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.Natal Mars square / opposition NeptuneMars square Neptune (Haydn Paul)The square aspect can pose a variety of inner tensions and compulsions that aredifficult to acknowledge and integrate properly.It is indicative of the inner conflictand stress which often affects the nature of your relationships, especially emotionallyand sexually.Most of your impulses arise from the unconscious mind, and so it can be difficult toperceive them correctly or to understand their nature.Squares involve frustration,and here both the energies of Mars and Neptune are mutually inhibiting, creatingdistortions in both their favoured ways of expression.Even the inner energy flow isdistorted, with the Martian energy taking on an intermittent current, ranging from anobsessive urge for action (or release) to almost disappearing at times, leaving youwith a minimum of motivation and vitality.Often the Neptune energy emerges in itsdistorted nature, in that there can be disconcerting emotional impulses, strangeimaginations and obsessions, or negative types of habit=patterned behaviour, whichcan be essentially self-destructive through a vulnerability to the Neptunian addictionsof drugs, alcohol and compulsive sexual obsessions.As there can be an inhibition in consistently and effectively expressing your self andyour aims, this eventually creates a build-up of frustration, leading to internalpressures and stresses.This can form personality splits, where more negative aspectsof the unintegrated unconscious mind erupt into the conscious personality and beginto dominate, almost as forms of possession.You can feel impelled to act in certainways, and whilst you feel in a state of confusion, those hidden powerful motivationsare directing your choices. There tends to be a 'vicious circle' in action, often due to that belligerent andaggressive way in which you can attempt to be self-assertive.Because of thoseunresolved inner conflicts, your style of emotional expression and your relationshipwith others are often tainted by vibrations of aggression which are registered andusually rejected by others.The result can be a rejection of your outstretched handand of your aims.Yet as this becomes a repetitive pattern, your inner conflictsbecome more intensified, and so does part of your energy field which is sensed byperceptive people.Alienation can occur.Because of inner blindness, you can fail to understand what is occurring, and thusenforce a developing pattern akin to paranoia, where you begin to imagine additionalrejections by others, become extremely touchy regarding all social contacts andimagined slights, and then become defensively belligerent too as a form of protection.There is considerable self-deception happening, in that you fail to see the processwithin you.Through looking outwards, you fail to see the source of your difficulties.Sexual relationships can be a major battleground, and a central point for may ofthese tensions.The nature of your sex life and sexual desires is likely to be distortedto some degree.Sex and emotions are closely tied together, and it may be essentialto achieve a redefinition through understanding.This may become the core of yourobsessions and compulsive behaviour, stimulated by a highly active imagination.There is unease, anxiety and confusion related to your sexual impulse.This can arisefrom a lack of intimate opportunities, leaving the frustrated energy little option but tocircle around within you, activating a variety of stresses and splits that ideally shouldbe healed rather than widened.It could be that your imagination becomes over-active, creating unfulfilled sexual imagery and desires.or it may be aspects of yournatural expressions of sexuality that you are refusing to acknowledge, and sorepressing.It is certainly an area of inner contention.This often leads to an overshadowing guilt pattern developing, where you areattracted towards illicit affairs, or sexual activity which you believe is morally wrong [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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