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.Only one person had ever stared at her that way, or had that kind of power over her, in her whole life.Jenna wanted nothing to do with anyone who stirred up that memory, no matter how much Wyatt may have fascinated her as a player over the years."I have our quarterback, Wyatt, wide receiver, J.J., and safety, Trajan, here to meet you.If you're NFL fans, as I know at least a couple of you are, they won't need much introduction," Tom said, with a smooth tone suffused with authority.Although Jenna was forcing herself to look at Tom, she was having a difficult time listening to his words.Her chest felt oddly tight and her palms were sweating.She refused to meet Wyatt McCoy's stare or let him see that her breaths were becoming unnaturally short and sharp in her throat.She tried next to distract herself by watching the happy response of Johnny, whose eyes were wide with excitement.Jenna couldn't help but be amazed at how he was speechless for probably the first time since he was born.She loved to see Johnny so happy and proud, knowing that his "Gwiff" had done all of this for him.Out of the corner of her eye she could see that each of the three handsome players waiting for them had showered and seemed amiable enough.Though it was surely an annoying task having to meet "VIP Pittsburgher" Griffen Tate and his motley crew entourage after a long game and depressing defeat in overtime.Jenna could almost feel that Wyatt Alejandro McCoy was still eyeing her like she was a glistening mojito on a hot day at the beach.He was blindingly handsome in person.She could also tell how he'd earned the label of moody, intense, and unpredictable just by looking at him.Every woman that saw his picture wanted him, but not Jenna, of course.She'd watched him like a hawk throughout the game — and his whole career — but she assured herself that her acute interest was purely due to her love of the game and a small concern for what looked like a subtle issue with his throwing arm.Yet, with each moment he stared at her, her blood warmed and her ability to ignore the focused gaze of his warm brown eyes became increasingly difficult."What do you say, guys?""Huh?" Jenna muttered inelegantly.She was completely oblivious to anything in the room but the arrogant grin on Wyatt's face.She couldn't believe her own error.Aubrey had already pounced on the opportunity to torment her."It's time for the tour," Aubrey said brightly."I was thinking maybe we should split up.Mr.McCoy, our friend Jenna here doesn't know much about football, could you possibly.""Take her on a private tour for more focused instruction?" he asked, with that same damned leering expression."No, that's not necessary," Jenna responded curtly."I insist.It would be my pleasure.Though I didn't catch your name," Wyatt inquired."Jenna, her name's Jenna," Tea blurted out, knocking her forward with her shoulder."And you two should definitely split off, what a great idea," Tea crooned with a devilish grin."Tea, jeez," Jenna whispered, scowling at her.She should've known that Tea would get in on Aubrey's fun.They all loved messing with each other.Jenna just preferred to be on the giving end of it."Sorry for the hold up, guys, we just need to chat for a bit," Jenna said, dragging Tea and Aubrey out of earshot of the group of confused men."You two have got to be kidding me," Jenna whispered with irritation."What?" Tea whispered back innocently and then twisted her face into a scheming sneer."Are you the only person that can pester her friends into talking to guys?"Jenna turned to Tea and gave her a full scowl, "Seriously.jerky high-profile athletes? You know the answer to that," Jenna answered back."I'll just go on the tour with the rest of you guys.""Now, Jenna, you wouldn't want to look rude after members of such an important part of your growing career have been so gracious to us, would you?" Aubrey teased."Dammit, Aubrey," Jenna fumed."You know I'm right.Now stop being such a pain in the ass and let that hot guy show you around before you offend him or anyone else here," Aubrey responded calmly."Fine," she huffed, turning to face Wyatt."All right, Mr.McCoy, let's go," Jenna said, walking toward him with her toughest facial expression.It just seemed to make him more amused."Please call me Wyatt [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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