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.You tried to dump all your househelpers chores on me and then you won t even let me call you by your first name.Didyou think I didn t notice that? Am I a second-class citizen? Is that it? You should haveseen the total distaste on your face when I asked if the other women would be broughthere.You don t like humans, do you?27 Laurann DohnerFrowning, Berrr softly growled. I have no problem and I don t dislike humans.You are not a second-class citizen even though I don t know that meaning.You are nowa Zorn citizen of this planet like any other Zorn. He took a deep breath. I told you tocall me by my name.Is it an Earth insult that I allowed such an intimate gesture?Staring up at him, Shanna grew confused. Intimate gesture? I offered you my name instead of my title to call me when very few get thatprivilege.It was starting to sink in. Shit.Hyvin isn t your first name, is it? You re like ageneral or something so everyone calls you Hyvin for that term. Hyvin is my title. I thought you were making me call you a formal name but Berrr is your first name.Damn.I m really sorry I got upset about that but I thought you were being rude to me.A little guilt ate at her for thinking and accusing him of being a snob to her when infact he d been the opposite.She studied his pretty bright eyes. You don t like humans though. That she was sure of. What do you have againstmy kind?He sighed, watching her. Three of my four sons have bound to human women andit sets a bad example for my people.I lead and my warriors wish to follow by myexample and that of my sons. His gaze slowly lowered down her body, taking in everyinch, before it lifted back. Humans are small and not warriors yet my sons are havingchildren with your women.I worry that they will not have strong sons who will be ableto hold our bloodline on Zorn as leaders.Our family is the strongest yet my sons havechosen the weakest of females. His eyelids narrowed as his lips pressed into a firm lineof anger. I admit that I am not pleased to feel attraction to you either yet I do.She was taken aback by his confession at being sexually drawn to her.She knewthat s what he meant but she was also getting angry. I resent you saying I m weak.Pushing off the counter, she got to her feet, staring up at him. You aliens are just freakylarge but I m not a pushover.I was raised in and out of foster care and by twoalcoholics in some pretty crappy neighborhoods.I know judo, I took kickboxing andI ve had to fight plenty of times in my lifetime just to not get my ass kicked becausepeople thought they could take advantage of me because I wasn t a big woman.Nevermistake small for weak, Berrr.I managed to keep your warrior guys from molesting meat that auction while chained to a floor like a damn dog.His arms crossed over his chest. I think I understood most of what you said butyou are weak.All women are and need protection from males but human women areeven weaker than Zorn females.Shanna could almost feel the steam coming from her ears.He was pissing her offbig time and seriously thought she was some pathetic bitch who needed someone tofight her battles for her, as though she were useless.Her gaze swept over his largebody, his muscles, and then she moved without giving him warning, knowing it wasthe only advantage she had.I ll show him weak.28 Berrr s VowBerrr stumbled back a good four feet when Shanna s bare foot made contact withhis stomach and a grunt tore from him as he bent from the blow.Shanna spun, kickingout again, and caught him in the shoulder with a roundhouse kick.It knocked the bigguy on his ass on the floor by the tub.She backed up, putting her arms tight to herchest, watching him with caution as his head lifted.Shocked blue eyes locked with hersfor a few heartbeats before he softly growled at her. That s kickboxing, Berrr.Little ole me is big and bad enough to knock you on yourlarge ass.What was that you were saying about how weak human women were? Shearched her eyebrows and then held her hand out, motioning him up with her fingers. Are you ready to take it back? If you want I can put you on your ass every time youget up until you re willing to admit you are wrong.He put his hands on the floor, going to his hands and knees, his narrowed gazelocked on her as another soft growl came from his slightly parted full lips. You want toplay? I m not playing.Shock hit his features. You want to fight me?Frowning at him, she shrugged [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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