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., 85Milk, Harvey, 403, 597-598Matsunaga, Spark, 198Mill, John Stuart, 832Mattachine Society, 293, 401, 571Miller, Arthur, 542Means, Lorelie, 919Miller, Kelly, 62Means, Russell, 56, 571-573, 572, 919, 934Miller, Samuel Freeman, 795Meany, George, 249Miller, United States v., 73Medicaid, 809Miller v.Johnson, 223, 262, 968Medicare, 341, 809Millett, Kate, 921Memphis, riverfront strike in, 518Milligan, Ex parte, 569Memphis, Tennessee, 1, 217Milliken v.Bradley, 144, 598, 784, 791, 962Memphis Tri-State Defender, 659Million Man March, 52, 361, 589Méndez v.Westminster School District, 573LXXIII The Encyclopedia of Civil Rights in AmericaMinami, Dale, 598 Montgomery Improvement Association, 501,610-612, 854Minersville School District v.Gobitis, 741, 838Montgomery, Alabama, 610-612, 611, 792-793Minimum wage laws, 598-599Montgomery, Isaiah T., 609Minnesota Historical Society-Lower Sioux HistoryCenter, 989 Montgomery, Olen, 786-788Minor, Francis, 914 Moody, Milo C., 787Minor, Virginia, 914 Moore, Harry T., 630Minor v.Happersett, 599-600, 837, 914, 952 Moore, William, 612Minority group, 600-601 Moose Lodge No.107 v.Irvis, 711, 962Miranda rights, 601, 840 Moral rights, 762Miranda v.Arizona, 284, 601, 960 Morgan, Robin, 921Mirror of the Times, 655 Morgan, United States v., 565Miscegenation, 366, 548-549, 601-603, 804 Morgan v.Commonwealth of Virginia, 250, 390,612, 853, 957Misisipí, El, 662Mormons, 612-616, 740, 914; women, 615Mississippi, 111, 159, 206, 329, 603-605, 609.Seealso Freedom Summer Morrison, Toni, 541Mississippi, University of, 231, 556, 576, 653 Morton, Thurston B., 208Mississippi Burning, 369, 419, 605 Moses, Robert Parris, 604, 616, 833, 879Mississippi civil rights workers murders, 251, 478, Moskowitz, Henry, 627516, 605-608, 703, 834Moton, Robert, 616-617Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 91, 272,Mott, James, 913354, 416, 605, 608-609Mott, Lucretia, 299, 617-619, 618, 829, 912, 920Mississippi Plan, 140, 609Moultrie, Mary, 520Missouri, University of, 556Mount Pleasant riots, 619Missouri Compromise, 244, 844MOVE Organization, 619-621Missouri ex rel.Gaines v.Canada, 230, 790, 839,Movement for Economic Justice, 906956Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán, El,Missouri v.Jenkins, 146, 785, 967582, 621Mitchell, Arthur, 853Moyer v.Peabody, 570Mitchell, Charlene, 242Mozumdar, Ahkoy Kumar, 97Mitchell, Clarence M., Jr., 430, 609-610Muck, Karl, 353Mitchell, George, 55Muhammad, Elijah, 360, 365, 558, 621-623, 622Mitchell v.United States, 853Muhammad, Wallace D., 360, 623Mitford, Jessica, 543Muhammad Speaks, 622, 657Mobile v.Bolden, 964Mullany, United States v., 488, 623 Model minority stereotype, 78Muller v.Oregon, 130, 795, 836, 955Modern Times, 366Mundt-Nixon bill, 438Molina, Gloria, 528Muniz, Ramsey, 730Molly Maguires, The, 369Murder of Fred Hampton, The, 369Momaday, N.Scott, 538Murgia, Robert, 571Mondale, Walter F., 210Murillo v.Musegades, 127Monk, Maria, 460Murphy, Eddie, 141, 236Montgomery bus boycott, 1, 501, 546, 610-612,Murray, Donald, 230, 564632, 681-682, 768, 853Murray, John Courtney, 773LXXIV IndexMutual Assistance Associations, 813 National Association of Colored Women, 634,846, 899, 915Mutual Film Corporation v.Ohio, 366National Association of Cuban-American Women,Mutualistas, 529, 623-624634Myer, Dillon S., 467National Association of Working Women, 665Myrdal, Gunnar, 53, 143, 617, 650National Association to Protect Individual Rights,Mystery, The, 301987Myth, and race, 720-724National Bar Association, 634-636National Black Economic DevelopmentNAACP.See National Association for theConference, 186Advancement of Colored PeopleNational Black Feminist Organization, 235Nabrit, James Madison, Jr., 