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.Let s just say he wasn t too happy at the prospect ofRiley with some other dude.I watched him unlock the door, which led to a spacious laundry room. So what s he going todo? I asked, wondering why I cared so much.Maybe because I knew how much Nex s brother meantto him.He once told me when one got cut, they all bled.As an only child, I loved that they were sotight and wondered if that meant Nex would someday want a big family of his own.I knew I did whenthe time came. I don t know yet.I ll try to talk to him about it some more when he s had a chance for it to sinkin. He flicked a switch, bathing the back hall in light.I could see beautiful oil landscapes gracing theneutral walls and dark hardwood floors butting up against the cream travertine tile in the laundryroom, but not much else.  I ll give you the full tour in the morning, he promised. Right now, you re probably onlyinterested in seeing the bedroom.We shared a knowing smile, and I knew I wasn t the only one thinking about that lingering kiss atmy place. Sure, I d love to see the bedroom. I was just teasing him and we both knew it, but hiswide grin told me he didn t mind. They re back here, he said, his voice barely above a whisper. Sorry, don t wanna wakeBrody.He s a light sleeper.I nodded, squeezing his hand as he led me to the last open door.He closed the door beforeturning on the light.It was a spacious, non-descript room, but the luxurious fabric framing thewindows and adorning the four-poster bed gave me a hint as to what I could expect in the rest of thehouse. This is nice, I said quietly. Functional, I guess, he muttered. I hired a designer when I moved in.I don t know shit aboutdecorating.Maybe not, but I loved the fact he cared enough to want his house to feel like a home. There s a bathroom through here, he said, setting my bag down beside a triple dresser withattached mirror. You should find towels and anything else you might need in that closet. He pointedat a small closet near the bathroom door. My housekeeper does a pretty good job of keepingeverything stocked, but if you need anything, just let me know. He must have read the surprise on myface because he asked,  What s wrong? What re you thinking? This just isn t what I was expecting. I was ashamed to admit I d jumped to conclusions abouthim.The ink, motorcycle, and gruff exterior led me to believe he d live in some bachelor pad withsoda cans and pizza boxes strewn everywhere.Not a real house.A really nice house, at that. You were expecting me to live like a pig, huh? He chuckled. My ma would never have stoodfor that.We always lived in little apartments growing up, doubling up, sometimes three to a roomeven, but she always took pride in our home and taught us to do the same. That s nice. My mother was the same way.Never a knick-knack or throw cushion out of place. My mama always says you don t have to be rich to be tidy. See, your mama and I would get along just fine.What re you worried about?That comment implied he thought he d be meeting my mama someday.I couldn t imagine thathappening.She d take one look at his ripped jeans, tattoos, and the chains hanging off his belt loopsand proclaim him a sinner not worthy of her baby girl.If only she could have seen him tonight; she drealize he s not only worthy of me, he may be too good for me.I stepped in his path, giving him an impulsive hug. I know I already said this, but thank you fortonight, for letting me stay here. Mi casa es su casa.Just remember that.How easy it would be to imagine myself living here with someone like Nex to come home toevery night.But that was a fantasy for another stage of my life, years from now.Not when I wasfinally able to pursue my dream of going to college. Thanks.He kissed me, slowly tearing himself away with a groan. G night, gorgeous.See you in themorning.As he closed the door, I pressed my palm against the raised panel, thinking morning couldn t come soon enough for me.***I slept like a baby, but since I was used to waking up early for school, my internal alarm clockwent off before seven.Thankfully, I heard noises coming from the kitchen, so I knew I wasn t the onlyearly riser in the house.I was a little apprehensive about going out there, but my grumbling stomachinsisted.I quickly used the washroom and brushed my teeth and hair before making my way down thehall.I considered whether I should have slipped on a bra under my thin cotton tank, but it was too lateto tiptoe back down the hall.He spotted me.Wow, these Steele brothers had some seriously goodgenes. Hi, I said, stepping farther into the large kitchen and offering my hand. You must be Brody.Nex has told me so much about you.With an amused look on his handsome face, his eyes ran down the length of my body. I wish Icould say the same. Engulfing my hand in his, he said,  What d you say your name was? I didn t. Damn, I really needed that bra, but short of withdrawing my hand and crossing myarms over my chest like an adolescent ashamed of her budding breasts, I had no choice but to standthere and take it.Fortunately, he had something of his own to hide and the black, lightweight pants hewas wearing weren t helping.His gruff chuckle made me smile as he dropped his head. Busted, huh?I knew it was a guy thing, early morning and all that, so I wasn t taking it as a compliment& oran insult. How about we agree to keep our eyes above the shoulders, shall we?He laughed, making me smile. I guess I can agree to that, but it won t be easy. He pointed at astool at the breakfast bar. Have a seat.I was just about to make a pot of coffee.I did as he suggested, watching him move about the kitchen like he lived there. My name s Jaci,by the way.Jaci Ross. Nice to meet you, Jaci Ross.So tell me how you managed to sneak out of my brother s bed soearly on a Saturday morning? When he texted to tell me to expect company this morning, I didn texpect you two to come up for air  til noon.I blushed at the implication, imagining if Nex and I had crossed that line last night, Brody sassessment of the situation might have been accurate. I slept in the guest room last night.Yourbrother and I aren t& that is to say we haven t&  I blushed, unsure how to finish that sentence.After filling the coffee maker with water and coffee grounds, he turned to face me, crossing hisarms over his muscled chest. Let me get this straight.You haven t slept with Nex, yet you re sleepingover? My little brother must be losing his touch.I laughed, appreciating his attempt to make me feel at ease. Tonight was supposed to be ourfirst date, but I got into a little trouble at a party last night and he came to bail me out. What kind of trouble? he asked, frowning.It wasn t difficult to imagine all of the Steele brothers acting the way Nex had last night.Thoughclearly dangerous when crossed, they seemed to have a chivalrous quality I admired. My girlfriendsgot drunk and kind of left me stranded at some party without money for a cab. Some friends, he muttered [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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