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.I went into the kitchen to get another round of drinks and found Ashley with a half empty bottle of wine on the counter.She raised her glass to me."What's up with you?" I asked.She rolled her eyes."Once again you ruined my plans," she hissed."All I wanted was a nice family Christmas.To watch movies, bake cookies, and put on a Christmas play.But noooo, Diana wasn't having it."It was my turn to roll my eyes."How did I ruin your Christmas? I've done nothing!"She waved her wine glass towards the living room."You just had to go bringing home long-lost Granddad out there! For what?" she asked."To upset Mom? To give us yet another Grand to take care of?"Wow, that was cold even for Ashley."One more Grand to take care of? Are you kidding? That's our grandfather out there, and he's sick! I know Mom's upset, but you have to see this as a good thing for her."Ashley shook her head."I really don't, and he looks pretty spry to me.But you think bringing the man who abandoned her as a child and left her with Aunt Pearl after her mother died is a great idea? Wrong! He's a bad person.Why should we want him in our lives?"I sighed."What about redemption and forgiveness? Jeez, Ashley, it's Christmas after all! It's not about cookies and carols.If you can't find enough Christmas spirit to give your own grandfather a chance, then maybe you'd better take a hard look at yourself.""Don't preach to me about Christmas spirit! You're the worst Grinch ever.You hate Christmas."She had me there."Well, people can change.I may not like all the trappings of Christmas, but this trip has made me appreciate the magic of it, the way it puts people in a certain frame of mind." I found myself actually believing the words as I said them.Pretty incredible stuff for a humbug like me."I'm glad we're here together.This was a great idea, Ashley," I said, offering her an olive branch.That seemed to mollify her.She took a sip of wine."I'm not happy he's here, but he is our grandfather, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt."I felt her thawing, so I went in for the kill."Think there's still time to watch White Christmas?"She smiled."Of course, we'll just fast forward to all the good scenes.Wait 'til you see the dresses I found for us at the thrift shop today!" She clapped her hands together."Can't wait," I mumbled under my breath as she hurried out of the kitchen to get the troops ready for the movie.I made a fresh batch of eggnog, adding a generous amount of rum, and grabbed another tray of cookies.Victoria must have elves baking for her at night.The gang was already situated in front of the TV.The Grands were clustered together swapping stories with Granddad.Aunt Pearl was keeping her distance, but I could tell she wasn't missing a word.Uncle Grover had just asked Granddad about how the house restoration compared with the old house.Kyle gave me a smile and patted the seat next to him on the sofa."It don't look like it's changed much to me.Kind of weird coming back to the house years later and everything looking the same," Granddad replied."You got rocks in your head!" Aunt Pearl snapped."Victoria and Jake have done a great job updating this place.Why this house used to be so drafty, you couldn't light a candle."Granddad nodded."Oh, they've made a lot of improvements.But I do miss a few things." He glanced in Aunt Pearl's direction."Remember how you girls were always measuring yourselves in the doorway.Must've been a hundred marks." He laughed.Aunt Pearl acted like she didn't hear him, but I saw her eyes go to the doorway."Can't rightly picture Pearl young," Granddaddy Hacker guffawed."Shut your mouth, Hacker." Aunt Pearl gave him an evil look."Oh, Pearl and Babs were quite the lookers," said Granddad.Granddaddy Hacker leaned over and put his hand to his ear."They were hookers, you say?"It was Ashley's turn to chastise him."Not nice, Granddaddy.""Is it like this all the time?" Kyle whispered.I raised my eyebrows."No," I said, "usually it's worse."He laughed and patted my knee.Uh-oh, I thought looking at his hand.I didn't want him getting any "under the eaves" ideas.Granddad had a long, hacking coughing spell which drew concerned looks from everyone."We'd all been playmates for years, but the first time I saw Babs in a fancy dress at a high school dance it was all over for me.She was like a bad little angel.All blond and pretty, with an ornery streak a mile wide.'Member that time she brought a jug of your daddy's moonshine to the church social, Pearl?"For the first time, Pearl's lips turned up in a smile."We were sick for a week after that." She shook her head at the memory."Babs was something else.Always gettin' me in trouble.""Yep, fifty years, and not a day goes by that I don't miss her," he said sadly and turned to me."I'm so glad you found me.""Me, too," my mom said from the doorway.Aunt Pearl got to her feet and held out her arms.My mom went to her and laid her head on her shoulder."You always said family's family even if they're a bunch of knot-heads."Aunt Pearl sighed and released my mom."Guess I did.Just never figured I'd have to see that knot-head again." She hooked a finger at Granddad."But he seems like he mighta got some sense in his old age," she acknowledged grudgingly.They both looked at Granddad.He opened his arms, and my mom went to him, tears flowing.For about five minutes there wasn't a dry eye in the house.Then Granddaddy Hacker said, "Stop all this caterwaullin'! Aren't we supposed to be practicing for the play tomorrow?"My sister jumped into action, dimming the lights and cuing the movie.I blew my nose on a tissue Kyle handed me and took another gulp of eggnog."Boy, there's never a dull moment with your family, is there?"I shook my head."Never.""Okay, everyone.Attention please," Ashley commanded."Oh, brother," I mumbled under my breath."So just to recap, we are putting on a play tomorrow night showcasing several of the big musical numbers from White Christmas.Diana and I will be performing the 'Sisters' routine.Dan and Kyle will follow us immediately with the drag-version of the same song [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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