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.Compton grew bolder and bolder.Another rush caused Lucas to whirl away butin doing so he lost his footing, stumbled and fell.Compton darted in for the kill butinstead of meeting the fading struggles of a flagging combatant, he was met by a strikethat would rival the deadliest of snakes.Lucas had lured him in with the semblance ofweakening due to his wounded shoulder.Gathering his hind legs beneath him, Luclaunched himself and struck from below, his jaws closing on Compton s throat.In his surprise, Compton attempted to break free and succeeded only in tearinghis throat open.For a moment he wavered, clearly stunned as blood poured from the Kate Steele Hoosier Werewolf 3: Things That Go Grr - 70 -wound, before his body collapsed.The light in his eyes dimmed then extinguished as hesilently died.Those of the pack who had remained in wolf form lifted their muzzles tothe sky.Their eerie howls a tribute to the passing of a pack member.It was fitting, evenfor one who would not be mourned.Lucas resumed his human shape, his wounds healing with the transformation.His breathing was labored and he was clearly weary, though his body seemed torecover with each passing moment.Each and every member of the pack came to him,silently touching and being touched, once again offering their allegiance to their provenalpha.Several volunteers carried Compton s body away to the place that had beenprepared for the loser.Contrary to popular mythos, once dead he did not resume hishuman shape.A wolf would be buried in the ground that awaited.Pam, Tony, Chad and Crewe were among the last to re-offer their loyalty andcommitment to Lucas as the others drifted away.Lucas had assumed a mien of calm,but beneath the surface the others sensed the vibration of emotion held firmly in check.Pamela hugged him fiercely.There seemed no appropriate words to be said.A victoryhad been achieved but at a terrible cost.To offer congratulations would beinappropriate.No one made the mistake of doing so.Pam broke the silence in a way she hoped would offer comfort and remind Lucaswhy this battle had been fought. We re going to pick up the kids.I ll tell them you ll bearound to see them in a few days.Lucas nodded and watched the last of his pack but one, walk away.When theywere out of sight he spoke into the silence. You may as well come out.I know you rethere.A dark wolf glided from between the trees.He was nearly black, his face, chest,underbelly and legs lightened by touches of cream amongst the dusky hair.He metLucas at the edge of the clearing and transformed. I tried to stay downwind, but Iknew you d caught my scent before the fight started.With a sigh, Lucas rolled his head, loosening the tight muscles of his neck.A finetension shivered through his body, the beginnings of arousal heating his skin.His gaze Kate Steele Hoosier Werewolf 3: Things That Go Grr - 71 -fastened on his mate.Savoring Nick s unselfconscious nudity, Luc s mouth began towater. I had a feeling you wouldn t stay away.Where are the kids? With Ethan and Dustin.They ve both joined the pack. I see, Lucas replied, edging closer.A heavy throbbing grew in his groin. Andwhat was your plan? If you lost, Pam and Tony would take the children away.I d challengeCompton.If I lost, Crewe, Ethan, Chad and Dustin would make sure he didn t enjoy hisposition for long. Nick held his ground. Four against one.Not very sporting, Lucas felt the pulse of blood moving tohis cock.Nick s scent was heavy in his nostrils and as he watched, his mate s cockbegan to fill.The scent of their mutual desire perfumed the air between them. Better than letting a rogue have free rein. True.Lucas watched the fire fill Nick s deep blue eyes and knew his own burned aswell.He reached out and was met.This time when two bodies slammed together it wasfor pure pleasure.All the aggression Lucas had repressed before and during the fightcame to the fore.He was on fire with need, an unspecified rage pulsing through hisblood.Using his strength in a way he d never used it on a lover before, he shoved Nickagainst the nearest tree and ground their torsos together.It dimly occurred to him that Nick was choosing to humor his need.Now that hewas a werewolf, Nick would be more than a match for Lucas.He wouldn t be pushedunless he allowed it.Uncaring of the niceties, Lucas invaded Nick s parted lips andravaged his mouth while grabbing his ass so hard he was sure to leave bruises.Withouta protest, Nick met his savage passion head on.Their cocks were crushed together,rubbing with the wild incessant rhythm of Luc s hips as he thrust against his lover.The need to come was a deep, urgent and aching thing.He savagely bit Nick slip, drew blood and sucked at the drops that flowed free.The rich copper-salt flavorfilled his mouth, taking away the lingering traces of Compton s body and blood.Luc Kate Steele Hoosier Werewolf 3: Things That Go Grr - 72 -clenched his eyes tightly shut, struggling to slam the door on any thought but those ofNick and the need that pulsed through his body like a drug that ate his very sanity.Every panting breath filled his lungs with Nick, every touch was his mate.Indesperation, he drove everything away but Nick, his scent, his taste, the sound of hisgroans.With one last heave of their bodies together, Lucas came with a guttural wail,shaking, shuddering with the pleasure that surged through him.Wet heat sprayedbetween them.The scent of fresh semen, first his, then Nick s registered in that sameinstance and he breathed it in, savored it while his body gradually sought to relax.Eventually it dawned on him that Nick was murmuring softly. It s all right,baby.I m here.I m right here.Lucas frowned, his tongue coming out to wet lips gone dry.The moisture on hislips made him realize there was moisture of another kind on his face.Dazed, he reachedup unclenching one fisted hand to touch his own cheek.His fingertips came awaysmeared with moisture, clear and salty.Tears.Without permission, his body wasattempting to purge the emotions Lucas was holding tightly in check.He stepped awayand turned his back to Nick, struggling to tamp down the feelings that were threateningto unman him.Nick was having none of it.He crowded close from behind, his arms circlingLuc s waist while bringing them tightly together. There s no shame in crying.I ve doneit myself a time or two.Everyone does, you know.You ve been through a traumaticexperience.Even the strongest of men would crumple a bit around the edges after goingthrough something like this.Lucas nodded and swallowed around the lump that formed in his throat. Iknow what it s like to kill prey [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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