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.I guess I was so focused on making sure your dad couldn’t hurt her anymore, I completely forgot to make sure she wasn’t dead.I killed her with the table leg too.I knew I’d die from the bite.I didn’t know your dad would come back from dying, even though he wasn’t bitten.I guess those movies didn’t have it all right.[There’s another entire paragraph here that’s nonsensical.I mean it was entirely gibberish.He might’ve been drunk, or on something.]I don’t have the guts to kill myself.Your dad’s gun is too cold and impersonal in my hands, and it’s the only thing here that I can kill myself with that will destroy my brain.I’m so scared of that last, loud bang if I pull the trigger.Instead of blowing my own head off, and collapsing to the floor for you to find, I’ve decided to make my last task one that will ensure I can’t hurt anyone else, least of all you.After all, you might return from your sister’s house eventually, and I hate to think that I might bite you, and do to you what your mother did to me.As soon as I finish writing this I’m sticking a ping pong ball in my mouth, and sealing it shut with some duct tape under the kitchen counter.I’ve also found some nylon rope, and I’m planning on tying my arms to the radiator in the living [illegible]If you return, please kill me.Your father’s gun is on the recliner a few feet from where I’m sitting.I don’t think I can reach that far, so you should be safe.It would mean a lot to me if it were you who put me down.There’s no one else in the world I’d rather have end my life, such as it is.I want to tell you that I love you immensely.Even though we’ve had hard times lately, you need to know that I’ve always loved you.I may have been a shitty husband at times, and we’re treated each other poorly too, and I can never say I’m sorry enough about my part in that.Through everything, you were an amazing mother to our children, and I hope they are safe at your sister’s.Give them my love until you can’t give it anymore.I love you.Me[There’s a bloody thumbprint right next to where he wrote “me”]His wallet was on the floor just beyond his legs, propped open to a picture of his family.He and his wife Amanda had two kids.Heavy shit.-AdrianApril 19thAm I the law?Are we the authority here now?I suppose we are a jury, but are we the judge and executioner as well?This is a question that we discussed today.We don’t have an answer yet.The only thing that we did agree on was that campus was ours, and we had every right to make sure that we were safe here, and that anyone here was either a guest or a trespasser.Guests get greeted, trespassers get warned, and if that fails, they get shot.Twice if necessary.But what about when we’re out clearing houses in town? Or if we’re patrolling to thin the herds of the undead? Should the morals and rules we’ve established for ourselves be the law and order for the whole town now? Who will challenge us?Why did these questions come up today? Well, we met Blake again earlier, and he had some intriguing news that did more to disturb us than encourage us.I’ll cut to the short of it.Blake said some cars came into town yesterday and this morning.Not many.He said he saw two yesterday, and two more today.He recognized a couple of the cars from last summer, when everyone left for the north.He said they were locals.Based on what he said, that means people are coming home.Fuuuuuuuuuuck.I’m not gonna lie, and I’m not gonna act like this doesn’t completely fucking horrify me.This is so bad for us on every level.In fact, I can’t think of a single realistic scenario where this is good for us.The only one that comes to mind that could be good for me is if an entire busload of busty, whorish models pulls into town with a convoy of tractor trailers filled with food and sex lube.Seems like a stretch for that.I’m holding out hope, but I’m not holding my breath.Fuck me.This blows big time.More living movers in town mean more competition for the remaining resources.More vehicles mean more drain on gas supplies, as well as home heating oil, and remaining diesel [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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