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.Charlotte sat with her coffee while the bacon finished, she loved her dysfunctional blended family and she wouldn’t ask for anything more.The door knock broke Charlotte out of her daydream.Ms.Nelson never knocked, who could it be?As Charlotte opened the door she dropped her coffee and stood stunned.At her door were Alex and Victoria.Charlotte couldn’t breathe as she stared at the two people who killed her soul almost to the point of no healing-- that was of course, until John came into her life.Her anger mounting, Charlotte went to say something but Victoria stepped forward into her apartment and pulled Charlotte back with such force that she tripped and fell backwards.She scrambled to get back on her feet and screamed before Victoria covered her mouth.Alex stepped into the door way and methodically shut the door with a measured look on his face.A look that Charlotte knew brought physical pain.Just then, Charlotte knew she was going to die.Alex stopped just short of Charlotte and Victoria.Hot tears streamed down Charlotte’s face.“What are you doing? Leave now before I call the police.”Alex laughed as Victoria looked like she was enjoying the pain she was bringing.“Do you actually think I’m going to leave with you able to call the police? Really Charlotte, how dumb do you think I am?”“What do you want? Take my phone.Take whatever you want, just please leave, now!”“I don’t want your stupid phone, you dumb cunt, I’m here to make sure you don’t ever take my son from me again, I will get custody and you will not stand in my way, ever.It’s finally time you learn a lesson: not to cross me.” Alex backhanded Charlotte hard across the face and instantly blod began to run from Charlotte’s mouth.Her face throbbed as she was thrown from Victoria’s arms with the sheer force of Alex’s fist.Charlotte squinted as she scrambled to her feet in an attempted to grab her phone or anything near her that she could use as a weapon.As she took the few first steps Victoria grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her back, knocking her off her feet.Charlotte’s elbow hit the counter on the way down.She could see blood on her carpet near the entry way.Charlotte lay with her head in Victoria’s lap staring up at her.Instead of her longtime friend all she saw was hatred and evil in her eyes.“Please, Victoria were friends, please don’t do this.” Victoria smiled as she leaned down to whisper in Charlotte’s ear… “Friends? No my dear were not friends, we’ve never been friends.Friends don’t betray each other.You took everything from me, now it’s payback.Alex is mine, Andrew was supposed to be my child not yours, you’re nothing but a fucking little selfish bitch that I’ve had to endure over the years while you stole my husband, friends and life.Payback is a bitch.”“You’re sick, you’re truly sick Victoria, let me go!” Victoria clawed Charlottes face from the top of her left eye down to her right cheek.Charlotte hardly felt the scratches as her face was already throbbing and swollen.Alex tied Charlotte’s feet together as Victoria took care of her arms.Charlotte tried to wiggle and squirm but she was too tired from her fight with them and her cancer treatments.Exhausted, Charlotte begged for John to come home before he headed to work.John had told her that he had to run by Mr.Black’s house to pick up some final files for court on Thursday before heading in for his Monday full work day.He had been taking half days since Charlotte’s treatments started to help her.He took Andrew to school every morning and picked him up so Charlotte could rest and still work at the hospital part time.Charlotte was bound and unable to move as Victoria started methodically torturing her.The evilness of her actions stunned Charlotte.This was not the Victoria she knew.No, this was Alex’s influence, Charlotte was almost sure.Charlotte felt dizzy and nauseated.She was weak and fought through the excruciating pain and was sure she was going to pass out.A pain she knew all too well from her years of marriage to Alex.A pain she thought she could escape.Maybe death, Charlotte thought, was the only true escape.“Hmm, let me see what Alex saw in you, surely your body has to be somewhat impressive since he obviously didn’t marry you for your whit or brains.Victoria ripped Charlotte’s shirt open, breaking the buttons on her Burberry silk blouse.The blouse fell open to show Charlotte’s body, a body that unlike many woman her age, she kept under wraps by only showing it to John.With John Charlotte felt beautiful and he looked at her like a Goddess.Now, Charlotte was humiliated and embarrassed.Feeling inferior to her attackers, Charlotte felt defeated and overwhelmed.“Stop fucking around and do it already, dammit.” Alex’s voice was fierce and commanding.“You never let me have any fun.” Alex leaned down and gave Victoria a hot kiss before turning on Charlotte and mouthing the word “Mine.” Just then, something pierced Charlotte’s chest and everything went black.Ms.Nelson’s heart stopped as she saw the apartment door open and blood on the floor.She ran through the house and called out to anyone there, looking for Charlotte.As she rounded the corner she saw Charlotte’s foot poking out of the bathroom door.She came to an abrupt stop when she saw John cradling her lifeless body, sobbing uncontrollably with his cell phone open and left unattended.Life flashed, all their happiness taken from them.She knelt next to John slowly, unsure of what to think and grabbed his phone.She looked at the text message that was open, a picture from an anonymous number.There was Charlotte naked and bound on the floor.Immediately, Ms.Nelson clicked over to the phone application and dialed 911 and she and John sat as tears fell uncontrollably.Ms.Nelson couldn’t believe what happened, who could do such a thing.Her rage mounted as one person came to mind and Ms.Nelson was done playing nice guy.The doctor had just come in to speak with Ms.Nelson.She braced herself for the worst news.Deep in her heart she was hoping that Charlotte wasn’t truly dead, paramedics surprised them all with the discovery of a faint heartbeat, hope as Ms.Nelson called it.Hope that she would hold onto with her last breath.They had to sedate John when he refused to calm down, not that she blamed him.He wasn’t family in the eyes of the law so he had no right to privatized information.The doctor also was being a bit of a pompous asshole, remembering his earlier interactions with Charlotte concerning his cancer treatments.John had bothered and bugged him for four days straight on finding a cure.Persistent one he was, though in this moment of agony he was more of a hindrance than a help.“Ms.Nelson, we’ve gotten the bleeding to stop, however we are not out of the dark yet.The police were able to speak with us concerning the injuries Charlotte had sustained.It is a miracle she was alive.I know being personally attached to a patient is never a good thing, but as my best employee I wouldn’t trust her care with anyone else.”“So she’s alive? When can I see her?” Ms.Nelson couldn’t hide her anxiety and excitedness at the news she had just gotten [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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