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.With this worthy goal in mind, he began a new sensual assault. I already love you, she sighed as if that would accelerate his leisurely reconnaissance.Immensely pleased by her admission, he released the toes he d been sucking. Why doyou love me? Fishing for compliments? she teased. Maybe, he shrugged and went back to nibbling her round pink toes. Not because of that, though&.Oh my.Holy Goddess.Don t stop, she paused to catch herbreath, her eyes glazed by pleasure. Where was I? Ah, I remember.It is definitely not becauseyou re determined to kill me with ecstasy.Kelvar released her toes, kneading her instep and waiting for her to continue. I love you for your strength, your courage, your honor, and your tender heart.He tried to protest but she leaned forward, silencing him with a finger to his lips. You hide it well, but it shines in your eyes whenever you look at Dexon or me I ve shown you nothing of my honor, he said, genuinely believing his words. Everything you do shows me your honor.Even your plan to sacrifice yourself to allowDexon and me to bond.His hand stilled.He clamped his jaw to keep from gaping at her.She was guessing.Shehad to be.There way no way for her to know. I won t stand for it, she said mildly.He scrambled for a credible denial.Then she leaned closer still, taking his mouth in anerotic assault of lips and teeth and tongue.A soft hand snaked into his hair, massaging his scalp.By the Gods, it felt good.His cock grew longer and harder.Her slim fingers pressed deep intothe side of his neck.A pinch, a tingle, and then consciousness slid away before he could protest.* * * *It was all over in second.The mighty Kelvar lost consciousness in less than a heartbeat.It had been sneaky todistract him with a kiss.Dalila shrugged away the regret.He was at least twice her size.Awoman did what had to be done.She struggled to move him into a comfortable position, finally managing to straighten hislimbs and tuck a pillow under his neck.Once confident she d made him comfortable, she took the time to comb and coil her longhair before retying her sarong.She checked on Kelvar, who rested peacefully.She consideredrestraining him, but didn t want to destroy her pretty sarong or sacrifice the bed linens.Therewas nothing else suitable for binding in the beach house.She would have to move fast.Veryfast.Sprinting to the hovercraft, which had been parked a discreet distance down the beach, DALILA S CHOICE Evanne Lorraine 45she leapt onto its deck and pounded on the hatch.Within seconds the door slid open and Dexon peered at her. What s wrong?She pushed past him into the ship. Do you have any rope? Of course, he raised an eyebrow in a silent question.But, thankfully he sorted through compartments until he emerged with a useful length ofsturdy line. Great, bring it along. She hurried out of the craft, racing back to the beach housewithout waiting to see if he followed. Dalila? he called from the great room. In here, she answered.Sensing his presence in the doorway, she held out a hand for the rope.After a second ofhesitation, he gave it to her.Regretting the necessity, she immediately began securing Kelvar tothe heavy bed frame. What s going on? Dexon asked, shifting uneasily. We re saving your brother s life.Dexon moved again, plainly not totally satisfied with her brief explanation.But, notstopping her either.She didn t have time to deal with his doubts, handing him a length of line,she instructed him calmly, infusing her voice with command. Here, use this to secure his feet.Making no move to follow her orders, he set down the rope. Why isn t he moving? he asked worriedly.After tying Kelvar s other wrist, she sat back, silently cursing her failure to master the artof mind control.Then she shrugged modestly. I rendered him unconscious. How? Dexon asked, skeptically. Nerve induction.Maybe I ll teach it to you someday.But, first we have to figure outhow to keep both of you alive.Dexon shot her a look of patent disbelief.If the situation had been any less lethallydangerous, she would have laughed aloud at his slack jaw. You knocked out my brother? Yes.And I ll do the same thing to you if you get in my way, she said fiercely.Dexon seemed to consider her threat seriously before he spoke. Tell me why youbelieve Kelvar is in danger.Checking to be certain that Kelvar still rested peacefully, she settled herself on the bednext to the unconscious warrior.Then she explained more fully. I m not a fool.The hologram messenger stronglyimplied the brother I didn t choose would die.Since I m in love with you, I should choose you.Except, that would mean Kelvar would die.And that is completely out of the question.BecauseI love him too.Your brother recognized my dilemma so he planned to eliminate the need tochoose by taking his own life.I couldn t stand by and do nothing.You see that, don t you?Dexon crossed his arms and frowned at her, looking every centimeter the intimidatingwarrior.And this, she reminded herself, was the reasonable brother. You have to choose, he explained patiently. Imagine what would happen if more thanone warrior was allowed to mate with a breeder.Men outnumber women by the thousands.Without the laws protecting them, the breeders would be fucked to death.Dalila fought to control a surge of anger, wishing she could compel his cooperationrather than trying to explain her logic. DALILA S CHOICE Evanne Lorraine 46 You re wrong.I don t have to choose, she snapped at him.And then she softened her tone. When the rules of the game don t allow you to win thenwhat you have to do is change the rules.He shook his head sadly. The laws of Enyo can not be changed.The council hasspoken.You have three days to choose. What happens if I refuse? she demanded. Then Kelvar and I both die [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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