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.And he wouldn’t be sitting here brooding over him either.There was something there.He was willing to wait, he just hoped that in the end it would be worth it to them both.He looked at his daughter eating a piece of baked chicken.“Thank you for the advice.Now go get your own plate and leave my food alone.”****Max was bent over a young woman.The smell of her bubble gum was in his nose.Her skin was soft and supple under his hands.The room was quiet, except for the sound of the tattoo machine’s buzz.He was inking a long time client.Meredith had been coming to him since he was at the studio where he’d trained and had followed him to his own shop.She liked to joke that she couldn’t see anyone else after all this time because it would feel like she was cheating.Max appreciated her loyalty.She was nice, smart, and beautiful.She had deep red, shoulder length hair that she wore in thick curls that bounced and swayed as she moved.Shampoo commercial hair.Meredith was also asexual.He wondered if he could have a relationship with someone like her.From talking to her over the years, he knew that asexuals experienced in romantic love, they just didn’t feel sexual urges.Maybe that would be best for him.He could be with a woman, a friend that he cared about without having to worry about having sex with her.And if they wanted kids, they could adopt or try artificial insemination.It could work.A new buzz joined in with the tattoo machine.His phone was ringing.He had it on the counter so he could look at it without using his hands.Max swiveled his chair around now to glance down at the screen.It was Patrick.He let it keep buzzing.He turned back to Meredith’s arm, determined to ignore it.He made it all of five minutes before he was snapping off his gloves.“I’m sorry, Merry I’ll be right back.I need to check on this call.”“No problem, Max.”He got up and grabbing his phone, went into his office and shut the door.He checked the voice mail first.Max, it’s Patrick.Give me a call when you get this message.I want to apologize for last week.Max hung up on the voice mail and brought up Patrick’s number.He hit call, waiting with his heart pounding for him to answer.The call connected and he heard Patrick’s voice.“Thank you for calling me back.”“Yeah.”Patrick sighed over the line.“Max, I want to say I’m sorry.You were clear from the beginning in saying that you weren’t out and had no intention of coming out anytime soon.I understood that and it wasn’t fair of me to bring it up in that manner.”Max stood there, his head hanging low.“You don’t have to apologize for that, Patrick.I was rude.”“I do if not apologizing means I don’t get to see you again.”“What about the other thing you asked me?”“I won’t lie Max.I want that.I want to be inside you.But if you’re not ready for it I can wait.” He laughed.“And dream about it.And in the meantime, I love the way you feel inside of me.”Max scrubbed a hand over his head.“Why are you being so good to me?”Another soft laugh came through the line.“Why wouldn’t I be?”“Because I’m an asshole?”“Max, I know how hard it is to be in the closet.I went one step further and got married to a woman.So I understand what you’re going through and I’m on your side.”“I appreciate that.”“Maybe you can show me this evening how much you appreciate it?”This time it was Max’s turn to laugh.“Yeah.I’ll be over after my last appointment.”They hung up and Max went back out to his station.He was relieved.He knew they still had a major problem with one of them being in the closet while the other wasn’t.But at least he’d have Patrick with him while he tried to figure out where the fuck his life was going.****Max woke up to sunlight spilling into the room.Patrick was spooned behind him, an arm thrown over his waist.He stretched, one of those long, deep stretches that only came after a good night’s sleep.“Mmmm… do that again,” Patrick said in a voice rough with sleep.Max smiled.“You wish.”Patrick’s hand drifted down, brushing over his morning erection.“I do wish.”He obliged him, rubbing his ass on the hardness pressed against him, making Patrick groan.“I could get off like this.”Max pressed his ass back again.“So do it.”Patrick went still for a second, but Max didn’t change his mind.He trusted him not to take anything more than what was offered.His heartbeat sped up when Patrick threw a leg over his, holding him captive.His cock stiffened further as Patrick gripped him tight, pumping him with long, slow strokes.He started moving, rubbing his stiff cock against his ass.It was quiet in the room, the sounds of their bodies moving together and against the sheets barely making a sound.Still, Max just barely heard Patrick’s hoarse whisper.“I want… I want inside you.”Max clenched his jaw, his stomach swooping with desire.He didn’t let himself think.He just rolled slightly to his front.Patrick followed, sliding on top of him, his cock slipping in between his cheeks.He braced a hand on the bed, thrusting against him.“Don’t,” Max said in a low voice.“I won’t, baby,” Patrick said through rushed breaths.“Just let me stay like this.”Max swallowed hard, pushing his hips back for his answer.Patrick groaned.Max could feel the tension in Patrick’s body, feel it in the air, as he kept thrusting against him, holding back from what he wanted to do [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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