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.By devoting themselves as monksTo all the strange sects of the world,They develop all those beingsWho have attached themselves to dogmatic views.They may become suns or moons,Indras, Brahmas, or lords of creatures,They may become fire or waterOr earth or wind.During the short aeons of maladies, They become the best holy medicine;They make beings well and happy,And bring about their liberation.During the short aeons of famine,They become food and drink.Having first alleviated thirst and hunger,They teach the Dharma to living beings.During the short aeons of swords,They meditate on love,Introducing to nonviolenceHundreds of millions of living beings.In the middle of great battlesThey remain impartial to both sides;For bodhisattvas of great strengthDelight in reconciliation of conflict.In order to help the living beings,They voluntarily descend into The hells, which are attachedTo all the inconceivable Buddha-fields.They manifest their livesIn all the species of the animal kingdom,Teaching the Dharma everywhere.Thus they are called "Leaders."They display sensual enjoyment to the worldlings,And trances to the meditative.They completely conquer the Mara s,And allow them no chance to prevail.Just as it can be shown that a lotusCannot exist in the center of a fire,So they show the ultimate unrealityOf both pleasures and trances.They intentionally become courtesansIn order to win men over,And, having caught them with the hook of desire, They establish them in the Buddha-gnosis.In order to help living beings,They always become chieftains,Captains, priests, and ministers,Or even prime ministers.For the sake of the poor,They become inexhaustible treasures,Causing those to whom they give their giftsTo conceive the spirit of enlightenment.They become invincible champions,For the sake of the proud and the vain,And, having conquered all their pride,They start them on the quest for enlightenment.They always stand at the headOf those terrified with fright,And, having bestowed fearlessness upon them,They develop them toward enlightenment. They become great holy men,With the super-knowledge s and pure continence,And thus induce living beings to the moralityOf tolerance, gentleness, and discipline.Here in the world, they fearlessly beholdThose who are masters to be served,And they become their servants or slaves,Or serve as their disciples.Well trained in liberative technique,They demonstrate all activities,Whichever possibly may be a meansTo make beings delight in the Dharma.Their practices are infinite;And their spheres of influence are infinite;Having perfected an infinite wisdom,They liberate an infinity of living beings. Even for the Buddhas themselves,During a million aeons,Or even a hundred million aeons,It would be hard to express all their virtues.Except for some inferior living beings,Without any intelligence at all,Is there anyone with any discernmentWho, having heard this teaching,Would not wish for the supreme enlightenment?9.The Dharma-Door of Non-dualityThen, the Licchavi Vimalakirti asked those bodhisattvas, "Good sirs, please explain how thebodhisattvas enter the Dharma-door of non-duality!"The bodhisattva Dharmavikurvana declared, "Noble sir, production and destruction are two,but what is not produced and does not occur cannot be destroyed.Thus the attainment of thetolerance of the birthlessness of things is the entrance into non-duality."The bodhisattva Srigandha declared, " 'I' and 'mine' are two.If there is no presumption of aself, there will be no possessiveness.Thus, the absence of presumption is the entrance intonon-duality."The bodhisattva Srikuta declared, " 'Defilement' and 'purification' are two.When there isthorough knowledge of defilement, there will be no conceit about purification.The pathleading to the complete conquest of all conceit is the entrance into non-duality." The bodhisattva Bhadrajyotis declared, " 'Distraction' and 'attention' are two.When there isno distraction, there will be no attention, no mentation, and no mental intensity.Thus, theabsence of mental intensity is the entrance into non-duality."The bodhisattva Subahu declared, " 'Bodhisattva-spirit' and 'disciple-spirit' are two [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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