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. No, this isn t a battalion.I don t get prompt service like the EliteForce ships do.I m on my own. Why didn t you just hire someone to do the repairs? Ryanasked.Not having working scanners was not only an annoyance, butdangerous.There was no telling who or what was on board the cargoship.There could be one hundred men waiting to overtake the Onyx,or everyone could be dead from some sort of disease.It was suicide toboard a ship without scanning it first. Because, Vane said with a slight growl,  if the Federation paidme what I m worth, I d have this baby up and running witheverything in working order.Those cheap bastards give me minimumpay and dare me to argue.Ryan gaped at Vane.He had no idea that Vane wasn t paid hisweight in gold.The Onyx had helped out more Elite Force officersthan Ryan could count.Vane was always ready to fly out on missionsand do whatever it took to get the job done. Then why in hell do you still contract out to them? Second Chances 91 Think about that question, Lieutenant.The only other work Icould find would be black market.Do you really think I want to haveyou hunt me down? I may be crazy, but I m not insane.I ll take mychances with you rather than against you.Vane had a point, but it still sucked that the man wasn t paid whathe was worth.Maybe he could have a talk with General Merrickabout upping Vane s pay.There had to be some way to renegotiatethe man s contract. We still need to find out why the cargo ship isn t responding toour hails. Why should we care? August asked. They re just a cargo shiphauling scrap and junk.Ryan turned toward the communication specialist. Because, theyare floating dead in space, August. 92 Lynn Hagen and Stormy GlennChapter EightKurt looked around him as his eyes slowly opened.It took asecond for him to remember that he was no longer on Tronos beingtortured, but in Ryan s sleeping quarters.But where was Ryan? Kurtglanced around as he sat up, noticing that he was alone. Reverse angle on screen.I want to see if anyone is sneaking upbehind us.Kurt heard the disembodied voice and realized that he could hearthe men on the bridge.All channels must be open, which meant theywere in trouble.Kurt slid from the bed and hurried from Ryan s room.He wasn t sure if he would be allowed on the bridge, but if he wasgoing to die, he wanted to know why he was dying. Shit! Kurt shouted as he leaned into the bulkhead.He hadkicked a piece of metal jutting out from the wall.This place was adamn mess.For an Elite ship, it sure as hell was messy.He wiggledhis foot until the soreness abated and then continued to make his wayto the bridge.After losing his way a few times, Kurt finally found himselfstanding outside the doors.He really didn t know the other crewmembers.Well, he had talked with Rhys, and Cheyenne was the onethat had escorted him to his torturer.But after what Ryan had toldhim, Kurt had a feeling Cheyenne had been just as unaware as Ryanabout Captain Orion s intentions.But it still didn t make going onto the bridge any easier.Kurt was considering turning around and losing himself againuntil he found Ryan s sleeping quarters but the door swooshed open Second Chances 93and Rhys stepped out.The man looked frazzled as hell as he glancedback toward the bridge. Ryan is in there if you re looking for him. And then Rhyswalked away.When Kurt looked back at the bridge, he saw Ryan standing therewatching him.The man gave no indication if he wanted Kurt on thebridge or not.He decided to go back to Ryan s room until a smallsmile played at the corner of Ryan s lips. You can come in.Ryan turned back around to face the screen, leaving Kurt to lookaround on his own.There was a man sitting off to the right, staring atKurt with nonexpressive eyes.It was as if he were an ancient predatorlurking in a tree, watching his prey.Kurt quickly glanced away.He d had enough of those watchfulglares to last him a lifetime. Arm our phasers and put them on ready status, Vane, Ryan saidas he looked down at the pilot. And please don t tell me that s on thefritz as well. Nope, Vane answered. If everything else fails, I always havefirepower. Now that s what I like to hear, the man who had been givingKurt the watchful eye stated with satisfaction. I m not sure why the cargo ship isn t answering, and my gut tellsme that this is more than a failed engine.Keep a look out, Ryan saidas he glanced at another man who Kurt hadn t even noticed on thebridge.The man was hailing the other ship, and Kurt could only guessthe guy was some sort of communication specialist. Still nothing, the man said. Damn it, Ryan cursed. Hail the closest Elite Force ship.I needthat cargo vessel scanned before anyone boards it. What s wrong? Kurt asked and then swallowed hard whenevery single man on the bridge looked in his direction.He wanted tocrawl under a console panel and hide.These were not the friendliest- 94 Lynn Hagen and Stormy Glennlooking men.If he didn t know Ryan, the guy would be the scariest ofthem all.The Elite Force officer looked to be in his element as hecommanded everyone on the bridge.Ryan looked like he was born tobe a leader. There is a Crunk Cargo ship dead in the water off our starboardbow.No one is answering our hails.Kurt was shocked Ryan told him what was happening.He wasexpecting the man to tell him to go back to his quarters and get somerest.Kurt inched a little closer to Ryan, trying his best to see whatwas going on.Kurt had always loved being inside of large spaceships.They fascinated him.He just never had the body or mindset to jointhe academy.He wasn t physically strong like the Elite Force cadets,and he didn t have the brutality that seemed commonplace with themen. What should we do, Lieutenant? Leave a marker, Ryan said. Elite Force should pick it up andcome to the rescue.I m not boarding any ship I can t scan first.Kurt glanced over just in time to see the man hit a button on hisconsole. Marker away. August, send out an alert on all frequencies that there s a deadship in the water.Give the marker code.If there s someone out therelistening, hopefully they can help. Lieutenant, I think there is someone out there and they arecoming up behind us, moving very fast. On screen, Ryan barked out.When Ryan turned to look at the screen, Kurt scooted closer.Asmuch animosity as he held for Ryan, Kurt felt safer with him at themoment.He even felt better when Ryan settled his hand in the middleof Kurt s back [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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