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. So I started digging on my own.The powers-that-be at the EOD might besatisfied with the way this scene playedout, but I m not. Because she was looking so carefullyfor it, Sydney caught the faint hardeningof Slade s eyes. The EOD did its job.But Sydney shook her head. I m notsure of that.Gunner was swearing to methat he was innocent, that he d never hurtme, never do all of those things. He s a liar, sweetheart. He steppedcloser to her.Her gaze slid down to hislegs, then rose.She held her ground this time.Shewanted to make sure they both stood infront of that window.With the lights onin the den, they would be shownperfectly.Perfect targets. I m sorry, but you were wrong about him.Another hard shake of her head. I Ican t be wrong. Then she lifted herchin. I went back, pulled all the recordsthat I could find on the fire at SarahBell s house.A long sigh broke from him. Why putso much faith in him? You re onlyhurting yourself. His hand lifted.Trailed over her cheek. Let me helpyou heal.She hated his touch. I found an oldarticle online.Gunner s footballteam.they won the state championshipthat same weekend.The weekend of thefire at the Bell home.His nostrils flared. So? So the state championship game was held in a city four hours away.Gunnerwas with his team the whole time.Theywent on a bus together.They came backon a bus together.He didn t start thatfire.His hand fell away.She shoved her fingers into the heavypockets on her robe.She had her ownweapon stashed in one of those pockets. I did more checking, she whispered.He spun away from her and pacedtoward the window. On damn Gunner?Always.Gunner. No.On you.His shoulders stiffened.With it beingjust the two of them, he wasn t workingnearly as hard to conceal his reactions. Maybe because he didn t care.He d also lost his limp. Sydney. He sighed out her name. I came down here to comfort you so wecould be together again.I know you vealways loved me. I did love you.Once. That feelingwas nothing like what she felt forGunner.He was still staring out of thewindow, and presenting such a finetarget. Before Gunner, he growled. Before you started to change, shewhispered back.* * *SLADE S FACE FILLED Gunner s scope. The rage there, the hate, was frighteningto see.But Sydney wouldn t see it.Shecouldn t.Slade wasn t looking at her.He was just staring out into the darkness.Planning his attack.Gunner s left hand pressed against histransmitter. He s going to make a movesoon.Be ready. That much furycouldn t be held in check for long.They were wired into the audio feedthat Sydney had set up, so they werehearing every word that she said.Shewas baiting Slade, pushing him.That pushing was working.Gunner hadn t been at a statechampionship game the weekend thatSarah Bell died.The game had been two weekends after the fire.But it looked asthough Slade didn t remember that.A flaw in his plan.Then Sydney started talking again, andGunner felt sweat trickle down the sideof his face.* * * YOU MADE SO many trips down to SouthAmerica before before  Before Gunner left me for dead? Heturned toward her, his faceexpressionless. Let s not forget thatpart.Gunner and you both left me. I wondered about all of those chartertrips.Especially when I discovered thatevery account you had was empty. Cleaned out.His lips curved.The sight waschilling. You d become angry before that lasttrip, too.I remember the fights we had.You accused me   of cheating? he finished.Heglanced down at his hands.Both handshad fisted. I thought you might besleeping with Gunner back then.I sawthe way he looked at you, and the wayyou looked at him. I wasn t  Not then.But now? His eyebrowsclimbed. You re going to try telling methat the baby you re carrying isn t his? It is. They are. And that s why Ihad to keep digging.I couldn t give up on him.I couldn t. You should have. So soft.She kept talking. It was when I wasdigging, trying to find where all yourmoney went to.that was when Idiscovered that you d set up extraaccounts in the Caymans.He laughed. You and your damncomputers.You could always find outtoo much on them. He reached into hisjacket and pulled out his weapon. LikeI said, you should have stopped.* * *GUNNER S FINGER TIGHTENED around thetrigger. Hold! This was Logan s order, growled through the transmitter. She sstill got him talking.We need to learn asmuch as we can.They needed to make sure that not asingle bullet so much as grazed her skin. Hold, Gunner.That s a direct order.He wasn t following orders now.Hewas protecting the woman he loved.Slade hadn t aimed the gun at her yet.It was still by his side.The second thatgun started to rise.Gunner would fire.Brother or nobrother.* * * I FOUND OUT you were never the man Ithought you were.Even before your plane went down.back then, you weredrug running, weren t you?He laughed, and completely droppedthe mask that he d been wearing.Thetwisted fury and hate was there for her tosee, burning so hot. Yeah, I was.I wasearning more money than I d ever madein my life.Those jerks at the EOD hadturned me away.Said I was too unstable.Screw that! I was the best they could vehad, and they wouldn t even give me achance.Her hand tightened around the weaponthat was still concealed in her oversizerobe pocket [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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