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.He never glanced back, but kept on cleaning his sword with concentration.Hot water encased her body.A wonderful sensation of wellbeing enveloped her.As she sighed with contentment, the tip of his blade slipped against the floorboard.“Damn!”She tensed, but he only bent over to grab an oiled cloth.She caught a glimpse of the side of his face.Light from the candles enhanced his chiselled features and her stomach tightened with desire.She winced, appalled at the confirmation that her flesh dominated her mind.What could she do to put a stop to this? Although nonsense it might be, she relished the feel of his nearness, the hard lines of his face, the delightful view of his brawny back.Fingers gripping the edge of the tub, she forced herself to calm down and enjoy the warm bath.As she slid her arms under the surface he laid his blade down and got up.She froze, all her senses riveted toward him.Without looking at her, he walked past the tub, picked up the double sling holding her weapons, unsheathed both her swords and came back to sit on the chair.He once more set about sharpening, oiling, and cleaning with the same tools.She’d never liked this task.Grateful to be spared the mundane job, she spoke to the back of his head.“Thank you for doing that for me.”“My pleasure.”His courteous tone brought a smile to her lips.Despite his previous flirtatious behaviour, he hadn’t attempted to see her naked or to touch her.Had he finally realised she would never yield, never succumb to his desires? Then she hastily revised her newfound opinion of him when he halted his work, as if an afterthought crossed his mind.“Although this isn’t how I envisioned pleasing you.”She plunged her head under water.She didn’t want to hear his innuendos, didn’t want to be torn away from this relative moment of peace.Yet she wasn’t a fish, and the need for air soon prompted her upward.Water blurring her vision, droplets sticking to her lashes, she rubbed her eyes to discover he’d kept his back to her.She’d be drawn into yet another daydream if she insisted on contemplating him.She grabbed the soap instead, and made good use of its purifying quality on her body and hair.When the water turned lukewarm she stood up, draped a piece of fabric around her, and stepped out of the tub.A small draught from the window gave her goose pimples.Maybe she’d stayed too long in the bath.She tightened her grip on the cloth and went to her saddlebags to retrieve the hairbrush she always carried with her.From the other side of the room, he waved his hand.“Bring a chair and sit with me.I wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.”He sounded sincere.Too chilly to deny herself the pleasure of drying off by the fire, she did just that.The heat from the hearth agreed with her as she shook moisture out of her hair.They sat in silence.He polished the swords while she untangled and brushed her locks.Somehow she felt comfortable at his side.Pretty soon she felt dry, warm and a little sleepy.Yet the satisfying moment stretched until he finished his work.When flames from the fire glimmered on the blades, he turned toward her.“Let’s have dinner.I’m famished.”He didn’t allow her to contradict him or to jump for her clothes, but offered his hand, palm up.As soon as she reached out, he led her to the table.The food proved to be even better than the bath.Now that they had some time to converse, her curiosity woke up.“Do you always have meetings in that kind of house?”“You mean the brothel?”His brow puckered.She lowered her eyes and brought a small piece of goat cheese to her mouth.Although she chewed while looking at her plate, she perceived his amusement.“It’s anonymous, quiet and private.All in all, the brothel is the best place in town to conduct business.”“Especially when your business is secret.”She raised her face in time to catch a glimmer in his gaze.Putting his knife down, he observed her with interest.“What makes you say that?”She shrugged.“Just an impression, I guess.”“As long as you travel with me, I think it’s best to keep your impressions to yourself.Some people wouldn’t appreciate them.”Far from a threat, his statement sounded like a cautious warning.Whatever he dealt in private, not knowing ensured her safety.Still, she wondered why the tall man in the purple boudoir would give the Lord of the Clans such a big purse.What was he paying him for?He wouldn’t tell her even if she asked.Actually, she couldn’t enquire about it, given that she wasn’t supposed to have witnessed the transaction.If anything, maybe time would enlighten her.Not that his having accepted money mattered much to her anyway.She might be young, yet she knew the ways of the world, especially in post-war periods.Something else mattered, though.A little thing she’d enquired about earlier, but never got an answer to.“Is Coreen your mate?”He swallowed a bite before clearing his throat.Eyebrows arched in a funny way, he expelled a sigh.“You won’t let go, will you?”“I’m curious, that’s all.”“Yes, I noticed.Well, she was my mate for a while, after I rescued her.Then one day, she stopped coming to my pallet on the grounds that I couldn’t give her what she needed.She married a good warrior the following year.Believe it or not, I still don’t know what she was looking for.”“Love.”His sharp glance seemed to burn a hole between her eyes.Regretting her spontaneous reply, she stuffed herself with grapes to avoid his uncomfortable scrutiny, yet she heard his comment.“Unfortunately, I don’t have the luxury, or the time, for love.”His cold voice suggested he’d never let himself care for anyone.Heart heavy, she stretched out while he finished off his plate.He didn’t want to love a woman.He just needed to mate with one.A wave of weariness descended on her as she cast a glance at the large pallet, the place where bodies slept, or coupled.She didn’t have to be told he had every intention to spend the night there, but what about her? Lying by his side would be a mistake [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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