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.Ryan and I walked silently towards my house, but we didn t get farbefore I said,  You took Danny to Santa Cruz.Right?Ryan sighed. It s a nice town.There s a boardwalk, and it s righton the ocean. Well, yeah.I wouldn t think you d take him to some slum,somewhere. I wasn t sure what I was getting at, but I felt like I had aquestion. So why don t I get to go?He gave me a weird look. I still don t you re not freaked outthat Paulo assumed we were together? You re honestly doing this? Fuck, Ryan, how many more times can I say it? I mean I can tguarantee anything, but, yeah, I want to try.32 Into the Light | Kate SherwoodHe stopped walking, and turned to look at me.He was a coupleinches taller than I was, and he was standing close enough that I had tobend my head back a little.Then he got a little closer, and his handreturned to its place on my neck.He leaned in slow, his eyes never leavingmine, and I wasn t sure whether this was a test or more of a dare, but Iknew I wasn t going to back down.His lips barely brushed mine.It felt fine, but not exciting; it waslike a slightly-misjudged air-kiss, or something.He pulled back a little, Iguess so he could see my face more clearly.He was clearly waiting for mybig freak out.I took a moment to be sure that it wasn t just sneaking up onme, but I felt fine. Huh.That s all you ve got? I gotta say&.He moved in faster this time, and the kiss was harder, moreconfident.I could feel the strength of his jaw, the faintest hint of stubbleon his skin, and it was interesting, but it still didn t exactly overwhelm me.He pulled away again, and I wondered for a moment whether maybe thisactually was all that he had.But, no, I didn t think so.He was clearly stillholding back, and I raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to do more.Iwas going to give him one more try before I took over and saw what Icould do.He kept his eyes on me as he bent over a little and dropped the bagof food onto the ground.Then he came in slow again, and I was preparedfor another disappointment, but this time he went for it.He used his handto angle my face and then brought our mouths together, and when histongue came forward mine was right there to meet it.He leaned into me,pushed me backwards a little, and that was the first truly new sensation,the feeling that I was with someone who was at least as strong as I was, ifnot stronger.I let him move me around, let him pin me up against the wall,and by the time he brought his hands up to brace on either side of myhead, I was glad I had the bricks at my back for support.His lips left mine,skimming down over the skin of my neck before sliding up along myjawline, and a shiver raced through my body.My breath caught when he33 Into the Light | Kate Sherwoodnipped my earlobe, and my head tilted automatically to give him moreroom.He paused, and I could feel the rumble of his chuckle against myneck. Damn, he whispered. You really aren t going to chicken out,huh?I pushed, hard and quick, and spun him around so he was the oneagainst the wall.Before he had time to react, I surged in, my thighbetween his legs and my mouth on his, hard and demanding.Now it wasmy turn to move his head to the position I wanted, and it had been hot,before, to allow myself to be passive in the face of his strength, but thiswas just as exciting, taking my turn as the aggressor and knowing that hecould handle whatever I gave out.I ran my hands up along the hard linesof his torso, then over his chest, and, yeah, it was a bit different, but it wasstill a warm, beautiful body, and it still arched into my touch.But then it pulled away, and Ryan pushed his forehead into mine,dragging our mouths apart. Jesus, he gasped.He took a deep breath,then pushed on both my shoulders, and I reluctantly took a stepbackwards. Public street, man.This is a liberal town, but it s not thatliberal. Yeah, okay. Maybe I wasn t totally sorry to be getting a littletime to evaluate things.Kissing Ryan had been pretty intense, but notquite in the way that I d been expecting.Maybe.I wasn t really sure.Yeah, it would be good to have a little time to think.We walked on towards my house, neither of us saying much, andwhen we got there, I opened the front door but he paused before cominginside. You re still okay? he asked, and for the first time, I wonderedwhether all his second-guessing hadn t been about my doubts, but his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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