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.I can take it.Can you dish it out, boys?I dont recommend taunting us. Lucs voice soundedstrained.She wriggled again, and flashed him a come-hither smile.He hissed in a breath.Ill stop taunting if youll start fucking.Deal, Deke growled, even as he eased backthenplunged forward in a killer stroke, punctuated by a little pinch ofher clit.Kimber yelped, but it did no good when Lucs mouthcovered hers and he teased her with a slow, friction-fantasticwithdrawal just as Deke surged all the way inside her ass.Thenthey reversed, Deke drawing back, Luc arching his hips andshoving into her swollen sex with every inch he had.They repeated the process again and again, their mouths,fingers, and cocks relentless.Like a well-oiled machine, they worked her.Clearly, theyhad done this beforelots.They knew exactly how to work with DECADENT Shayla Black (S.Bradley) - Berkley Heat October 2, 2007 ISBN0-425-21721-3 Page 141and around each other to maximize everything she wasexperiencing.She no more than had an inkling that somethingwould feel good before one of them was all over it, making ithappenmaking it blindingly sublime.In minutes, sensation overwhelmed her.Her whole bodyshook as the ache swelled between her legs, grew, expanded,multiplied faster than she could deal with.Breathing nearly cameto a stop as she used all her energy to move with them and handlethe onslaught of pleasure they kept throwing her way.Youre about to come, Luc whispered against her mouth.Im dying to feel you again.She was dying, period.Overwhelmed, overpowered.Thesensations were huge, almost frightful.Everything inside herfixated on the hot rhythm of the two cocks working in and out ofher body, insistent fingers plucking and twisting, two mouthsbreathing, laving, bitingdemanding.Youre not going to outlast us, kitten, Deke vowed.Luc stroked deep inside her, until she felt him nudging herwomb, shooting off a new barrage of sparks that battered her self-control.Deke included a gentle pinch of his thumb and forefingersto her clit, then a blindsiding little rub that spelled the demise ofher restraint.Sensation shot her straight up into the stars.Her bodyshivered, bucked, as her womb convulsed, her sex contracted, andpleasure torched her body.She spun into a realm beyond herimagination.Her throat stung, and she realized suddenly it wasbecause she couldnt stop screaming.Orgasm was always afabulous experience, but this wasnt just a big O, it was ginormous,threatening to consume her as the pleasure poured all over her.Oh, damn.Hell! ILuc didnt have to finish his sentence for Kimber to knowthat he was about to follow her in orgasm.No! Suck it up, Deke growled to his cousin.Wevewaited too long to lose it like teenagers.After a sharp peak, climax let Kimber down gently.Thewarm honey of languor spread sweetly.Luc wasnt so lucky.As she regained her wits, she watchedhim in fascination as he tensed, shook, sucked in a harsh breath,and fought with squinted eyes and clenched fists.Tendons stripedhis neck.His cock had never felt so hard inside her.Finally, he let out a shaky breath.Bastard. As long as you hold it in and fuck her until she comesagain, you can call me whatever the hell you want.#Again? Kimber gasped.Deke, I dont think I canYou can.I know your body.Youre like a temperamentalcar.Once youre engine is warmed up, its easy to rev yourepeatedly.Its getting your motor to purr the first time thats abitch.And he was damned determined to make her motor purrlike it never had.She might have regrets later about the choice togive him her virginity and engage in full mnage with them, butuntil then, he intended to take her every chance he had to give herso much pleasure that any regrets would be all tangled in it.Maybe then hed have a chance of keeping her when thetruth came out.Maybe.Knowing that Lucs self-control wasnt on his side and thathis own was fraying too fast for comfort, Deke started the danceinto Kimbers body again.Luc followed his lead.With each stroke,he gritted his teeth, fighting the crushing sensitivity.Hed neverfelt so rigid and engorged.His thrusts grew rough.And Luchekept rhythm, but now wracked by tortured need, he wasnt nearlyas gentle as he had been.Deke hoped that worked in their favor.As they began their efforts again, Kimber responded withpleasant moans and sweet ahs, like she was in the midst of a lovelyafternoon, bathed in spring sunshine.Like she thought the sex was DECADENT Shayla Black (S.Bradley) - Berkley Heat October 2, 2007 ISBN0-425-21721-3 Page 142warm and enjoyable.Nothing earth-shattering.Totally unacceptable.Time to turn up the heat.Deke leaned over her back and delved his fingers back intothe slick flesh of her clit.As he had earlier, he used that alternatingpressurelight on the top, friction on the sides, hard circles above.In the span of a heartbeat, her body drew taut.Her clit swelled,hardened.She gave them a throaty growl between pants.Ah, yes.God, yes.She writhed, trying to accommodate him and Luc deeperinto the silken perfection of her body [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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