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.All I’m asking for is a chance to prove that to you.”“I don’t know what to believe Conner.” Karla looked at the floor as tears filled her eyes again.Conner placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face until their eyes met.“You’re the only girl I want Karla.I need you to trust me.”Karla kept her eyes locked with his and rose to her tip-toes.“I trust you Conner” she whispered and kissed his cheek.He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest.After a few minutes he kissed the top of her head and let her go.“I think we need to go let everyone know you’re okay.”“We will in a minute.” Karla told him and stood on her tip-toes and placed a soft kiss on his mouth before she turned and walked out of the room.Conner stood there for a minute, shocked by her brief kiss, before he grinned and followed her out the door and down the stairs.She was in the kitchen sitting at the table with Callie and Rylee and when he walked in they all looked up at him.“I think I need to confront Jennifer.” Karla told them all.“She tried to break me and Conner up and I want to know why.”“I know why.” Rylee told her.“While you and Conner were upstairs talking I got a text from Dominic.Apparently Jennifer and Albert had just started going out when Albert and Kevin got into that fight on Valentine’s Day.When he got expelled she blamed Karla and has been looking for a way to get revenge since.I guess almost failing bio worked in her favor.”“So it all goes back to James and his lies?” Karla asked, stunned that James was still trying to hurt her.“Jennifer said some things about James, but I didn’t connect it until I saw her get into the car with Albert.She said that you offered James sexual favors if he’d go to the movies with you, but then you backed out and that’s why he did what he did.”A look of shock crossed Karla’s face at Conner’s words.“I didn’t.I swear I didn’t.”“We know Karla.We know you better than that.” Rylee assured her.“My question is, what do we do to put an end to this once and for all?” Callie asked.They all thought about it for a few minutes before Karla looked up and grinned.“I got it, but it isn’t going to be easy.” She told them her plan and they all nodded their agreement.“We’re going to need Dominic and Chase to pull this off.Think they’ll help?” Conner asked.He was proud of Karla for coming up with idea, but he was a little nervous too because it could backfire if they got caught.“We’ll find out.” Callie said with a wicked grin.“If they will then we’ll all meet here in the morning and put together an action plan.”“This is going to be fun.” Rylee said and they all burst out laughing.Chapter Seventy-NineThe next afternoon they met at Karla’s and discussed the plan.They knew that if they were caught they’d all be in trouble, but they were all willing to do whatever needed to be done for Karla to have some peace at school.“If this works it’ll stop all of the rumors and lies that are bring spread around.” Karla told Dominic and Chase.“And if it doesn’t the rumors won’t matter because we won’t be allowed back to that school anyway.” Chase told them with a grin.“Sounds fun.I’m in.”“I knew I could count on you babe.” Callie said and hugged him.“Anything for you Calliebug.” He said and she punched him.She hated that nickname and he knew it.“What about you Dominic? Are you in?” Rylee asked him.“Oh yeah.I’m in.I can’t wait to put that douchebag in his place.He has no business being around decent people.”“Okay so here’s what we’re going to do.” Karla said and told them what she’d worked out in her head during the night.“I only have one problem with that.Mr.Johnson is never going to buy that I need his help with choosing classes for next year.He knows I’ve had my schedule planned out since seventh grade.” Rylee told them.“I have to be visible in the halls.Everyone needs to think that Conner and I have split up because of that picture.Any suggestions?”“I have an idea.” Conner said and grinned.He pulled out his phone and sent a text.A few minutes later Kevin’s car pulled into the driveway.“Con said y’all needed my help with something.What’s up?”“Conner you’re a genius.” Karla beamed at him and kissed his cheek.“Guess the rumors about you two breaking up aren’t true.” Kevin said with a grin.He’d seen the picture, but he knew his brother and knew he’d never do anything like that to hurt Karla.“That’s what we need your help with.” Karla said and told him their plan.“Oh I am so in.I have been wanting to knock James down to size since he hurt you Karla.This sounds like my kind of fun.”“Awesome.We’ll start everything Monday morning as soon as we get to school.” Karla said and they all nodded.“Now who’s hungry?”They all laughed and walked into the kitchen.Leslie looked up at them as they walked in and smiled.“I just took a lasagna out of the oven.You all must have food radar.”“You know we do Mrs.Peterson.That smells delicious.” Conner said and grabbed them all a Coke from the fridge.“I hope it’s alright that I asked Kevin to come over.He was helping us with something.”“Yes, that’s fine.How are you Kevin?”“I’m doing alright Mrs.Peterson.How are you?”“I’m good Kevin.Karla, plates, Callie, forks, Rylee, salad please.” She said and the girls instantly stood up and grabbed what she needed.Without being asked Conner grabbed the salad dressing out of the fridge, Dominic grabbed a stack of napkins off the bar and Chase grabbed glasses for them all.“Wow.” Kevin said in awe.“You have them trained well Mrs.Peterson.”She laughed as she sat the lasagna in the middle of the table.“They know if they eat over here they help somehow.They’ll all help clean up too.It’s just how we do it here.”Kevin didn’t say anything else as they all dished up lasagna and salad onto their plates.They were just starting to eat when Andrew came home and joined them.During dinner they talked and ate and laughed together.Not once did Leslie or Andrew question why everyone was there.This was just routine for them now and they loved every minute of it.****On Monday morning Karla sat with Callie on the bus and didn’t speak to Conner at all.When they got to their first class Karla sat in her usual seat beside Conner, but she still didn’t talk to him.It was harder than she’d thought it would be, but she only had to get through this one class.They didn’t have their second block class together.When the bell rang Karla gathered her stuff and walked out.It was show time.“Karla wait.I need to talk to you.”“I have nothing to say to you, Conner.I saw the picture just like everyone else did.Now leave me alone.” She turned and walked away with him close on her heels.“All I’m asking for is five minutes.I just need you to hear me out, then if you still decide you want nothing to do with me I’ll understand.” Conner begged.It took everything inside him not to burst out laughing.Karla was a great actress.“Fine.Five minutes.Now I have to get to class.” She said and walked away.Conner headed in the other direction and walked into his class just before the tardy bell rang.He was a little nervous about this next part, but he knew that Chase had already hacked into the school’s system and had what they needed.All he had to do was get into Mr.Johnson’s office and play it for everyone to see.After class Conner walked toward the cafeteria and passed Kevin, who was supposed to lure Mr.Johnson to the guidance office for help with his classes for his senior year [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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