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. Angels cannot get or pass on illnesses or die like humans can,and they can t be murdered like werewolves can, so the powerbecomes pointless, and no angel has to use it in our world.The onlything that could kill us was something that never had to be used.Here,people die all the time, and if you could use an angel to bring back aloved one who has recently died, wouldn t you? Damon asked,looking up at Paul solemnly. I suppose you re right, baby, Paul replied as he kissed Damontenderly.River wrapped his arms around Angel s neck as he spoke next. That dead body looks exactly that, like it s been dead for a while. 58 Christine Shaw It has, but elves have certain magical spells they can create, andthis one has placed a soul-matching spell on the elf s body.He hastrapped the dead elf s soul within him to keep the soul from findingpeace in the afterlife.By doing so, if he succeeds in having eithermyself or Damon perform the ritual, he will gain so much power.Ifone of us was to use the power and resurrect the elf, all our magicwould be put into the resurrection and therefore enter the currentlydead elf.Because they are connected by souls, the magic would alsotransfer into the elf s body.Now he knows both of us are here, he willwant to ensure we are strong enough to complete it.Our power willtransfer from us to both elves, and because our magic makes usimmortal, it will make them truly immortal and unable to die.Paul and River gasped as Angel stared intently at Damon.Afterseveral moments, their alpha male mates started barking out orders. You are not to leave our rooms unless we tell you and one orboth of us are accompanying you when you do leave these rooms. You will not answer the door to anyone, not even each other, ifneither of us is here.By the time the third order came, Angel tuned out.He got up andstalked over to the bathroom, deciding a shower would be good on hisaching muscles.He stood under the hot mist for several minutes before he heardthe glass door slide open, and River stepped through, holding ontohim from behind.He felt like his mind was going a mile a minute ashe rested up against his mate s back.River picked up the soap and awashcloth before washing every inch of Angel s body.He spentlonger at his nipples and groin.By the time the man was done, Angelwas panting and rock hard enough to pound steel as River shut off thewater and directed him out the shower.He felt truly pampered asRiver dried him before wrapping him up in his white fluffy robe. You do as I say, when I say it.Okay, pet? River asked in hisDom voice right against his ear.It made a delicious shiver move overAngel s body as he anticipated what his mate wanted to do to him. River s Pet, Angel 59 What s your safe word, pet? he asked.Angel knew about safewords.It was a word the submissive chose that was usually randomand in no way related to any sexual encounter, such as the name of acity or an object of some random desire.Ever since reading about theBDSM lifestyle, Angel had his safe word picked out and ready for useagainst his perfect Dom. Newspaper, Master, he said without hesitation as he shudderedwhen his mate licked at his neck. Good, pet, he began. Now I want you to go into the bedroom,remove your robe, and place it over the chair I was sitting in earlier.Then I want you to kneel at the foot of the bed and wait for me withyour gaze on the floor and both hands on your knees.Understand? I understand, Master. Angel ran off eagerly to comply with hismaster s commands.* * * *River walked into the bedroom.He had purposely kept his petwaiting for ten minutes to see how he took to unusual commands.Hewas known for the odd, unorthodox commands and punishments.Heneeded to know his mate could meet his needs as a Dom, although healready knew the man would.He had kept both ears on the next room the entire time and hadn theard a single footstep once his mate had knelt down.Now he couldsee his mate in the correct position.He knelt on the ground, his verynaked ass against his heels, both hands on each knee as he lookeddown to the ground.His cock, though, stood up proud and tall andleaked pre-cum.River had to grip the base of his own cock so hedidn t blow his load at the sight in front of him.His mate was hot!Walking to stand in front of his mate, he waited, not saying aword.He wanted to know if Angel would look up or say something,but his little pet was good as he remained in his position.He tilted his 60 Christine Shawpet s chin upward until their eyes met.He saw the lust and the desirein his mate s gaze as he looked him in the eye. You are my pet now.No other man shall have you, shall desireyou, or even lust after you.You are all mine, and once we get backhome, you will wear my collar proudly, won t you, pet? Yes, Master, he replied, his voice low and husky.It madeRiver s cock jump at the gruff sound that was obviously his mate slust. You will show me how much you desire your master as you suckmy cock, won t you, pet? he asked, giving his mate the choice toback out now before he got so caught up in dominating his sexy pet inthe bedroom.He refused to allow the man to leave the confinement oftheir bed. Yes, Master, Angel replied quickly as he licked his lipssensually and looked down at River s jutting cock in front of him thatwas leaking bountiful amounts of pre-cum [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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