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.So what did you want to ask me?” Dana said.“What did you and Jack Tanner talk about when he visited you in city jail.”“We talked about Kelsey.”“What did he say about her?”“He said she was deathly ill and he was afraid that if she had to go to court, she wouldn’t make it.”“Is that why you took the plea?”Dana shook his head.“No, I didn’t believe him.I knew better.Kelsey’s very strong.There’s nothing sickly about her.I was scared for her about something else.”“Go on.”“I remembered that the last time I had the bat was when I gave it to Kelsey.”Kelsey turned to him with a look of surprise and said, “So you thought I killed Mike?”“You told me on the beach that day you had a plan to make Mike stop bothering us.”“And you thought that was the plan? Wow.”“I know I am a knucklehead.I saw how you reacted when we found Mike.I shouldn’t have even-““No, you shouldn’t have.”“I didn’t know.Besides that, I do feel responsible somewhat for Mike’s death.Maybe I should have left you alone Kelsey.Maybe I am just being selfish-““Stop it,” Kelsey said as she caressed his cheek with her hands, “You didn’t do anything wrong.” Kelsey leaned back against the thin couch cushion and sighed.“Dana dear you really need to work on your compulsion to save everyone except yourself,” she said, “You’re driving everybody crazy.”“Good point,” Cyrus said, “You know you can probably get a new trial.With your celebrity status the jury surely let you go.”“I don’t want a new trial and I am not afraid of jail.I am hoping you can find the real killer and keep Kelsey out of this mess.”“That’s what I wanted to hear.Max is checking out Kelsey’s story right now.If she’s telling the truth, which I believe she is, then she’s in the clear.”“What can I do to help?”“You can tell me about your conversation with Jack Tanner.”Dana hung his head, his face paled.Kelsey combed Dana’s hair with her fingers, and then she took his hand in hers.“What’s wrong?” she said.“I gave your Father my word, I wouldn’t tell anyone about our conversation.”“I wouldn’t feel guilty about that,” Cyrus said, “What Tanner asked you do to was unethical and illegal.What did Jack Tanner talk to you about?”“He said that he believed me when I told him I didn’t kill Mike.”“Really?” Cyrus said as he jotted down some notes.“Did he say who he thought it was who did kill Mike?”For a few moments everyone sat quiet.Cyrus ran his hands through his hair and sighed.Then Dana spoke again, “He said he wasn’t sure but he thought it might be someone or some group trying to get him to sell off TANOCO.”“Did he say why they would kill Mike?” Cyrus said.“He told me he thinks they killed Mike as a warning to him that he better cooperate.”Cyrus gave Kelsey a sharp look and said, “You know anything about someone taking over TANOCO?”“No, this is the first I’ve heard of it,” she said.Cyrus retrieved his small notepad and pen from his jacket.Kelsey and Dana sat in silence while Cyrus wrote down notes for several minutes.Once he finished, he said, “You know Dana, the bat wasn’t the only reason I thought you were guilty.”“What else?”“You weren’t telling me the truth that day at the beach when I picked you up.”“I don’t understand, what do think I lied about?”“When I asked you when the last time you saw Mike was, you told me it was at Surfer’s Park in Ventura the day before.I didn’t believe you.I still don’t.Are you holding something back?”Dana’s face froze and the room fell silent.Cyrus waited several moments, and then he said, “You can tell me the truth.You’re already in jail.I am trying to help you get out, remember?”“Stop protecting people and tell Cyrus the truth, Dana,” Kelsey said.Dana finally spoke.“Yes, I lied.” he said, looking down at the floor, “I lied to you about that.I saw him that morning at Rincon Beach about an hour before I picked up Kelsey.I only went there to warn him, not kill him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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