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."Stay behind me," I growled.My voice had changed, it was deeper, wild sounding, and I knew my eyes must have changed as well."Nate, what's wrong?" John asked just as a teenage girl bounced into the office.Her chestnut colored hair was tied in two braids hanging over her shoulders.She was wearing blue hip huggers and a pink knit top.Her chocolate brown eyes were wide, and her nostrils flared as if she was sniffing the air.She was the werewolf I smelled.Knowing Rowan was not in the building did nothing to calm me."John, can you excuse us please." My voice was tense, but the growl had disappeared."What's going on Nate?' John's voice shook with worry and confusion."Just go please."He did as I asked, glancing curiously at the girl.When the door closed behind him, she smiled widely."Let me guess, you've never met another werewolf before." She fell into the awaiting chair, crossing one knee over the other, swaying her foot back and forth.She beamed up at me; her brown eyes alight with secrets.She seemed so cheerful and not at all like any werewolf I'd met so far, which was all of two.But maybe this cute little girl act, was just that, an act."Who are you?" I asked accusingly, my eyes narrowing.She spun around in the chair, her grin still on her face."You have my resume, you already know my name." Her voice was sweet and charming.I did not want to like this girl.Her words confused me."You're applying for a job here?""What, you don't think werewolves have to make a living? I have to eat don't I?" Again, her foot swayed back and forth, distracting me."Do you know Rowan?" I asked, bringing my attention back to her face, which was round, and cherub-like.I watched her eyes for a spark of recognition.There was none, but I wasn't convinced yet.And even if she didn't know him, I knew she couldn't be trusted."Who?" she replied, her brow creased in confusion."He is a werewolf that wants to harm me.Don't tell me you don't know him."Leaning forward she picked up the wolf paperweight Emanuel had given me as a joke.She held it in her hand and examined it quickly before returning it to its spot on the desk."I'm sorry but I don't.It's not as though every werewolf knows each other.""Fine, you don't know him, but you can't work here."Her eyes widened, a look of shock crossing her face."Why? Do you have a policy against werewolves? Because I hate to tell you this, but you are one." Her innocent demeanor was endearing, and quite frankly a little confusing.My lip twitched, fighting a smile."I am aware of that, thank you." I opened my mouth to interrogate her some more, when a knock sounded on the door.It was John.I could smell his minty scent through the wooden door and I knew I couldn't keep him out any longer.I took my seat once again."Come in."The door opened slowly, his head popped in, his light hair falling into his hazel eyes."Everything okay in here?""Yes John, come on in."He gazed at me, his eyes full of questions.I shook my head, and he continued to his chair behind the desk.He cleared his throat."So, should I continue with the interview?"Sadie replied, "Yes," at the same time I said, "No."The girls head spun around to face me."What?" she asked incredulously."You are not right for this job, I'm sorry.""Can you tell me why, what is your problem with me?" She asked and then glanced at John who was leaning back in his chair, looking confused.I pressed my lips together, and closed my eyes for a few seconds.I felt like I was dealing with a small child who wouldn't behave."Sadie, you know why," I replied when I opened my eyes."No I don't.Enlighten me.What is your name anyway?""It's Nate, and my reasons don't matter, I can refuse to hire anyone I want."Her gaze shifted from John to me."Really? Because, you're just a teenager, he's the one in charge." She pointed to John.She was really starting to irritate me."What do you think Mr.Riley?" She asked, her arms crossed in front of her."You are the one in charge here right?" Her words were challenging.She knew what I was, and that I was more than I pretended to be, but she also knew that John could not say anything.John glanced at me, with a look that could only be described as a deer in the headlights.An exasperated sigh escaped my lips."Fine.Go ahead.""Okay." John said, before he began the standard questions.Sadie was polite, giving all the right answers, and then described her work experience, which was impressive.If she was a normal teenage girl she'd be the perfect part time help.But we both knew she wasn't."Well Miss Clark we will be in touch," John said, shaking her hand at the end of the interview.I remained seated, glaring at her.She stood in front of me with her arm stretched out, a pleasant smile on her lips.Did anything bother this girl? I reached out to take her hand.Her skin was warm and soft, until she squeezed.I could feel the strength in her hand and fingers.The grip was not hard enough to crush my fingers, but just enough to crack my knuckles.Her expression did not change; the same sweet smile was plastered on her face.My instinct was to squeeze back, but she was just a girl, at least she appeared to be, and I was still a gentleman.Instead I pulled my hand out of her strong grip, showing nothing on my face that she had hurt my hand.I suppressed the urge to shake my fingers.She curtsied dramatically with her trademark grin and then slipped out, leaving both my nephew and me gaping at the closed door."What the hell was that about?" John asked, his mouth hanging open.I shook my head, bewildered by the girl."You don't want to know."Chapter FifteenA New FriendIt was a long day of interviews and I was thankful when five o'clock rolled around."Do you want to go out for a bite to eat?" John asked, as he packed his black leather briefcase with papers."I'll sneak you a beer." His eyes lit up with amusement, all the fear from earlier, evaporated.I laughed, in reality I was three times his age, but I didn't look old enough to drink."No thanks, I have some paperwork to get to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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