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.They held hands and walked.By thetime they reached the middle of the street, everyone had seenthem. What the fuck? Papo threw his hands up in the air.Damian jumped up and down, laughing. I told y all niggas,see?Chulito and Carlos held hands in a tight grip and took quick,sure steps.Chulito looked at Damian and some of the auto glassguys as they leaned on each other and blew kisses at him andCarlos.Chulito breathed heavily, like a bull ready to charge.Herealized that he was gripping Carlos hand too tightly, andloosened it a bit.Carlos looked straight ahead and didn t makeeye contact with anyone. Yo, Chulito, you fucking serious? Papo shouted out.Chulito looked over at him and nodded a greeting.Looney Tunes was laughing so hard he was stomping aroundon the corner.Davey was silent and just watched. Yo, that is someshit, Chin-Chin said. I m seeing it but I can t believe it.As Chulito and Carlos reached the sidewalk across the streetfrom the fellas, Papo said,  That s the kind of shit that gets to me.You see that? Walking out like it s nothing, and there s little kidsaround here and shit. Papo picked up a beer bottle and dumpedout the dribble of beer that was in it. Yo, you ain t gonna throw that, Davey said nervously, licking his lips and walking toward Papo. Stay back, Davey, or I m gonna hurt you. Chill, Papo, Chin-Chin said. You, too? Papo said to Chin-Chin.As he leaned back tothrow the bottle, Puti yelled. Watch out, but the bottle hit Chulitoon his shoulder and shattered in a shower of gold glass.They letgo of their hands.Carlos wasted no time. C mon, Chulito.Let s get out ofhere!Chulito shook the glass off and turned around to face thecorner. Run, boys! Puti called out. That s right, I threw it. Papo took a challenging stance withhis arms outstretched. Let s go, Carlos urged. Listen to your boyfriend, Chulito, Damian teased.It was now or never.He could run, but he knew better.He hadto stay and fight.And he had to protect Carlos if need be.Chulitotook two slow steps into the street, looked out for traffic andheaded toward the fellas. What you gonna do? Papo said with his fists locked andready. I will fuck you up, Chulito.ck">Carlos followed slowly behind Chulito.As Puti saw Chulito walking toward Papo, she put on herslippers and grabbed a high heeled shoe. Yo, chill, Davey told Papo.While still looking directly at Chulito, Papo said through grittedteeth,  Don t get in my way, Davey.Chulito charged and leaped on Papo, knocking him to theground. Fight! A kid on the corner of Manida Street yelled toward agroup of children playing.Martha, Debbie and Brenda saw the kids running in thedirection of the action and followed.When Papo landed on the sidewalk, he shoved Chulito off of him, quickly got up and kicked Chulito who was still on the ground.The auto glass guys charged over and Damian yelled,  Fuckhim up.Carlos pushed his way through the crowd toward Chulito, whohad gotten up and charged Papo again and punched him in thechest, and the two shoved and punched each other.Davey gotkicked by Papo when he tried to intervene.In between swings andkicks, Chulito kept shoving Carlos out of the way and told him tostay back.When Brick and Julio saw people running past the travelagency window toward the corner, they went out to see what washappening.Puti limped toward the crowd with her shoe held high in the airand yelled,  Somebody help him.Call the cops. She swung herheel at Papo and caught him in the neck.With his flat palm, Papohit Puti in her face with such a force that she stumbled back and hither head on the pavement.Carlos ran to Puti who was bleedingfrom a busted lip and a cut near her eye.Puti s mother, who hadfollowed her out the house yelled,  You see! That is what you get!You wanna be a pato? Look at you.Puti covered her ears and yelled back,  Shut the fuck up!Carlos mother ran out the building and shrieked when shesaw his bloody hands. I m alright, ma, it s Puti s blood.She s hurt.Call an ambulance. I don t need noonfon ambulance, carajo! Puti got up, wipedthe blood away from her eye, and picked up her heel.Watching the fight unfold, Lee called the police.Brick and Julio reached the fight as Papo hit Puti.Julio andBrick charged at Papo and Brick held him in a bear hug. Get the fuck off me! Papo yelled as he struggled and kicked.Chulito was trembling and bleeding from his mouth, but he had hisfists up.When Damian saw Brick he called a couple of his auto glassbuddies, and they all rushed Brick.Puti whacked one of them asthey passed her.Papo broke free and he and Chulito continued to fight while Brick and Julio fought with the auto glass guys.ThenJulio ran back to his agency with two of the auto glass guyschasing after him.He reached his office and locked the door.Theguys banged on the glass windows and rattled his door.Julio wentto his desk and looked for his gun.When Lee saw the guys chasing Julio, he grabbed a largekitchen knife and tried to go out, but his father shut the metal gatethat kept the customers out of the kitchen and locked him in. Youare staying here. Lee yelled and held up his knife to his father, buthis father stood still and simply shut his eyes.Lee looked at hissiblings and through tears said,  My friends are in trouble. Lee ranto the small take-out order window and looked through the cloudedglass to see what was happening.His mother was crying andpraying in Korean, while Lee tried squeezing himself through thetake out window where only his head could barely make it through.The travel agency window shattered and Julio fired two gunshots, which sent the auto glass guys running.When Brick heardthe shots he shoved Damian away and ran to the store.As heclimbed through the broken window, Julio crouched behind hisdesk, took aim and shouted,  Stay the fuck out! Yo, it s me, Brick. Julio saw him and got up. Yo, Julio, putthat gun down, bro. No, our boys are in trouble and nobody is gonna help them.Brick blocked his path. Move, Brick.I will kill any of those motherfuckers even if Ihave to go to jail.They need to know that they cannot fuck with us.We are not a bunch of scared faggots who cower when they flextheir macho attitudes. Julio pushed past Brick, jumped throughthe window and ran toward the corner.He fired several shots intothe air.There were screams and everyone ran in differentdirections. Stop it, you fucking animals! Julio shouted as he chargedthe corner.In trying to stop the fight, Chin-Chin and Davey were nowfighting with Papo.Looney Tunes was trying to get Davey and fighting with Papo.Looney Tunes was trying to get Davey andChin-Chin to stay out of it.Damian and the two auto glass guystook off across the street to the shops.Chulito was bruised andbloody with his right eye nearly swollen shut.Carlos shirt wascovered in Puti s blood but he went to Chulito and held him.Papo stood defiant.He had blood oozing out his mouth andnose, and running down his right ear and the side of his head froma gash in his scalp.Julio aimed the gun at Papo. Gimme the gun! Brick yelled. Listen to your boyfriend, Papo said, coughing. Fuck him, Julio.Just give me the gun. Brick held out hishand.Papo smirked. You just a faggot with a gun, Julio.You ain tgonna shoot me, and if you do, you better kill me with the first shot, cause if not, you going down, no joke. Julio cocked the gun andmoved closer to Papo. Enough [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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