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.She wassurprised he had even noticed her, let alone knew who she was. Umm,of course not, sir, she stuttered as she shoved the pussies into the bag. I was joking, he assured her, causing her blush brighter. I m justsurprised to see you here. I guess I could say the same.Chuckling, he nodded his head in agreement. Touch, Ms.Haddan.But see, I could always use the bachelor party as my excuse. Well, then I guess I ll just use the need to pay my bills. Missy wasn tused to men paying her this much attention.The way he was looking ather made her feel warm and itchy.Like her skin didn t fit.It was veryunsettling, but oddly good at the same time.Stepping back from the counter, he looked down the row of impulseitems and selected a pair of racy playing cards.Tossing them on thecounter, he reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out his wallet. Did I hear you correctly, that you don t know how to play poker? Yes. That s a shame.I happen to be a poker aficionado. Really? It is a shame, you re right, agreed Missy,  because I vealways wanted to learn how to play. It s not too late, he said, handing her the money. What do you mean? I d be more than willing to teach you. Oh, I don t know, Missy hesitated. That s probably not a goodidea. Anthony Holden said,  Whether he likes it or not, a man's characteris stripped bare at the poker table; if the other players read him betterthan he does, he has only himself to blame.Unless he is both able andprepared to see himself as others do, flaws and all, he will be a loser inwww.samhainpublishing.com Three Nights 167cards, as in life. And I would have to say I whole-heartedly agree.There sa science to it, an art if you dare, but truly when it comes down to it, it sall about how well you know yourself, and how far you re willing to go.Missy felt the urge to look behind her, to make sure the looks ofinterest she thought he was sending her were really for her.Reachinginto the register, Missy took out his change, praying it was the rightamount.Feeling flustered, she thrust the money at him.Reaching for thechange, Brody lightly brushed his fingers against hers as he took themoney.Her pulse flickered beneath her skin, joining the erratic beatingof her heart.Brody s gaze flickered to her lips when she licked at them nervously,before swinging back to her eyes.Reaching into his wallet, he pulled outa business card and slid it across the counter towards her.Picking uphis bag, he asked her,  How far are you willing to go, Melissa?www.samhainpublishing.com About the AuthorLena Matthews spends her days dreaming about handsome heroesand her nights with her own personal hero.Married to her collegesweetheart, she is the proud mother of an extremely smart toddler, threeevil dogs, and a mess of ants that she can't seem to get rid of.When not writing, she can be found reading, watching movies, liftingup the cushions on the couch to look for batteries for the remote controland plotting different ways to bring Buffy back on the air.You can contact Lena through her website: www.lenamatthews.com. Look for these titles by Lena MatthewsNow Available:Something Old, Something NewJoker s Wild: Call MeComing Soon:Joker s Wild: Stripped Bare Can a brief affair sustain a womanbefore her upcoming, loveless marriage?Her Passion 2006 Denise Belinda McDonaldJoel Burkhart s life is work, work and more work until he finds thatone woman he s compared every other woman to since high school, butshe s taken.Colleen Nance feels her life closing in on her with her nuptialsnearing.When passion ignites, she loses her head and loses control.With a ticking clock, can the pair find what they need in each otheror are they destined to continue in a passionless life where status-quo isgood enough?Enjoy the following excerpt for Her Passion. Corey, turn that crap down, dammit. Joel had been in bed half anhour, but sleep eluded him.Why he d ever decided to go to a bar wasbeyond him.He had tempted fate the first time and lost big time.Tonight, cheap women and high priced booze did little to assuage hisrestlessness. I m trying to sleep.The racket dipped a notch, though it didn t improve Joel s chance atsleep at all.A beat thumped from the front of the house but it didn tfollow the rhythm of the trash his younger brother called music.The beatsounded again but the music had ended. What the hell&  Joel sat up in his bed and scrubbed his hand overhis face.The five o clock shadow hit daylight savings time and felt asthick as his three-day-camping beard. Corey opened the bedroom door and peeked his head in. Man, thereis some woman at the door for you. His eyebrows waggled in comicproportion.He glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Who the hell pays visitsat two-fifteen in the morning? I don t know.But don t let her leave.If you don t want her, I ll takeher.Joel threw his pillow at the door. Shut up, Pipsqueak. Red s in the living room. Corey picked up the pillow and lobbed itback at his brother. You better hurry, she looks kinda pissed.Red? Colleen.Joel grabbed a pair of jeans off the back of a chair and slipped themup over his lucky boxers lucky that he d remembered to wash clothesthat week.He tried to button them but in his rush to get to the livingroom, his fingers couldn t fasten the small metal disk.And he didn t daretry to zip them for fear of catching something that might be needed later,if luck held out.He wished he could have grabbed a shirt too.But hedidn t want to give her a chance to change her mind and leave [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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