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."They are Luzu," his young driver said, shame in his voice.His name was Bubu."How is this possible?" Chiun said, a hint of bewilderment in his squeaky tone.He shook his aged head."These dirt eaters cannot be the children of Kwaanga.""They are, Master Chiun," Bubu insisted.His jaw quivered in impotent fury at the admission.There was much strength in the young man, although his well of disgrace ran deep.They passed many more pitiful Luzus on their way to the main village, yet Chiun said not another word.But when they reached the main settlement, it was all the old man could do not to cry out in shock.Houses of peeling clapboard and pitifully thatched roofs lined the dirt Page 31ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlstreets of the poverty-stricken shantytown that was the heart of the Luzu civilization.The Suburban and the other truck containing Chiun's steamer trunks slowed to a stop in the broad cul-de-sac that was the town's dead center.Chiun was stunned at the appearance of his welcoming committee.He had hoped that the people they had passed along the long road to the Luzu city had somehow found themselves in disfavor with the current chief.To his horror, he found that he couldn't have been more wrong.The people who waited to greet him looked as if mere existence were an effort.Their secondhand clothing was threadbare and drained of color.Their eyes were sunken and bereft of hope.Skin was pulled taut and dry around fat, protruding bones.Teeth jutted forward in large and yellowed overbites of malnutrition.Chiun hid his stunned disgust behind a look of imperious indifference as the Suburban rolled to a stop in front of the largest of the ramshackle buildings.Behind the first truck, the other vehicle squeaked to a groaning, dusty standstill.A faded purple carpet, gilded along the edge with gold embroidery, extended from the open black mouth of the huge shack in front of which Chiun's truck had stopped.The moment his sandals touched the threadbare rug, a large figure emerged from the shadowy doorway.The man's fat face glistened brightly.As he strode forward, his voice boomed out over the sullen crowd in the square."Greetings, O great son of Nuk!""Greetings, Batubizee, son of Kwaanga, king of the Luzu," the Master of Sinanju replied when the two men met in the center of the rotted carpet.Each bowed deeply and formally.Batubizee wore a purple ankle-length burnoose.Although the carpet and robe had once been the same color, the chief's raiments had better withstood the assault of time.The ceremonial purple was rich and vibrant.On Batubizee's head sat a squat golden crown, the front of which held three fused circles.Tiny diamonds were embedded in the front of the headpiece.Bubu had followed Chiun up the carpet."He was possessed of the sign," the young native announced quietly, passing the chief the ceremonial dagger.Batubizee took the knife, nodding as he did so."I do not need some trinket to tell me who this is," Chief Batubizee proclaimed."His bearing alone tells me that this is the true son of Nuk." But though his words were strong, there was an undertone of uncertainty.Chiun noted the hesitation in the Luzu leader's voice."Many generations have passed since the time of Nuk, ruler of the Luzu," the Master of Sinanju intoned."Nuk has long since sought the repose of the Void.I am son of Chiun, pupil of H'si T'ang.""Of course." The Luzu chief nodded."Great warriors, all, I am sure."Standing in the squalor of his village, dressed in the finery of days long past, Batubizee couldn't help but give the impression of someone embarrassed by the pitiful state he found himself in.He was like a once rich man, now destitute, in a losing battle to maintain as much of his former air as possible."We must confer," the chief said softly.Chiun nodded silent agreement.Batubizee turned to his people, raising his flabby arms high in the air."My people, this is truly a glorious day! One that will be spoken of for generations to come! Today is the beginning of the new Luzu Empire!"The cheers that had trailed Master Nuk as he sailed away centuries before had long before faded to morose silence.The men and women gathered in the dust of this day remained sullen and quiet as the Master of Sinanju and Chief Batubizee ducked inside the big house.Afterward the crowd silently dispersed.THE ENGINE Hum of Defense Minister Deferens's limousine had faded in with the other background traffic.Remo drifted down the sidewalk, lost in private thoughts.The businesses in this part of town seemed devoted to all things pornographic.Page 32ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlHe therefore wasn't surprised when Trollop Seasoning bounded out onto the sidewalk from one of the small shops, her arms loaded with packages.Her thick purple heels clattered loudly as she hustled to a waiting car."Girl domination!" she shrieked over her shoulder at the store's closing door.The other Seasonings screeched the same words from somewhere in the dark recesses of the sex shop.Trollop dumped her booty in the car.As he passed by, Remo noted that the vehicle had government plates.He had gone only a few feet more when a grating voice chimed in from behind him."Well, hello, sailor!" cried Trollop.Balancing on five-inch heels, she hurried up beside him."You look like a guy who likes a good time!""I like my eardrums more," Remo replied."Huh?" Trollop asked.She didn't wait for a response."What say we find someplace quiet and make it loud!"Remo stopped so abruptly, Trollop plowed into him.There was something distinctly odd about her exposed belly.It felt too soft and cold."Are you talking sex, Austin Powers?" he asked.Her crow's-feet wrinkled appreciatively."The best you ever had, baby,"Trollop vowed."Will you talk while we're doing it?""Talk?" Trollop scoffed."Baby, I'll scream."Remo mused for but a second."Pass."He continued on.Trollop obviously was not used to rejection."I can rock ya till your fillings pop out," she promised, hurrying after him."Don't have fillings," Remo said."I lost a couple of teeth playing high-school football, but they grew back.""You still had baby teeth in high school?" she asked."Nope," Remo replied simply.She didn't even hear.As she clip-clopped beside him, Trollop rubbed the sides of her strangely elastic protruding belly in what was supposed to be a seductive manner.As her tongue lapped her glossy lips and her eyelids batted ropy lashes, Remo briefly wondered what kind of parent in their right mind would have allowed their teenaged daughter to buy into the whole "Seasonings" concept."Next alley we pass, I'm yours," she breathed."I know what you need, what you really, really need [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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