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.Refilling his coffee, he pulled out his phone to checkfor messages as he headed into the living room.There was nothing but a text from his head managerinforming him that all was well.Rafael texted her back to say hewould be out indefinitely, then set his phone on the coffee tablewith a sigh.He sat on the sofa couch and glanced over at45 | Megan Derr  Sword of the King Conway, who had shifted to dragon form and was sulking infront of the fireplace."Come here," Rafael said quietly, but firmly.Conway growled, but obeyed, moving with a predator'sgrace across the room.He was breathtaking in his true form:long, sinuous, reaching a little higher than Rafael's hips inheight, and nearly ten feet from the end of his snout to the tipof his tail.His dark scales had a faint blue sheen, and glinted likeice struck by sunlight.At the moment he was warm to thetouch, but when riled he would begin to leech cold.Rafael hadseen him take a room that was previously eighty degrees all theway down to below freezing.It had only happened once, andafterward Conway had slept for almost an entire day.Conway butted against Rafael's thighs, rumbling in pleasurewhen Rafael stroked his head.When Rafael beckoned, heclimbed up neatly onto the sofa and sprawled with his head inRafael's lap.Bending down, Rafael kissed his brow and strokedhis scales."You know I love you, Conway," he said softly.Hesmiled at the 'obviously' tone in Conway's rumble.Rafael closed his eyes, hand still stroking Conway."So whatare we going to do with this strange dragon that's fallen in ourlap, Conway?"Conway growled, a low, threatening sound that would havescared anyone else in the room.Rafael didn't move, just saidsoftly, "Yes, I agree.I think we'll see if the Rust goon can tell usanything useful, and then we're going to run like hell."He stayed put and endured his brother for the safety of thedragons.Without him, there would be no one to curb Leo'sambition or cruelty.But if Cam was even half as powerful asRafael feared, then they couldn't stay.He shuddered to thinkwhat Leo would do with a new dragon that had that kind ofpower.No, the minute they had a better handle on Cam, it wastime to run.46 | Megan Derr  Sword of the King CHAPTER FOURBlaze pulled up in front of the warehouse and killed theengine.He pulled off his helmet and frowned as he watchedRust's right hand, Gates, walk toward him."Gates.""Blaze," Gate greeted."Boss needs you to do somethingspecial for him.He's in the back office.Go through the alley.They're expecting you."Concerned, because Rust never wanted him to do anythingbut fight on the big prize nights and it definitely sounded likehe wasn't going to be fighting Blaze motioned for Erie to getoff the bike, then climbed off himself and threw the keys toGates.Did Rust want him to throw a fight? That wasn't likely; ifRust wanted Blaze to throw a fight, he would have just sentsomeone to tell him and it had been a long time since Blaze hadthrown fights.He slipped down the alleyway between thewarehouse and the closed furniture store, and rapped on thedoor.It opened a moment later, and Blaze slipped inside with Erieat his heels.Erie growled as they went down the dark hallway,warding off the men who watched them with loud snarls.What was going on? Had Rust found out about him andErie? But no, that couldn't be.If that were the case, Rust wouldmake a spectacle of him an example.Blaze saw Rust's primary bodyguard, Trace, at the end ofthe hall.They nodded to each other and Trace quirked a brow insilent query."Just my Beretta," Blaze said, and handed it over.Trace nodded again, trusting him as he trusted few others, andopened the door to let Blaze inside.Rust sat behind a large, dark-stained oak desk that was farclassier than the building it occupied.Blaze could hear themuffled sounds of dragons and their masters practicing in otherparts of the warehouse."What did you need, boss?"47 | Megan Derr  Sword of the King "Sit," Rust ordered, and Blaze obediently sat down in thecreaky, green fake-leather chair in front of Rust's desk.Eriecurled up at his feet, warm and reassuring, rumbling as hewaited impatiently for the meeting to end.Rust took a last dragfrom the cigarette he was smoking, and then put it out in a glassashtray near his elbow."Have you ever heard of steel dragons?"Blaze burst out laughing."Yeah, who hasn't? Most popularfairytale in the pits.Why, someone else claiming to have foundone?" He started laughing all over again, but stopped at theexpression on Rust's face."You can't be serious, boss.Steelsdon't exist they're just wishful thinking [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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