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. He s obviouslysmitten with her.There he was, introducing Mel to his mother and aunts and she was laughing her head off.Jake s handscurled into fists.Then, to really rub salt into his wound, one of the guys commented,  Definitely worthevery cent she cost.Where did you say you found her, Jake? Oh, really! Vanessa interjected, a jealous note creeping in. All this leching over the star turn is a bitrude in front of the women at this table.Female agreement swiftly followed, though in a more good-humoured tone than Vanessa s waspishscolding.Which reminded him that his grandfather had always said skinny women thought too much ofthemselves.It had probably put Vanessa s nose out of joint to be upstaged by a woman with a far morevoluptuous figure.Jake tried to give her the attention she wanted, but his heart wasn t it.He didn t even find her attractiveany more.As for having sex with her tonight& no, he didn t want to.In fact, he could barely resist themagnetic pull of following Mel s progress with his grandfather.No way would he give his erstwhile personal assistant more satisfaction by showing an interest in heroutrageous gallivanting at this party, but it was damned difficult to keep his gaze trained on Vanessa andhis other companions, and he found the popping of champagne corks a major irritation.The wholesituation turned into an agony of waiting for the party to end.Eventually guests started leaving.His friends decided on continuing the evening at a fashionable bar.Jakedidn t want to accompany them.He was in no mood to be civil let alone convivial.Vanessa was seriously put out when he excused himself, inventing some other commitment.He suggested she go with the othersif she was so inclined and she rather sulkily said she would.It made Jake wonder how he could have ever thought she was desirable on any level.Nevertheless,pride insisted he didn t end their relationship while Mel could still see them together.To hisover-burdened mind, that would give the highly provocative Ms Rossi not only the icing on the cake, butthe cake, too.She was hooked to his grandfather s arm, saying goodbye to guests, playing hostess to his host with allthe aplomb of a seasoned performer, which irked Jake to the bone.He put his left arm around Vanessa swaist as they approached to take their leave. Great party, Pop, he said, showing as much teeth as was possible to put into a broad smile.His grandfather shot out his right hand to give Jake s a strong shake. Made more so by you, my boy.Can t thank you enough. Yes, the cake idea was brilliant, Merlina trilled happily. I ve had such a wonderful time with Byron.Jake steeled himself to look at her. Thank you, he said, grimly holding his smile. And may I complimentyou on once again rising to the occasion. Then to underline how gracious he could be in defeat and tominimise his previous bad-tempered reaction, he added,  I wish you well in whatever occupation youchoose next, Mel. Be damned if he d call her Merlina! Which will be married life if I have anything to do with it, his grandfather supplied, twinkling indulgentlyat her. Oh, Byron! she purred, hugging his arm in demonstrative pleasure.Jake felt his innards being clawed.The lion in him came roaring out, wanting to carry Mel Rossi off and do some clawing of his own. Do you have transport home? he asked, trying his utmost to sound considerate and caring.She smiled, the golden amber eyes glowing warmly. How kind! But I don t need transport.Byron hasasked me to stay here with him and I am so enjoying his company&  What about clothes? came straight out of his mouth.The image of her prancing around in her rose bikinithroughout a private evening with his grandfather made him want to club her over the head and drag heroff to a cave. I brought a change of clothes with me, she answered with limpid ease. The butler kindly agreed tomind my bag until the party was over.You don t have to worry about me, Jake [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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