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.Where did he get it and where did he put it? Is itin his mysterious vault? What does it do? How does he get into his vault, anyway? Where is the access tothe three floors beneath his garage? Is there a tunnel that connects buildings? Must search.Addendum to original entry:Barrons gave it to me so I could give it to thesidhe -seers, to use in aritual to reinforce the walls on Samhain.PATRONA: Mentioned by Rowena, I supposedly have  the look of her.Was she an O Connor? Shewas at one time the leader of thesidhe -seer Haven.PHI:Post Haste, Inc., a Dublin courier service that serves as a cover for thesidhe -seer coalition.Itappears Rowena is in charge.Addendum:After the Book was lost, Rowena opened branches of this courier service all over theworld, in an effort to track and reclaim it.It was very clever, really.She has bicycling couriers serving asher eyes and ears in hundreds of major cities.The abbey/sidhe-seers have a very wealthy benefactorwho funnels funds through multiple corporations.I wonder who it is.PRI-YA: A human addicted to Fae sex.Addendum:God help me, I know.RHINO- BOYS: Ugly, gray-skinned Fae who resemble rhinoceroses with bumpy, protrudingforeheads, barrellike bodies, stumpy arms and legs, lipless gashes of mouths, and jutting underbites.Theyare lower midlevel caste Unseelie thugs dispatched primarily as watchdogs for high-ranking Fae.Addendum to original entry:They taste horrible.Addendum to original entry:I don t believe they can sift space.I saw them locked in cells in Mallucé sgrotto and chained up.It didn t occur to me at the time how odd that was, then later I thought maybeMallucé was somehow containing them with spells.But after Jayne made his comment about imprisoningFae, I realized that not all Fae can sift and I m starting to wonder if only the very powerful ones can.Thiscould be an important tactical edge.Must explore.ROWENA: In chargeto some degree of a coalition ofsidhe -seers organized as couriers at Post Haste,Inc.Is she the Grand Mistress?They have a chapter house or retreat in an old abbey a few hours fromDublin, with a library Imust get into. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlAddendum to original entry:She has never liked me.She s playing judge, jury, and executioner whereI m concerned.She sent her girls after me to take my spear away! I willnever let her have it.I ve been tothe abbey but only briefly.I suspect many of the answers I want can be found there, either in theforbidden libraries that only the Haven is permitted to enter, or in their memories.I need to figure outwho the Haven members are, and get one of them to talk.ROYALHUNTERS: A mid-level caste of Unseelie.Militantly sentient, they resemble the classicdepiction of the devil, with cloven hooves, horns, long satyrlike faces, leathery wings, fiery orange eyes,and tails.Seven to ten feet tall, they are capable of extraordinary speed on both hoof and wing.Primaryfunction:sidhe -seer exterminators.Threat as-sessment: kills.Addendum to original entry:Encountered one.Barrons doesn t know everything.It was considerablylarger than he d led me to expect, with a thirty- to forty-foot wingspan and a degree of telepathic abilities.They are mercenary to the core and serve a master only so long as it benefits them.I m not sure I believethey re mid-level, and in fact, I m not sure they re entirely Fae.They fear my spear and I suspect areunwilling to die for any cause, which gives me a tactical edge.RYODAN: Associate of Barrons and IYCGM on my cell.Addendum:Top on my list of people to track down.SEELIE: The  light or  fairer court of the Tuatha Dé Danaan governed by the Seelie Queen,Aoibheal.Addendum:The Seelie cannot touch the Unseelie Hallows.The Unseelie cannot touch Seelie Hallows.Addendum:According to V lane the true queen of the Fae is long dead, killed by the Unseelie King, andwith her died the Song of Making.Aoibheal is a lesser royal who is one of many that has tried to leadThe People since.SHADES: One of the lowest castes of Unseelie.Sentient but barely.They hunger they feed.Theycannot bear direct light and hunt only at night.They steal life in the manner the Gray Man steals beauty,draining their victims with vampiric swiftness, leaving behind a pile of clothing and a husk of dehydratedhuman matter.Threat assessment: kills.Addendum to original entry:I think they re changing, evolving, learning.Addendum:I know it is! I swear it s stalking me!Addendum:They ve learned to work together and shape themselves into barriers.SHAMROCK: This slightly misshapen three-leaf clover is the ancient symbol of thesidhe -seers, whoare charged with the mission to See, Serve, and Protect mankind from the Fae.SIDHE-SEER: (SHE-seer) A person Fae magic doesn t work on, capable of seeing past the illusionsor  glamour cast by the Fae to the true nature that lies beneath.Some can also seeTabh rs, hiddenportals between realms.Others can sense Seelie and Unseelie objects of power.Eachsidhe -seer isdifferent, with varying degrees of resistance to the Fae.Some are limited, some are advanced withmultiple  special powers. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlAddendum to original entry:Some, like Dani, are superfast.There s a place inside my head that isn t.like the rest of me.Do we all have it? What is it? How did we get this way? Where do the bits ofinexplicable knowledge that feel like memories come from? Is there such a thing as a genetic collectiveunconsciousness?SIFTING: Fae method of locomotion, occurs at speed of thought.(Seen this!)Addendum to original entry:Somehow V lane sifted me without my awareness that he was even there.I don t know if he was able to approach me  cloaked somehow, then touched me at the last minute andI just didn t realize it because it happened so fast, or if perhaps instead of moving me, he moved therealms around me.Can he do that? How powerful is V lane? Could another Fae sift me without mehaving any advance warning? Unacceptably dangerous! Require more information.*SIFTINGSILVERS ORSILVERS, THE: Unseelie or Dark Hallow, an elaborate maze of mirrorscreated by the Unseelie King once used as the primary method of Fae travel between realms, until Crucecast the forbidden curse into the silvered corridors.Now no Fae dares enter the Silvers.Addendum to original entry:The Lord Master had many of these in his house in the Dark Zone andwas using them to move in and out of Faery.If you destroy a Silver does it destroy what was in it? Doesit leave an open entry/exit into a Fae realm like a wound in the fabric of our world? What exactly was thecurse and who was Cruce?Addendum to original entry:Barrons has one and walks around in it!*SINSARDUBH,THE: (she-suh-DOO): Unseelie or Dark Hallow belonging to the Tuatha DéDanaan.Written in a language known only to the most ancient of their kind, it is said to hold the deadliestof all magic within its encrypted pages.Brought to Ireland by the Tuatha Dé during the invasions writtenof in the pseudo-historyLeabhar Gabhåla, it was stolen along with the other Dark Hallows, andrumored to have found its way into the world of Man.Allegedly authored over a million years ago by theDark King of the Unseelie.(A Definitive Guide to Artifacts; Authentic and Legendary)Addendum to original entry:I ve seen it now.Words cannot contain a description of it.It is a book butit lives.It is aware.Addendum:The Beast.Enough said.*SPEAR OFLUISNE, THE: Seelie or Light Hallow (a.k.a.Spear of Luin, Spear of Longinus, Spearof Destiny, the Flaming Spear): The spear used to pierce Jesus Christ s side at his crucifixion.Not ofhuman origin, it is a Tuatha Dé Danaan Light Hallow, and one of few items capable of killing aFae regardless of rank or power [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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