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.More important and immediately satisfying, the elaborate hierarchy inwhich the initiate advanced only if he did as he was told meant that one couldat least control other people and assert his superiority over them.Membership in Thule set one apart from nonmembers, inferior beings.Theadvantage that accrued to Thule members more than made up for thetotalitarian aspects: Without having to make independent decisions, theycould become an elite cadre whose task was nothing less than saving theworld.To deal with that task, the Thule Society became the active politicalbranch of the Germanen Orden after the war.Without undue modesty,Sebottendorff observed of his branch: This decision was important, forBavaria has thereby become the cradle of the National Socialistmovement. CHAPTER 5Riffraff into SupermenAs soon as the bonds of civic order lie shattered on the ground and law is trodden underfoot,the Sacred Vehme enters on its rights; it must not fear to smite the mass-criminals withtheir own weapons. Theodor FritschAfter the war, the democratic regime symbolized, to the volkisch mind,Jewish control.The protest against economic, political, and social difficultiesbecame an anti-Jewish revolution. Shell-shocked Germans came homeafter the ordeal of the fighting and the defeat to find chaos and hunger in thestreets.They remembered the anti-Semitic propaganda they had heard andread before the war.It was reinforced by new propaganda: The Jew was theanarchist, the Communist, the one who had caused the defeat and wouldbring down the world.In such an atmosphere of terror, the Thule Societyprospered.It was clear to Sebottendorff that the small room on the Zweigstrassewhere the group had been meeting would no longer serve if it was toexpand.Now meetings were held every Saturday the day of Saturn in theelegant Munich hotel Vier Jahreszeiten (Four Seasons), whoseproprietor was a member of Thule.Sebottendorff rented the rooms of anaval officers' club and adorned them with the Society's arms a curvedswastika pointing right, plus sword and wreath.The rooms could accom-modate three hundred people.Here, said Sebottendorff, objectives could be attained.37 38 GODS AND BEASTSThe consecration of the new meeting place was attended by the chairmanand committee of the Germanen Orden's Berlin chapter.They officiallymade Sebottendorff a representative of theirs and a Master, and accepted thename Thule as a cover for the Orden.A week later, when thirty people wereconsecrated to the first grade, it was decided that every third Saturday of themonth was to be dedicated as a consecration lodge, and on all otherSaturdays, talks were to be held.The group was kept busy with meetings,initiations, and excursions at least once a week, as well as talks on suchsubjects as divining rods, mysticism, and bardic ritual.Every member worea bronze pin which was designed as a shield upon which were two spearscrossing a swastika.Sebottendorff bought the newspaper Der Munchener Beobachter becausehe felt that proselytizing against the enemy could not be done as effectivelythrough the spoken word as through the press.Though Der MunchenerBeobachter was a sports paper, Sebottendorff was attracted to it for severalreasons.The readership was young; it was impossible to start a new paperbecause of the paper shortage and because the government did not allow newpapers to appear; and, most important, The Jew had no interest in sports,if it did not have any monetary advantage, so the Jew would not buy andread the paper.Therefore, a sports paper could make propaganda withoutbeing detected.Sebottendorff was wrong, of course, but showed no awareness of this, ashe went on, blithely contradicting himself: How right these calculationswere is shown by the Jewish ire against the editor.They called the paperitself 'unimportant.' The paper had been established in 1887 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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