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.”Cindy pales and I wonder if it’s due to the infection spreading in her system, or something else.“We’ve never done that before,” she says softly.“You’re not afraid of them, are you?”She hesitates.“I can meet that condition.For now let’s agree to work together to solve whatever other issues come up.You can hear when I speak the truth.You know I’m being sincere.”“I know,” I say.“Now my people need the vaccine.”“I’ll start injecting them in a minute.”“You must also guarantee we’ll get the permanent vaccine when the Telar are dead.”“As long as you agree not to steal my blood samples,” I say.“Agreed.”“You must also give me back my blood.”“I’ll have to gather it.”“And I want my friend’s sample back as well.”“Which friend is that?”“The one who shot Teri Raine on the mountain.”Brutran acts puzzled.I assume it’s an act.Yet, again, she appears to be telling the truth.“So it’s Teri who died.I didn’t know.She’s a celebrity.Why wasn’t it on the news?”“It will be.Don’t change the subject.I want the blood of the person who you mentally attacked on top of that mountain.Swear to me you’ll get it back.”Cindy is still hesitant.“I’ll see what I can do.”“Don’t start acting like you’re not in charge of this operation.You’re the queen bee.You have a finger on everything the IIC does.For that matter, I know it was you who planted a spy in our group.”“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”“I warn you, Brutran, don’t anger me.You know who it is.”“I don’t, I swear it.”God, she sounds like she’s telling the truth again.I try to act more confident than I feel.“Then you won’t mind if I use your Cradle to kill this mole,” I say.Cindy shrugs.“It’s your call.”SIXTEENI’m still getting used to my old body.Now I have to get used to a new phase of life that’s so unpredictable and fraught with danger I can’t drop my guard for an instant.I’ve intentionally marooned myself in the heart of the IIC’s stronghold so I can destroy them, right after I destroy the Telar.But doubts assail me.Even Yaksha was unable to stop the Telar.I wish I shared the faith Umara has in me.It’s hard not to call upon her and Matt for help.I miss Seymour, his love and wisdom, and I miss Teri.I never had a chance to properly mourn her passing.I feel so alone caged inside the IIC’s headquarters.Yet it’s crucial I stay, and that I remain alone.If I brought in Umara and Matt, then all our cards would be on the table, and we’d be exposed to the IIC.And if something went wrong with my plan, we’d have no backup.Even if the IIC should happen to kill me, if Umara and Matt are still out there, alive, then at least there’s a chance the IIC and Telar can be stopped.I stay inside the Malibu center to keep an eye on everything the IIC does.Likewise, I force them to remain inside the building, all six hundred of the firm’s employees that I’ve infected.I convince them that they’re contagious, and they believe me.Why shouldn’t they? At this point, they know little about the virus.They have barely spoken to Charlie—I have given them limited access—who’s confident a person can’t spread the virus as long as the black blisters haven’t begun to pop and ooze their deadly fluid.I stay in the building for another reason.The IIC know me and know a portion of my history.For two decades they have fought the Telar.Now that they have me on their side, it’s strange but they see me as a leader of sorts.Not Cynthia and Thomas Brutran, but the rank-and-file members of the company.On the whole, they’re normal people, and I go out of my way to treat them with kindness and respect.I am, after all, their doctor, even if I’m the one who infected them.The simple act of giving them a shot every day that washes away their symptoms gives me a mysterious authority.But that doesn’t mean that other members of the IIC are not working behind my back at other facilities to try to develop a better vaccine.I’m alert enough to know there are scientists in our center who are sending out data on their computers to other IIC sites.That I cannot control, and I’m not even sure if I want to.Because I have two holds on the IIC, not one.They need me to stay healthy, and they need me because of the blood samples I carry.The blood Umara has so carefully gathered over the eons.My decision to infect the IIC was to get them moving quickly.But it’s the Telar blood that gives me my true control over them.Cynthia Brutran is still a mystery to me.She knows the danger X6X6 represents.She may crave power but she’s wise enough to know there has to be someone left alive on the planet to have power over.She should be doing everything she can to help me destroy the Telar.Yet, when it comes to the Cradle, she keeps stalling me.It’s like she’s afraid for me to meet the children.I’ve been at the Malibu center for three days and still only a trickle of the kids who make up the Cradle have arrived.I’ve met them, twenty teens and preteens, and they seem normal enough, although on the quiet side.But I suspect I haven’t met any of the kids who control the actual Lens.My patience with Brutran quickly runs out.On the fourth night, I tell her we’re going for a walk.We sneak out through a hidden exit Freddy has already alerted me to.It’s late, close to dawn, and the half moon has risen.It lights our way as we stroll along a path that leads through the hills behind the compound.“Why are you afraid to talk inside?” she asks.“Why are you? You act like every room has ears.”“That’s close to the truth.Security monitors every important area.They’ll know we’ve left the building.”“Don’t worry.You must know Harold in security? He and I have become good friends.He’s not going to talk about our great escape.”“I’ve noticed the two of you talking.For a vampire who’s brought nothing but disease, you’ve managed to develop quite a following.”“The rank and file don’t know I’m a vampire.” When I give the injections, I work fast but not at hyper speed.Nevertheless, the soldiers who broke into Brutran’s office have spread the rumor that I’m no ordinary woman.I don’t mind [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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