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.After spending some time with Drake, she knew Blair was more than okay with him.The facthe was an attractive man didn’t hurt either.Randy went and got the drinks for his sister andDrake while she handed out the ones she had to Cody and Alexandra.Once Randy returnedwith the drinks, everyone settled in.His sister Emily and her family arrived prior to Randy’sparents did.She realized a lot had changed.For some reason, she never imagined Cody andEmily so grown up.Cody was three years younger than her, and Emily was the same age asher and her sisters, but she still couldn’t imagine them at the point where they were in theirlives.Yet, here they were sitting in front of her.Kristen looked down at Cody Jr.and Traceysince both had been fighting for her affection since they arrived.She favored Emily.Kristenlooked over at Randy who was smiling at her.’I think you have two fans.’She smiled and shrugged.’I guess I do.’ The only time the two children had been off of her lap was to eat.Emily and Cody’s childrenwere adorable.Another thing she noticed was Wade loved his Aunt Blair.He hadn’t left herside sinceshe and her fiancé, Drake, had arrived.She was almost starting to feel neglected.’Okay, Mom and Dad, it’s time for you two to open your gifts.’Randy stood, and Emily grabbed Tracey while Cody grabbed Cody Jr.Kristen watched theStrouds receive present after present.Their grandchildren were more than happy to help themwith the presents.Kristen watched them enjoying the interaction.It was occasions like thisshe missed.Occasions like this she longed for.’I am so glad you and Randy are back together.’Uncertain of how to respond, she looked at Blair.Kristen smiled.’We’re not together.’Blair gave her a stunned look.’But I thought.’She reached for Blair’s hand.’Randy and I are trying to work through things.’Blair sighed.’Well, I hope you and Randy can work it out.The two of you are goodtogether, and it is good to have you with us again.’’I have missed you guys alot, and I know we have a lot to catch up on.’Blair smiled.’We do.’Blair shifted Wade in her lap.’How are your sisters doing?’Kristen grinned.’They are doing very well.Both of them were supposed to be here today,but Kayla had already made plans, and Keirra wasn’t feeling well this morning.Kayla mightbe able to come by a little later.’ ’Well we won’t be leaving until tomorrow afternoon.Maybe we can meet up sometimebefore then.’Kristen nodded because she knew her sisters were looking forward to seeing all of the Stroudsagain.They had grown up with them, and there had been nothing but good times.’Thank you for the gift, Kristen.’She looked up when Ophelia leaned down to hug her.’You’re welcome.’’Be sure to thank Kayla and Keirra for me.’’I will.’The rest of the party was fun.When it was time for everyone to leave, she felt a sense ofsadness fall over her.She hated for the fun to end, but she knew it wouldn’t be the last timeshe and all of the Strouds would get together.Randy’s brother and sisters all embraced her repeating they were glad to see her and theywere looking forward to seeing her again.She returned the sentiment before everyone leave.They were all going to spend the night at their parents’ house then leave out tomorrow.Sheand Randy had insisted a few of them stay at the house, but they claimed they didn’t want toimpose.They were allowed to leave with the promise someone would come back if everyonedidn’t fit comfortably in the house.Kristen knew even while Randy spoke the words that noone would take them up on the offer.The Strouds had a lot of room at their house.They weresupposed to meet up at the house in the morning to have breakfast.Randy closed the doorwhen his last sibling pulled out of the driveway.He turned to look at her and Wade.’Well that went very well.’Wade nodded.’Yes, Kristen didgood.’ Kristen laughed at Wade.Randy narrowed his eyes, but she saw him fighting a laugh himself.He took his son out of her arms and tossed him up in the air.’Just for that comment someone will be washing the dishes all by himself.’Wade groaned.’I can’t reach the sink.’Randy carried him into the kitchen.’Well, you had better grow a couple of inches andquick [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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