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.I remember a few times, though, when he opened up. It s usually when I m angry, Josh murmured.Tray and Mitch both chuckled.Josh s lips pulled into a smile,despite the tension running through his body.By the time thewaitress came to take their order, some of that tension had begunto fade.It felt good being with the two of them.It felt easy.By the time they were halfway through their meal, they were alllaughing and joking about different aspects of their lives.Tray took most of the ribbing.After all, who would ve everthought that little Tray would grow up to become a nationalcelebrity and ghost hunter extraordinaire? Hey, it pays the bills and then some, Tray said as he liftedhis nose in the air. And has made for some interesting weekends,that s for damn sure. What s your weirdest case? Mitch asked. Dandridge, Tennessee, Tray replied with a serious nod. I just watched that one, Josh said. That s the one that hadthe serial killer hiding in it.Tray nodded.Mitch s eyes went wide. It had a what? Yeah, Josh said with a nod. One of their investigators wasseriously hurt. He turned to look at Tray. They caught him,though.Right?Tray nodded as he swallowed the bite of potato.He lifted thenapkin and wiped his lips.Lips Josh couldn t help but rememberthe feel of. They did.The investigator was actually attacked SHIVER 95twice, but the second time was kept out of the show.The firsttime we had on tape and the editors insisted we use it to up theratings.It was pretty scary stuff.Mitch shook his head. The whole ghost thing to me lookslike it would be fun to do, but how real is it?Tray lifted one shoulder. Depends on who you ask.Josh laughed softly as he thought back to an onscreenargument between Tray and his co-star. My guess is if we askyou, it s mostly real. There have been a few occasions that I conceded andadmitted to a more non-ghostly explanation, but there have beenother times that things couldn t so easily be explained. You know, I ve had times where weird things have happened,Mitch admitted as he lifted his beer. I think everybody has, Josh said. Even you? Tray asked. Even me. Josh s lips twitched. On nights with a full moon,the barn comes alive with disembodied voices and& Tray narrowed his eyes, and Josh s chest began to shake withlaughter.Mitch joined in just as Tray threw a French fry at Josh shead. Kiss my ass, both of you, Tray growled, although Joshcould see the glint of humor in his eyes.Those pretty green eyes. Don t give me any ideas, Josh murmured, and his laughterdied almost instantly.What on earth had made him say that? The comment didn tseem to phase Tray or Mitch, so Josh tried to roll with it as well.No sense calling attention to the fact he hadn t meant to say it.But as they continued to talk, his mind kept trying to imaginekissing Tray s ass, sinking his teeth into all that tight, round flesh.He looked around for the waitress.He needed a damn beer. CHAPTER THIRTEENMitch stepped out of Josh s truck and stared up at the nightsky.The stars were so bright.He couldn t ever remember seeingso many of them.Out here on the ranch, there were no lightsto block the view.Out here, it looked as though you could seeforever. Wow, Mitch said in awe.Tray draped his arm over his shoulder and looked up as well. No kidding, he murmured. What? Josh asked as he glanced up to see what held theirattention. Oh, yeah.They always look like that here.Josh headed toward the porch.Mitch watched him go andsnorted. Guess that just goes to show that you really can takethings for granted.Josh smiled at him over his shoulder. I ve seen that all mylife.I m just used to it. He unlocked the door and pushed itopen. You guys coming in or are you going to stand out hereall night? I don t know, Tray said as he continued to look up. I mightjust pitch a tent and stare at the stars all night long. Okay, Josh drawled as he entered the code into the securitysystem. I m going to check out the movie channels and makesome popcorn. Ooh, popcorn sounds good, Tray said and quickly headedfor the door.Mitch chuckled as he followed Tray up the porch steps.Traycould jump from one thing to another faster than a jackrabbit.It was one of the things Mitch liked about him.He wasunpredictable and fun, and Mitch needed a little of that in hislife.And apparently, so did Josh.Josh headed to the kitchen while Tray jumped onto the middle 98 Sasha Keeganof the sofa and reached for the remote. Do you need any help? Mitch asked Josh as he reset thealarm. Nah, you go ahead and help Tray find something to watch.Ihope you like lots of butter. Yep, and salt.Josh nodded.Mitch strolled over to the back of the sofa where Tray nowsat.Leaning over, he placed a quick kiss on Tray s lips as he snuckthe remote from his fingers. Hey. Tray pouted. If you re going to hog the remote, Ishould at least get a better kiss than that. Better, huh? Mitch teased with a grin.He walked around the couch to stand before Tray [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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