone raw with anyone, not even Trish. Gabe licked his lips. I never thought about it inregards to us. Do you want to, with us? Angelo never even thought about it until he spoke the words, but it feltright.What he shared with Gabe, there should be no barriers, physical or otherwise. I did a physical a few weeks ago.I was clean and since then I ve only been with you, with condoms.I m good. Gabe nodded, a bright smile blossoming on his face. Let s do it.Angelo gathered him close, tucking his chin in Gabe s shoulder. Let s do it. He kissed Gabe thenremoved his hand from the back of his pants.Lifting Gabe off his lap, he got to his feet and held out a hand to him. Come on. Where are we going? Gabe took his hand and Angelo pulled him upright. Mami gave me something to help you with your shoulder.You have to soak in the bath. Angelowalked back to the kitchen, retrieving the box of Epsom salts that he held up for Gabe to see. I msupposed to draw you a hot bath, pour this in, and have you soak for a while.Gabe frowned. But what about this? He pointed to his erection outlining his zipper. Thought wewere about to get nasty?Angelo laughed. Nasty? Seriously? Whatever. Gabe grabbed him around the waist as he passed by. You just gonna get me hard andwalk away, tease? He palmed Angelo s aching cock. You re just as ready. Gabe backed him intothe wall and rubbed his crotch over Angelo s. Aahh. Angelo bucked when Gabe sank his teeth into his shoulder. Damn, that s for later. Heground against Gabe, breath leaving him in gasps. First you soak then we fuck. Damn it! Gabe backed away with one last wet lick on Angelo s shoulder. Fine. He marchedtoward the stairs. Let s get this over with.Chapter SevenAngelo sat on the floor beside the tub as Gabe lay submerged in the warm water.His ankles andhead were the only things visible. Tell me again, how is this supposed to work?Angelo smiled at Gabe s skeptical tone. Mami saw something about it on TV& or maybe she read itsomewhere, either way it s supposed to relax your muscles. He dipped his hand in the water anddrew circles on Gabe s chest. Sex would ve done the same thing, no? Gabe grinned up at him and Angelo laughed. Is that all you can think about? Well, you did have a finger up my ass a few minutes ago. Gabe shrugged. What should I bethinking about if not that?Angelo shook his head and mock-glared at him. Maybe I m being a bad influence on you, youngman. Yes, you are. Gabe trapped Angelo s hand and dragged it lower, covering his crotch [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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