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."Who am I?""Someone very special," he had said softly, caressing her arm."And someone who had best be here when we return.""Now you're giving me orders?""No.But I can see that you'll be out wandering tonight, and if you didn't return, I would miss you."Her lips had opened slightly and she had felt her hands tremble at his touch.She waited for him to kiss her, but instead he had backed away, his own sadness gathering over him like the clouds she had seen on the horizon."Nothing I do gets past you," she had said."I like that, Ord.I like that very much."He had smiled and left to join the others, but his smile had been cloaked in sadness, his words, even at their most seductive, laced with a texture that was bittersweet.He was not dealing with the loss of his parents, she knew, and the forces inside him one day would tear loose and destroy him if he did not accept the grief and allow himself to heal.She wondered if there were any way she could help him, or if she even should try.One thing was certain, he had been correct in his assumption that she would not stay locked up in the inn, waiting for Myrmeen's return.She now was within a city block of Caleb Sharr's market house and her heart was filled with excitement at the thought of seeing him.Krystin turned the final corner and stopped dead.The shop was gone.For a moment she gazed about, familiarizing herself with the streets and various landmarks.She needed to make absolutely certain that she had not taken a wrong turn and ended up someplace other than where she wished to be.There had been no mistake.She was on Heridon Way, but the shop where she had found shelter was gone.There was no evidence that it ever had been there to start with.In a daze, Krystin wandered the street, occasionally stopping to ask other shopkeepers if they knew Caleb Sharr.When she asked if they had ever tasted the succulent meats that he prepared for his special clients, basted in spices from faraway lands that no one but he could procure, they treated her as if she were insane.Krystin felt a sudden shortness of breath.For a moment the world seemed to spin, and she grabbed hold of a stranger's arm.The man shrugged her off with a casual curse.He shoved her to the ground, where she was ignored by the dozens of men and women who briskly walked past her.Their downcast eyes carefully avoided the skinny fourteen-year-old with dark hair and beautiful, practically unique eyes.Suddenly, Krystin realized that she was shrinking back, heading for the shadows of an alleyway.She bolted to her feet and thrust herself into the crowd, avoiding the places where the Night Parade moved freely.A chill passed through her as she felt a drop of rain strike her shoulder, then she realized that it was a tear that she had shed.There was no storm; there had been no storm.Thunder rolled in the distance.There was one person who would remember Caleb Sharr: Melaine, a fellow hunter for the Night Parade, a girl who was a year younger than Krystin.Melaine had been Krystin's responsibility on several occasions when she had made mistakes.Krystin had put herself at risk to prevent their keepers' wrath from falling upon the girl.She wondered why she had not thought of Melaine earlier; they could have rescued her, taken her away from the life of horror that she had known practically from birth.Of course, there was a danger that Krystin would fail, that the keepers would capture her again.The creature that had served as her master had been named Byrne.For a moment she was curious to learn if he had been the old man whose face had come to her in flashes of memory.Why do you even have to ask these questions? she wondered.You remember Byrne.He had scorpions for arms and snakes for teeth.His tail had been wrapped around your tender throat a thousand times and his eyes held the secrets of twilight, the end of humanity, the beginning of something new and repulsive.That was not entirely true, she reminded herself.Sometimes he was human.He even appeared handsome and kind.Did he change, or did he create illusions? It did not matter.He was one of the nightmare people; that was all that was important.He would die with the rest of them.An hour later, she arrived at the estate where she had been housed for the better part of her childhood.The building was deserted, overrun by weeds that clung to the sides of the two-story building.She stared at the estate in shock.Not possible, she thought.This is not the way I remember it.The iron gate surrounding the estate had been rusted shut, and she was forced to climb over it.The dogs that had prowled the grounds were silent.Deep down, a part of her knew that she had heard the barking of Byrne's hounds for the last time.The estate had changed to an impossible degree.She had been here less than a month earlier, just before the desert raiders had taken her from the streets that had been her home after she had left the estate.She heard a rustling behind her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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