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.She padded to the kitchen.As she prepared the coffee, she considered how she had reacted to Jared’s comment that she was no different than any other LCR operative.The words had stung, but how could she be surprised by them? They had agreed to a no-commitment sexual relationship while they worked this case.Expecting more from him was fruitless.In a week, maybe less, this case might well be over, the stolen babies returned to their parents.What would happen to Sandi’s baby? The young woman had no relatives to take the child.Would she get adopted or go into foster care, as Jared had? Her heart hurt when she thought about the sad little boy Jared had been.No wonder he tried to maintain that toughness as an adult.Much of his hard veneer had to do with self-protection.When you get hurt repeatedly, you do everything you can to prevent it from ever happening again.After a quick visit with her parents in Italy, she would return to Chicago.She missed her life there … her family of pets.She missed her house.Getting back to normal would feel good.These weeks with Jared had been a once-in-a-lifetime experience that she refused to regret.She had known it was a temporary thing.But telling herself that didn’t prevent the painful tightening of her chest or the sting of tears behind her eyes.The click of the lock told her she didn’t have to call and tell him about her weekend plans with Philippe.Mia met him in the middle of the living room.As he came closer, she tensed, realizing that any apology at all from him would probably have her hurling herself into his arms.She was that weak when it came to him.He thrust a small package wrapped in silver paper toward her.“Here.”Another gift? Confused, she unwrapped the box, looked up at him, then back at the box of candy.“What’s this for?”“To eat, of course.”“You bought me candy?”“Yes.” He walked past her and into the kitchen.She heard him open the cabinet and then liquid being poured into a cup.Then she heard pans rattling.He was making breakfast.The box of chocolates still in her hand, she went to the kitchen and watched him work.She wanted to ask him questions, get inside that tough exterior, but that damn wall surrounded him again, and this time, it seemed even more impenetrable.Hoping she could think of something to break through the ice later, she gave him the news she’d woken up to this morning.“Philippe called and asked me to come stay the weekend at his house.”His head shot up.“When did he call?”“About half an hour ago.”His jaw tight, he looked down at the bowl of eggs he was beating.“What else did he say?”“Told me to bring over enough of my things for a long weekend and then someone would pick up the rest of my stuff next week.I need to go shopping.I don’t have anything remotely appropriate.”“We need to go over our plans.”“And we will, but I have nothing suitable for a casual weekend with a man like Philippe.”The tic in his jaw told her he didn’t agree.“You have a problem with me going shopping?”“Just seems damn stupid to be going shopping when we’re trying to catch a murdering baby snatcher.”There was nothing she could say to that stupid, asinine statement.Turning away, she headed for her bedroom.A quick, hot shower and then she would leave him to his nastiness.She was at her bedroom door when he said, “Breakfast will be ready in about five minutes.”Instead of answering verbally, she swung the door closed, satisfied that the distinctive slam was answer enough.A smile twitched at Jared’s mouth as he poured the egg mixture into the skillet.The sizzle reminded him of Mia.She had a volatile temper, one that could be set to sizzle with a single word.He’d hurt her feelings last night, and she’d closed up on him.When he’d walked through the door this morning, that wounded look had still been there.Setting off her temper had seemed the right way to go.Odd that he argued so much with Mia.In other romantic relationships, including his marriage, the disagreements had been nonexistent.The only time Lara had gotten angry with him was the day their marriage ended.And even then it had been a controlled anger.When Mia was angry, she didn’t hide behind a passive-aggressive façade [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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