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. The word didn t translate at all. I played alot of sports, and there is this kind of inverse relationship betweenbeing a jock and being intelligent. The more sports you played, the dumber people thought youwere. Yeah.It s made me touchy. I will do my best not to aggravate your insecurity.Dalton wanted to kiss his golden king but refrained. At home, I dbe in bed by now. Then that is where we should go. Zig smiled up at him andwhatever resentment was left in Dalton s mind fled. Bound by Temptation 63 Yes.We should hurry, too.Zig turned and picked up the pace.Dalton fell in beside him andrealized they were walking in sync.He seemed to have such a strongaffinity for Zig that he began to suspect there might be something elseto the Eoeans lottery.What if he d been chosen because he wouldhave some kind of natural chemical attraction to his owner? Healmost immediately nixed that idea.He d been bought by another, soif that were the case the Eoeans were picking men who would matchtheir owners chemical signatures he should have been warm forTanjin s form.But he wasn t.He had no interest in him at all.Evenhis interest in some of the guys he d seen back on Earth wasn t quitelike his desire for Zig.When Dalton sighed, Zig asked why, but he didn t want to boghim down with what was essentially a curiosity.It didn t matter whyhe d been selected by the Eoeans.He was here, he wasn t going back,and now he had to get along in this strange new place.Anotherthought led him to actually feel that all would be right with Hunter,too.If Earthlings were extremely rare and exceedingly expensive,Hunter had to have gone to someone who wanted him very much.Alltheir suppositions that they tossed around while eating pizza werewrong.Apparently, they were taken away and sold so the Eoeanscould fund their elaborate lifestyle.Dalton knew Earth couldn t be theonly planet they had colonized.By selling the natives, and they wereprobably responsible for the hype surrounding their species, too, theEoeans earned themselves a pretty penny.Dalton knew when they got to Zig s bedroom because his bodydisplayed his stress.His hand on Dalton s arm was extremely tight,and his breathing was rapid, shallow, and hitching ever so slightly. Relax, my golden king. Dalton lifted his hand and kissed theback. I m not going to pounce on you as soon as we are alone. No? Zig sounded surprised and perhaps a little bit disappointed. No. Dalton waited until they were inside his room. I thinktonight we should get to know one another better. 64 Anitra Lynn McLeodRather reluctantly, Zig agreed.Dalton wouldn t be opposed tosexing each other up, but he wanted the idea of it to be entirely inZig s hands.His strategy worked because Zig visibly relaxed. Wow.Your room is amazing. It had to be the most massive andelaborately decorated place he d ever had the privilege to be in.Fractals were represented everywhere he looked.The ceiling wastiled in every conceivable color and the repeating pattern explodedoutward from the spot right above Zig s bed.Rather than start thedesign in the center of the room, the designer had made the bed,which was so big it was almost laughable, the main attraction.Thedesign of the room was beautiful and almost painfully complex.AsDalton struggled to comprehend what he was seeing, he realized thedécor was like the music he d heard earlier.It was so complicated thathe couldn t quite understand it.That was when he realized thatthough Zig might look human in many respects, he really wasn t.Thisworld, this land, this king everything around Dalton was inherentlydifferent from what he was familiar with.For a mind-bendingmoment he was terrified.Truly, utterly stunned that he simplycouldn t comprehend all that he was seeing.The disorientation he feltwas echoed in his mind about his station as a slave.Would he everreally be anything more than that? Would Zig use him to get what heneeded and then cast him aside for another who could better meshinto his society?Just when everything seemed so overwhelming he almost closedhis eyes and dropped to his knees, Dalton felt Zig press against hisback.Smaller, shorter, but insanely powerful, Zigog Claelyan, primeruler of the Vegoths, nuzzled the nape of his neck then sighed.Hisbreath was warm and familiar. You don t have to be afraid of me, either.I m not going toexpect you to be my slave.Dalton chuckled softly but didn t turn to face him.He couldn t.All he could do was close his eyes and draw a series of deep, calmingbreaths.He d had a moment of utter terror, and Zig had pulled him Bound by Temptation 65back from the brink of screaming madness.He d thought that hewould master the submissive king in private and that would makesubmitting to him in public easier, but Dalton realized there wasn tany need for them to master the other in public or private.There werea multitude of ways to have a power exchange.He recognized thatjust as he had the mathematical implications of the culture.But itwasn t ever going to be a one for one.If he could just let go of thoseperceived notions of master and slave, he might find that he was inthe best place for his spirit to grow.Turning, Dalton found himself with his forehead pressed to Zig s. You amaze me. Please do not say that you expected me to be more intelligent.It was a dig but also a stab at humor.Dalton was reminded of theway he d been with Hunter.They often called one another derogatorynames in jest because they were too afraid to get too close to trueemotions. I do not expect you to be anything other than who youare.Zig looked up at him, his eyes wide and hopeful. You are perfect just the way you are. You flatter me. Nope.Sorry, pal.You are fascinating to me. I feel the same.Dalton grinned. Are you sure you re okay with what happenedtonight? I do not know what you mean. Well, today is your birthday, a day where you re supposed to bethe center of attention, but you got a slave that ended up somehowstealing the spotlight. Yes. I also know that Tanjin only bought me for you because he wasdesperate to impress you.I swear, that man would have sold his soulto gain your interest. I do not wish to speak of Tanjin. 66 Anitra Lynn McLeod I know.I m not.Not really.I m just saying that I get why hegave me to you and that his gift went horribly wrong in his eyes.Hewalked out of your party or rather stomped out of it feeling utterlybetrayed. I never promised him anything. I know.Trust me.I know.But he s furious.He wants you somuch. You are not telling me anything I don t know. Right.I m telling you this, reminding you of this, because I wantyou a hundred times more than Tanjin does.I know that he s knownyou longer than I have so his lust should be greater, but I have nevermet anyone who compels me the way you do. Not even Hunter?Dalton shook his head. Hunter was my best friend [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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