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. I want to make Michaela happy, he mumbled. At your expense?Austin shrugged. It s what she wants.I created this monster, you know. I do know.Have you two gone back to Tom s? No. Gone to any other clubs lately?Austin shook his head. Been seeing each other nonstop then I take it? I haven t heard a peep out of you until this morning. Yeah. Austin shrugged. What with work and spending time with Michaela, I haven t had time todo much else. Uh huh.Right.Sounds like you two might be in a relationship then, hmm? I d like to think we are, Austin admitted.But he wasn t sure if she wanted it.Again thewithdrawing, the holding back on her part, her behavior made him nervous.Made him believe she really didn t want him.Not for the long haul at least.He wasn t ready to put hisheart on the line and admit he was in love with her.Hell, he d never done it before.The possible rejectionscared the shit out of him. Have you told her that? Not really.I thought she d figure that out by now.Brad sighed. Did you not learn anything when we were together? Listen, you need to tell her thisstuff, she needs to hear the words from your lips.Words of love or commitment or whatever else you reready to spill, you need to say it all now. I don t know if she wants to hear it. Trust me, she wants to.She needs to if you want to take this further.The front door opened, cutting Brad off, and they both turned to see Michaela enter the apartment,clad in only a pale blue bikini, a beach towel slung over her arm, dark sunglasses on top of her wet head.Her eyes went wide at the sight of them and she shut the door behind her with a quiet click, a nervous smileon her face as she slowly approached them. Hi, Brad.What s going on here? Her gaze lit upon Austin, questioning. Ah, Brad just dropped by. Shit.Austin did not want her thinking they were about to jump into thisnow.He figured she d spend most of the afternoon at the pool.That s what she normally did.www.samhainpublishing.com 99 Forbidden Yeah. Brad smirked. I just dropped by. He opened his arms to Michaela. Come here and give mea hug, gorgeous.I haven t seen you in forever.She went to him willingly, setting Austin s teeth on edge.Her barely clad body pressed against Brad,her lips pursed for his quick kiss.Brad shot him a knowing look over her shoulder, his hands smoothing upand down her bare back in a quick caress, and Austin swore steam just poured out of his own ears.He clenched his hands into fists.It infuriated him, seeing Brad with Michaela.He knew it was aplatonic hug, he knew Brad was putting on a show for his benefit but it didn t matter.He was pissed.Damn it, he was jealous.And he didn t want to share Michaela.With anyone.Seeing her hug Brad just confirmed it. Maybe we could all go out together, grab some dinner, a few drinks? She smiled at Brad beforeturning that same smile upon Austin. What do you think?He thought the idea sucked complete ass.He wasn t in the mood to pretend anymore.Brad was right.He needed to tell Michaela the truth. I don t know&  Austin started and Brad disengaged himself from Michaela, his gaze meetingAustin s. Listen, doll, sorry to say but I have to go.A very important date tonight with a big stud namedRenaldo. Brad wagged his brows, making Michaela giggle. You two lovebirds have fun tonight, okay? Thanks, Brad. Relief flooded Austin and he walked Brad to the door, helping him making a quickescape.He shut the door, paused for a moment to gather courage damn what a wimp he was proving tobe, all over a freakin woman before he turned around to face Michaela.She didn t look disappointed that Brad left.No, she looked smoking hot in that little bikini.Itemphasized her feminine curves, her pretty little breasts.Her nipples poked against the sky blue fabric, herskin flushed from the sun, hair damp from the pool. Too bad he couldn t go out with us. She watched him, her expression guarded.As if waiting for himto say something about it.The Brad situation. I have to go to work in a couple of hours anyway. Oh, right. Her smile was faint. I ll miss you tonight. Michaela, he started but stopped when she approached him, her hips twitching with her everymovement, drawing his attention to her delectable body clad in practically nothing.His skin sizzled just looking at her. Do you have to get ready for work soon? She nuzzled herself against him and his armsautomatically went around her.Her skin was cool to the touch, almost cold, and she shivered when hishands slid down her back. In a little bit. She was going to distract him with sex, and he couldn t have that.Well, he could buthe needed to tell her how he felt first. Listen, Michaela, we need to talk.100 www.samhainpublishing.com Karen Erickson Talk about what? Brad? Forget Brad.I realized a while ago it wouldn t work but I didn t know howto tell you. She reached up on tiptoe, pressed her lips right at the base of his neck. I got nervous, seeinghim here.I thought you might ve planned something and didn t tell me. You don t think it will work? Her words tripped over themselves in his fuzzy brain.Damn it, hermouth on his neck, her hands on his chest was obliterating brain cells by the second. No.You and Brad have too much history.I can t expect you both to forget that and indulge mywhims. Her hands went to and then beneath the hem of his T-shirt, her fingers skittering across hisstomach. There.We talked about it.He grabbed her by the crook of her elbows and literally set her away from him.If he was going to getanything said, he needed at least a few inches between them. I don t want to talk about Brad. Oh. Her brows drew down in that cute way of hers when she was confused. What do you want totalk about then? What s going on between us. He needed to just get this out in the open, spit it out and dwell on theconsequences later.If he hemmed and hawed over it too much, he d never admit how he really felt. Howmuch I& care for you.Chicken shit.Her eyes softened, and she wrung her hands together. I care for you too, Austin.He took her hand and led her over to the couch where they both sat. Do you want to continue this?Make this exclusive between us?She blinked, licked her lips.As if she didn t know what to say. Like boyfriend and girlfriend?Ah, it sounded a little corny but he had to admit, it also sounded damn good.He d only had one realrelationship and that had been with Brad.He d been a shitty boyfriend, had only agreed to be with himanyway because Brad had forced him.Not a good way for a relationship to start.With Michaela, he wanted to be there for her.Wanted to support her, enjoy her, love her like shedeserved. Yeah. He still held her hand and he drew his thumb across the back of it, her cool skin like a balmto his heated emotions. I thought you didn t do relationships. I ve been waiting for the right person. And I m the right person? Was that hope in her voice? You are. He cleared his throat, squeezed her hand. I m in love with you, Michaela [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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