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.Oh, God.Zeke was a slayer.She pressed her palm to her head against the sudden increase of pain."Dragon!" Satan snapped his fingers at the television."This Reverend Munsey you mentioned, whom yousought help from.Is this him?""What?" AsBecca ducked into the bedroom, Theresa glanced at the television, where a man withflyaway blond hair and white robes was gesticulating."Yeah, why?""Interesting." He leaned forward, staring intently at the television."Do you think he has Otherworldpowers? Is that why you thought he could turn you into a human?""I don't know.I figured it was worth asking." She wiggled her shoulders and tried to focus.Chillscrawled down her arms and she rubbed her biceps, trying to generate some blood flow."Does Reverend Munsey get good ratings?"She frowned at Satan."I guess so.He was written up in the Times a few months ago." Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"Hmm& " Satan stood up and faced her."I came here to torture you for fun, but I have a new plan thatis most impressive.You will arrange for me to be a guest on this ugly man's show.Many viewers.Mostexcellent for recruiting purposes.I have a new accountant soul, and he explained that my expenses areoutpacing my recruiting."Theresa blinked."I don't know Reverend Munsey.I can't get you on the show.""It is our agreement.You must." He beamed at her."Sunday night at nine.My schedule is open.Iris willbe most impressed if I am on a national television show endorsed by God, and I will also acquire moresouls.Once again, I prove why I am Satan." Then he vanished in a poof of gold bubbles."Lucky dragon."Becca walked back into the room, now wearing a sharp black suit and demure makeup,in the fastest clothing and makeup change Theresa had ever seen."I thought for sure he was going to cutoff your arm or something.He spent the morning trying to get Iris to support his petition to have Satan Jr.released from Afterlife prison.She must have pelted him with over a hundred water balloons before hegot too melted to continue.He was in such a rage when he got back to hell."Theresa would have liked to have seen the water balloon attack.After seeing water melt Satan's son intoa pile ofgoo , she could imagine how much fun it would be to melt Satan.Of course, Iris was the only onehe'd allow to melt him.Anyone else would be dead by the time the first water balloon hit him in the head."I don't know which pissed him off more, the fact he'd failed with Satan Jr.or that Iris is once againimmune to his charm,"Becca continued as she walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottled water."Lucky for you, he doesn't like to torture people unless they're conscious.By the time I was able to wakeyou up, he'd started watching that Reverend Munsey show." She whistled softly."You should buy alottery ticket today, Dragon.""Yeah, lucky me." Being alive anduntortured was sort of balanced by the fact that her childhood friendand mortal enemy LymanPeressini had found her and hercyberlover was a slayer."I don't really havetime to be arranging Satan's media appearances.""Be glad that's all you have to do.It could have been a lot worse.""You mean, it could have been a lot better.If I'm going to spend time I don't have working for Satan, theleast he could have done was have me go kill and torture someone.Being his booking agent is almost asboring as babysitting Mona." Theresa frowned as she finally registered the significance ofBecca's suit."You're going to work?""I always go to work.I don't suppose I'll be lucky enough to have you gone by the time I get home?""Actually, you will." Since Zeke knew how to find her here, the chances that Lyman also did were toohigh."I'm going toQuincy 's, but don't tell if anyone asks."Beccapausedmidsip of her coffee."Are you in trouble?""Maybe.""Really? What's up?"She turned to theRivka."Really? You want to hear about it? I could really use some advice and " Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlBeccacleared her throat and stood up."Never mind [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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