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.But she was intent on doing anything but talking.He heard the sound of his zipper lowering.He feltthe warmth and moisture as she tongued him through his boxer briefs. Why? You never want to talk, she mumbled around licks to the tip of his cock, which was nowexposed. I thought you wanted me to talk more oh, shit.Her mouth engulfed his cock in one long swallow.Fuck talking.He groaned and surrendered.One hand found the long strands of her hair and guided her up anddown his length.Her mouth was good at so many things.Busting his balls.Arguing.Whispering words ofencouragement she had no idea meant so much to him.But this sucking his cock was his favoriteof all.Suddenly, a loud voice burst through the hut. Hey, Penn!Penn s head hit the table. Get out here, you two. Cole recognized the voice.It was Pete yelling from outside.Penn laughed. Sounds like my brother s already been drinking. She crawled out from under thetable. Which means& They ve all been drinking. She grabbed the champagne from the table andtook a swig straight from the bottle. Better catch up. Hold on. Cole pushed away from the table and did up his pants.He opened the door, and when he stepped out, Pete, Christine, Beth, Dave, Ian, and Cathy all stoodat the bottom of the steps to the hut. How did you find us? He hadn t mentioned anything to her family about where they d be.Not only because he wanted them to be alone, but because he didn t want to force her to explain theirrelationship.Dave smirked. It s amazing what information you can get when you drop a fifty into someone shand.Jason was dead meat. What are you guys doing in there? Cathy looked positively devious. We re&  He had no idea.His mind was completely blank.And thankfully, his cock wascompletely deflated.The moment he d heard Pete s voice he d gone soft. We re working. Penn to the rescue. Cole s Boys and Girls Club launches just after we get home,so we re going over some last minute details. In a romantic hut on the water? Beth didn t look convinced.She tapped her finger against thecrease of her elbow where her arms were crossed over her chest. They& don t have a business center here, he blurted.He knew that from the first day he d gottenhere when he felt guilty about leaving club business and was shocked to find out this place was justfor fun. The hut was the only space I could get where we could have room to work and not bedisturbed.He glanced over at Penn, who was still in the doorway, and she gave him the slightest nod inappreciation. Why s your hair messy, Penn? Dave asked.Shit.Luckily, they didn t have to respond thanks to Cathy s excited outburst. We re going dancing, she said cheerfully. Why don t you guys come? We re kind of busy. He jerked a thumb back at the hut. Come on.How often are you going to be in Hawaii? Christine said.She had a point.Although the thought of dancing made Cole want to hurl, Penn loved getting out ona dance floor. Give us a minute, he said, resigned.When he returned to Penn, she looked none too pleased. What if I don t want to go dancing? You love dancing. That s not what they think. She scrunched up her face and said in a mimicking tone,  Penniedoesn t dance.He laughed.Okay.Now he actually wanted to go. Come on.This is your opportunity to show themup.I know you ve got moves.On the dance floor and in the bedroom. But what about our special night? She pouted.He wasn t happy about the interruption, either.But it did give him more time to gather his thoughts. And his courage.Work out the best way to tell her about his past.He could use the extra time.Besides, he d wanted her to come out of her shell with her family all day, and this was a goldenopportunity. I know you have a lot of moves you can show me on that dance floor.And frankly  leaningdown, he whispered in her ear  if I can t have you rubbing up against me on that pillow, I ll takewhatever rubbing I can get. He stood and pulled back his shoulders to gather his thoughts.That was kind of dirty.Wasn t it? Thank you. Penn s eyes sparkled, that gorgeous cobalt blue color returning to mesmerize him.She stood, wrapping her arms around his neck. You ve made this trip so much easier. You might want to keep the thank-yous for later, he whispered,  when I m fucking you under themoonlight.That was definitely dirty.Her eyes flared with desire. Where did that come from?He leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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