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.Together, they dwelled here, if not in completepeace, then in a kind of balance.'But the ends of mankind and those of Chaos are different.Mankind must constantly change.It is arelentlessly restless creation, warlike, possessive, territorial.Whereas the Chaos beings are more like us -they prefer stasis.Chaos does not change - it is enough that it abides.Mankind could neither understandnor tolerate this, and so a war ensued in which the mages of mankind managed to banish Chaos, sealing itin another dimension.'Moichi said, 'I still cannot imagine mankind and Chaos living in one world.'Bjork said, 'If you understand that man and Chaos were born as one being then all becomes clear.''What are you saying?''I think you know perfectly well,' Bjork said.'Ouwlmy tells me your meridians are in alignment, thereforedeep down you understand.Give it time; let it surface.'She scratched the Shakra's head as they walked along.'It has probably occurred to you that the Shinjuare both more advanced and more primitive than most of mankind.Certainly your father understood thisin the most primal way.That is, I believe, what drew him to this place - and to me.'They paused on a knoll that overlooked the savannah.There, all manner of wildlife could be seendwelling in natural balance under the shadow of the Mountain Sin'hai.'This is where the last ancient battle was waged, close to where the mages of mankind created the Portalinto Chaos and sealed it for what they believed was all time.I know this because the Shinju are closer toChaos - to the way things used to be - the integration of man and Chaos, the light and the darkness, awhole that is now unimaginable - than any other race.' She turned to Moichi, those liquid brown eyes boring into his brain.'And, even more unimaginable, afundamental shift has recently occurred in the dimension of Chaos.It advocates change.In short, it wantsback what was taken from it.'Moichi's scalp was crawling with a peculiar and unpleasant sensation.'What does that mean?''Chaos wants you, me, everyone.It wants to reintegrate - to quite literally crawl inside each of us andtake up residence.''God of my fathers!' The thought was so abhorrent that for a moment Moichi's mind went numb.Beside them, Ouwlmy's ears pricked up, swiveling, and she lifted her head.'They are coming,' she said toBjork.'I told you they would.'Bjork turned her beautiful head.'If that is so then it, too, is fated.''What will you do when they come?''Shhh,' Bjork sa [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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