136, 625National Chinese Welfare Council, 636Nader, Ralph, 270, 543National Citizen and Ballot Box, 394Naim v.Naim, 602National Civil Liberties Bureau, 49, 929NAPALC, 626National Civil Rights Museum, 463, 990Nast, Thomas, 180, 600National Coalition for Redress/Reparations, 636Nation of Islam, 68, 117, 360-362, 557, 621-623,National Coalition for the Homeless, 433622National Colored Labor Union, 320National Abortion and Reproductive Rights ActionLeague, 183, 625, 745 National Commission on Architectural Barriers, 71National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, National Committee Against Repressive626 Legislation, 981National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, National Committee for Redress, 636-637Report of, 223, 625-626, 687National Community Relations Advisory Council,National African American Leadership Summit, 477361National Conference of Puerto Rican Women, 637National Afro-American Council, 889National Conference on Religion and Race, 165National Alliance Against Racist and PoliticalNational Congress for Puerto Rican Rights,Repression, 986637-638National Alliance of Spanish-Speaking People forNational Congress of American Indians, 638, 751Equality, 626National Council for Japanese American Redress,National American Woman Suffrage Association,639160, 915National Council of American Indians, 639National Asian Pacific American LegalNational Council of Churches, 184-188Consortium, 626-627National Council of Hispanic Women, 639National Association for the Advancement ofNational Council of La Raza, 639-640Colored People, 93, 229, 293, 325-326, 328,National Council of Negro Women, 97, 921354-357, 362, 482, 485, 564, 588-589, 610,National Council on the Handicapped, 308627-631, 631-634, 665, 853, 889, 900, 906,910-911, 983 National Education Association, 14National Association for the Advancement of National Emergency Civil Rights Mobilization, 907Colored People Legal Defense and EducationalNational Equal Rights League, 856Fund, 631-634National Equal Rights Party, 546National Association for the Advancement ofNational Farm Labor Union, 870Colored People v.Alabama ex rel.Patterson, 840National Farm Workers Association, 164, 300,National Association for the Advancement of640, 663, 866, 870Colored People v.Button, 384National Federation of Afro-American Women, 634LXXV The Encyclopedia of Civil Rights in AmericaNational Firearms Act, 73 Native American Rights Fund, 647National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 403 Native Americans.See American IndiansNational Gay Task Force, 403 Native Son, 541National Hall of Fame for Famous American Native Sons of the Golden State, 175Indians, 990Nativism, 352National Indian Association, 640Natural rights, 199, 212, 444, 647-648, 761National Industrial Recovery Act, 888Naturalization Act of 1790, 43, 190National Labor Relations Act.See Wagner ActNaturalization Act of 1802, 190National Labor Relations Board, 228, 250, 517Navajo, 369, 457National League of Colored Women, 634Neal, Claude, 553National League of Women Voters, 645Neal v.Delaware, 669National Negro Bar Association, 635Near v.Minnesota, 379National Negro Business League, 115, 635, 856Nebraska, 340National Negro Committee of Forty, 627Negro American Political League, 856National Negro Conference, 627Negro Baseball Leagues, 767National Negro Congress, 143, 242Negro Convention movement, 115, 649-650National Negro Labor Council, 523Negro Leagues, 824National Network Against Asian AmericanNegro Newspaper Publishers Association, 656Violence, 472Negro World, 373, 397, 541, 656National Newspaper Publishers Association, 656Nesmith v [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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