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.I read on the internet that some believed our officials thought if we wiped out the one country that had more people than us, than we’d be the controlling force.Say this country had billions of people.You cause an earthquake in the precise location that quadruples the deadly aftermath and take out some here some there then they would no longer be a threat would they? Or at least, a more easily handled threat.I thought about how many people there were and how we were running low on not just food and water but space, and jumped from that thought to another.If you had enough money to save yourself what would you do? At the rate we were going, more people would have to do without.Like on continent sized levels.It was mass genocide so that the ones with the money and power could continue to live on as they already do, if not better.But what if Mother Nature knew these madmen had these plans, and was not just shocked but really pissed? What if Mother Nature was truly a goddess? Now a pissed-off goddess that refuses to let her world suffer anymore with the injustice of all of it.Would she really do this?I remembered something else I’d seen on the net.Something about a new world order, and at the time thought, what bullshit.Yet now I realized that maybe it wasn’t, maybe all of this was just as real as what Aries was explaining, and I was the one who would be the controlling force to stop the evil plans.The one person in the entire world who could make it better and stop the human race from blowing ourselves up, or back a few hundred years.The price was too high though.Another scary thought was, if they are literally controlling natural disasters, how much was natural and how much was planned? Was our own government sending us slowly to our deaths? I asked myself what was our government doing, or rather what wouldn’t they do… so much I needed to mentally digest.Aries saw me having this epiphany apparently and when my steam ran out he continued.“They’ll make the earth ready for the new race of humans.They become slaves more or less, cattle, or sheep and she the flock master.Like I said, I don't know much.” He punched his steering wheel causing me to jump.He was frustrated and confused, and really upset with himself.Why? I mean yeah I was shocked to finally open my eyes to this, but who was I gonna convince that I, we, were right?“So, when will this all take place?” By all I didn’t just mean the goddess going ape-shit on us.“I don’t know.There’s no date, Gaia, she goes by many names, waits for her warrior.She waits for this reincarnation to come and cleanse the world, and to keep the few that are left safe.The ones who will make Earth a better place for the next generation I assume.”“You know quite a bit about this,” I thought aloud, despite the fact he just said different.“When I was a child my uncle was a priest in this small village.I learned everything from him, because he said I was meant to pass on the legends.I didn’t think he meant personally though.The others in my band are the same.At the time of our deaths we were to choose either immortality or play a key in all this.To be reborn repeatedly until we became one of those hundreds for the actions of our mortal days, one of the few who would be a part of all of this.”“So who’s this mate of hers?” I know he already said he was not sure, but he kept giving me a little more info each time I asked another question, so I thought if I kept asking, then maybe I’d get the whole story finally.“The only thing mentioned is what I told you earlier.He must be immortal.We have a joke, the band I mean, that it’s one of us.When we were given this chance to be the guardian or messengers, we had to accept that we couldn’t procreate, mate, or make more of us.Not unless she gave us permission.“We took that to mean that we wouldn’t be able to be this mate.We are dead, Angel.We need blood to survive.Our blood dies within a few days, and we have to get more without killing.Without the blood, our bodies shut down because we are unable to produce our own [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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