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.The drive home carried on in silence.If Lachlan couldn tunderstand why Garrett did what he did, it was no use to try andexplain it to him now.Garrett just knew he had his work cut out forhim to repair, once again, the damage he d caused.Garrett wanted to punch the dashboard he was so fucking mad.Everything he had done since meeting Lachlan was out of love.Whycouldn t his mate see that? It wasn t just that Garrett was a controlfreak, which he was.He just needed his mate to stay alive.Theparanormal world was in utter chaos, and Lachlan s job as a warriorput him front and center of the war going on around them. Garrett s Choice 87The Carrington estate came into view, and Garrett turned downthe long driveway.He parked the car and before he even shut theengine off, Lachlan had jumped out, racing up the front steps.Garrett blew out a heavy breath and got out of the truck.Helooked to the sky and prayed for the patience to deal with his surlymate.Lachlan stormed up the stairs, and Garrett followed close behind.They had to hash this out before it festered into an even biggerproblem.Garrett had lived without Lachlan before, and he wasn tabout to do it again. Lachlan, we need to talk. Lachlan spun around and thebitterness in his mate s eyes broke his heart.He d caused that pain.Garrett needed to learn to trust his mate, but the fear of the unknownclawed at his insides like a beast.But by his mate s rigid posture andclenched fist, Garrett knew he had a shitload of groveling in hisfuture.He d give and do anything to get them back to the way theywere before the moon run.* * * * Talk? Lachlan threw Garrett into the wall and watched as hecrumpled to the floor.Garrett lay there stunned, and Lachlan tookadvantage of his stupor to grab his shirt front and toss him up againstthe wall, holding the material tight in his fist. You fucking hit me infront of our pack. I had to.If I hadn t you would have ran after those men.Icouldn t chance you getting hurt or worse, killed. Garrett grippedLachlan s wrist in his hands, trying to get Lachlan to release his hold.It only made Lachlan s fist clench tighter, and the shirt started to rip. That s my fucking job, Lachlan spat into Garrett s face as hebanged Garrett against the wall with every word he spoke. I m agoddamn warrior.It s what I ve been trained to do. 88 AJ Jarrett Maybe, but I m not trained to just let someone I love run blindlyinto danger.That gave Lachlan a moment s pause, but it was fleeting.Garrettused the word love to justify his actions, and it wasn t right.Garrettwas domineering and wanted everything his way, a picture-perfect,cookie-cutter life.Well he could kiss that notion good-bye becauseLachlan wasn t some weakling needing someone else to tell him whatto do.Lachlan was a fierce and strong warrior.He d killed men forless than the grievances his mate put upon him tonight. Please, Lachlan, understand where I m coming from. Garrett svoice softened, but Lachlan wasn t fooled.If he let Garrett go he dget the upper hand, and Lachlan couldn t allow that.He had to makeGarrett understand he didn t need to be taken care of.If anything,Lachlan had a more cunning mind than his mate.Garrett was just toopigheaded to realize it.Garrett started to struggle, but Lachlan wouldn t let go. Let go ofme.I m your alpha, and I was just doing what was within my right.Lachlan started to chuckle.He couldn t believe the nerve of hismate. If that statement were true then I m your alpha as well, mate.We re equals in everything. Lachlan stepped close until his nosebrushed against Garrett s. Being mated can be a real bitch, huh? I understand that you re upset and hurt and probably a littleembarrassed, but you re being irrational right now. I m being irrational? Lachlan pushed Garrett against the wallagain, and a picture fell to the floor along with some Sheetrock.Garrett raised his arms up then brought them down quick and hardon Lachlan s forearms.Lachlan immediately let go, and Garretttackled him to floor.They rolled around, bumping into furniture asthey did.The sounds of splintering wood and cracking glass mingledwith their grunting [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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