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.Sarah Barham cleared her throat.“What is he, a priest?” she asked Linda.“Not exactly,” Linda replied.Hastings waited a minute, keeping his hands in place, then spoke a different charm.Minutes passed, and there was no change.Then, slowly, Jack’s complexion lost its waxy appearance.His breathing grew less ragged and his whole body relaxed.Hastings smiled up at the two women.He was pale and perspiring, his green eyes muddy with exhaustion.He removed his hands; the blistering had subsided.The church docent looked from Jack to Hastings.“Well.I thought he was going to die,” she admitted.“Me, too,” Hastings said shortly.He stood and wiped his hands on his trousers.“Is there any other way out of this church?” he asked softly.“Besides the obvious?”“There is another door,” Sarah said.“At the southeast end.But it’s usually not open to the public,” she added.“Could we use it?” Hastings smiled at the woman.“Please? The boy’s in danger.”“Well.” She looked at Jack, and back at Hastings.“I suppose so.I’ll show you where it is.”Hastings turned to Linda.“I need you to stall those wizards outside as long as possible.Don’t let them know that he’s gone.Better yet, see if you can convince them he’s dead.” He reached out and brushed her cheek with the back of his knuckles.“Be careful.I think we can assume they’ll be angry.”“Wizards!” Sarah took a step back, her hand flying to her mouth as if she had suddenly realized that the tall stranger did have a certain supernatural look about him.“So to speak,” said Hastings, smiling in a disarming fashion.“The boy’s involved himself with a cult.” He bent and lifted Jack again.Jack frowned and muttered something.“One more thing: Linda, can you get to Canterbury and take over my Chaucerian Society? They’re at Dovecote Hostelry in the old city.We’re visiting all the scenes of the great murders.Tomorrow they want to see where Becket was killed.They’re a bloodthirsty lot, it seems.”Linda nodded, without speaking.Hastings followed the bewildered Sarah Barham to the rear of the church and disappeared.Linda arranged the bedclothes to look like a recumbent form.Then she stationed herself next to the pallet to wait.Sarah Barham allowed Linda to stay beyond the official church closing time of four-thirty.The enchanter kept her vigil, seated on the floor, her back against the wall.Daylight faded behind the stained-glass windows as the interior lights kindled.It was after nine P.M.when Jessamine Longbranch reentered the church to find Linda dozing at her post.The wizard stood, hands on hips, gazing down at Linda.“I suppose the boy’s dead?” She motioned at Linda’s arrangement of bedclothes on the floor.“Yes,” Linda replied.“You little fool!” The words were full of venom.“I can’t believe you would sacrifice your nephew like this.Why not let him fight, and at least give him a chance?”“You cast the graffe, Jessamine, I didn’t.You can explain it to the rest of your House.Jack said he’d rather die than end up in your hands.I honored his choice.”“I’m most displeased.I think I’ll pay your sister Becka a visit.She’s staying on Thurloe Place, isn’t she?” Dr.Longbranch stalked from the church.Linda rang Becka repeatedly, but there was no answer.She lounged at the church until about midnight, then slipped out the back door.The Chaucerian Society was a flexible group.When Linda introduced herself as an expert in medieval myth and magic who would be replacing Leander Hastings for a few days, there was hardly a ripple of concern.The boys in particular were pleased with the change.The notable exceptions were Will and Fitch, who knew that Linda Downey surfacing unexpectedly meant that trouble would follow.Linda was a good choice for the assignment.She was an ardent Anglophile, and shared her family’s interest in English literature and medieval studies.She had lived much of her life in England, and was able to add detail and color to the information provided by the official cathedral guide.They were all suitably impressed with the sheer nastiness of a murder in church.We weren’t far from that last night, Linda thought.She wondered where Jack and Hastings had gotten to.She’d heard he had a house in Cumbria, perhaps they’d gone there.She tried to call Becka several times during the day, but there was no answer in the hotel room in London.Becka surely wouldn’t leave for Oxford without Jack.She left a message at Devon House for Becka to call her in Canterbury.The story she had devised was that they had spotted the kidnappers in London, and although Hastings had taken Jack to a safe place, they were all in danger.There were no messages when Linda returned to Hastings’s room.There was sparse evidence of his presence: a book on the table, a leather shaving kit in the washroom, a sweater draped across the foot of the bed.Impulsively, she pressed the wool to her face, breathing in his scent.Embarrassed, she dropped it on the bed.By now, Becka might be frantic.What if she called Dr.Longbranch? Surely now that the wizard thought Jack was dead, she would leave Becka alone, despite her threat in the church.Unless Longbranch decided to use Becka to take revenge on Linda for the double cross.And where were Jack and Hastings? Hastings owned property somewhere in Cumbria.Perhaps they had gone up there.Maybe Hastings had called Becka and told her some story on his own.Anything was possible.There was a knock at the door.When she pulled it open, Will and Fitch stood in the hallway, Fitch with a folder under his arm.They looked to be on a mission.“Hello, Ms.Downey.We need to talk to you.If.are you busy?” Will shifted from foot to foot.“Not at all.Please, come in! Would you like some tea or something?” Linda looked from one to the other.Fitch shook his head.“We came because we want to know why you’re here and what it has to do with Jack,” he said bluntly.“I see.Well, won’t you sit down?” She gestured toward a little table next to a window that overlooked the narrow street below.They arranged themselves as best they could, seeming overlarge for the delicate table, all elbows and knees and long legs and wary determination.Fitch dropped his folder on the table and said, “So where’s Jack? And why are you filling in for Mr.Hastings?”Linda steepled her hands and rested her chin on her fingertips, studying them.They had earned the right to information.Without them, Jack would no doubt be dead or worse.“Jack’s had trouble again since coming to London.He had to leave with Mr.Hastings.That’s why I’m here.”“Listen, we’re tired of being clueless.” Will placed his palms flat against the table.“Jack won’t tell us anything.He just says not to worry, there’s nothing we can do.Crap like that.We think you can tell us what’s going on.”“I can do that.It’s up to you to decide what you want to believe.” Linda could make them believe Jack had been kidnapped by aliens if she wanted to.But, this time, she preferred to convince them by non-magical means.She took a deep breath.“Jack should have been a wizard, but he was implanted with a warrior stone when he was a baby.”Fitch squinted at her doubtfully, as if trying to decide if she were joking.“Implanted with a.what?”“A Weirstone.Those who carry a warrior stone have certain magical attributes that manifest when they come of age—”“Right.” Fitch rolled his eyes.“Jack Swift is.is some kind of gladiator with superpowers.Is that what you’re saying?”Linda nodded.“There are other stones and other guilds, of which wizards are the most powerful.Wizards play warriors in tournaments called the Game.Only there aren’t many warriors left.So Jack is what you might call a rare find.Because of that, wizards are after him, trying to capture or kill him.”“Hold on,” Will said, scowling [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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