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.Shoulder length, straight and silky, almost black hair, wide green eyes, tanned skin, tall and slim.She’s dressed in a black fitted pencil skirt to the knees, with a deep green, short sleeved silk blouse; and killer black stilettos – she looks amazing, especially considering she’s had two kids – Jeez my self-esteem is taking a heavy knock right now.“She can't hold her liquor very well, can she?” Olivia says, laughing a little sarcastically.It immediately gets my back up.“Why are you here Olivia?” I snap.“I wanted to see Tristan,” she says.“He called me yesterday but I couldn’t talk at the time.” She adds, casually flicking her hair.Ugh! He called her and he didn’t tell me? Now I'm pissed at Tristan!“So you just thought you’d turn up here, unannounced and uninvited?” I say as calmly and politely as I can.“Yes.” She looks from me to Edith then crosses her arms defiantly.“Well, I agree with Edith.You can't come in without Tristan or Stuart being here.”“How silly,” she says, smiling coyly.“Silly?” I laugh.“Not really, considering Susannah tried to kill Tristan and me.”“Yes, I heard about that,” she says, looking me up and down.“You should go,” I say, my voice trembling giving me away.Thankfully, I see Scott’s car turn into the driveway.He quickly pulls up, gets out the car and dashes over to us.“Oh Debs!” He says, whining a little.Then he reaches down, and attempts to lift her into his arms.I bend down and help as much as I can.‘Stay’ I mouth to him without Olivia seeing, Scott frowns then nods once at me, then I purposely say it aloud.“You can stay if you want Scott.Take Debs over to the sofa, let me get you a drink.” I follow him over to the sofa, hoping Olivia will just go home, but unfortunately, I look back and see Olivia barge straight past Edith and saunter down the hallway, her heels clicking against the hard flooring, perusing the place as she does.“Olivia!” Edith shouts.“You can’t come in here,” she says marching after her, leaving the door wide open.Right at that moment I hear the rumble of the Jag in the driveway – Tristan’s back early, thank god!Seconds later, I hear Tristan shout from outside.“Coral!” Tristan and Stuart run into the house and come to an abrupt halt.Tristan’s gaze finds me first, then he looks at Scott with Debs in his arms, then Edith, then the look of horror on his face as he registers Olivia, standing here in our house is priceless – He looks outraged!“Hello Tristan,” she says.I can't see her face as she has her back to me.He completely ignores her and marches over to me.When he reaches me, he takes my face in his hands, his eyes searching mine.“Are you ok?” He asks, concern written all over his face.He starts checking me over, not waiting for an answer.“Hey,” I whisper, taking hold of both his hands.“I’m fine.Edith answered the door, we thought it was Scott coming to collect Debs.” I turn back to Edith and smile.I don't want her to think I'm blaming her, then I look up at Tristan again.“Debs has passed out,” I say rolling my eyes and smiling.“Olivia told us that she couldn’t talk to you when you called her yesterday, so she decided to turn up, unannounced.Edith said she couldn’t come in, but she just barged past her.” I narrow my eyes at Olivia, who has turned to look at us both – There stick that in your pipe and smoke it!I turn away and look up at Tristan.He looks a little relieved, his face softening a little, then surprising me he enfolds me into his arms and gently rocks me.“I missed you,” he whispers in my ear, kissing my hair a couple of times.“I thought you were eating out?” I say as I hear Stuart shut the front door.“No, I wanted to get back to you,” he says, pulling back to assess me once more.Then taking no prisoners, he leans down and kisses me, forcefully.Honestly, I think this is for Olivia’s benefit, and as childish as it seems, I revel in it and kiss him back with as much passion as I can muster.When he pulls back, we are both breathless.I smile up at him, and almost laugh, but I decide it’s probably best to hide it.Tristan silently runs his knuckles down my cheek, kisses the tip of my nose then looks up at Scott.“Scott, good to see you, would you like a drink?” He asks.“Nah, I'm good mate, gotta get Debs home.”“You’re more than welcome to stay?” Tristan suggests.I can see Scott thinking about it, weighing up his options.“It’s quite a drive back to Worthing, and I don't think you’ll get her up the stairs on your own, and it’s a little late to send Stuart with you.” Tristan adds.“True,” Scott laughs.“Alright then, well stay.”“Have you eaten?” Tristan asks.Scott shakes his head.“Edith,” Tristan says.“Can you rustle something up for us all?”“Of course Tristan, anything in particular?” she asks.“Coral?” Tristan says looking down at me.I'm about to answer him when Debs suddenly comes to, and I know, I can tell by her face – Shit!“She gonna be sick!” I shout, rushing over to her, grabbing the wastepaper basket as I do.Luckily, I get there just in time as she starts hurling into it.“Ugh! Debs!” I pass the basket to Scott who looks a little green himself, then I walk back over to Tristan, wrapping my arms around his waist as I do.“Edith, I don't mind what we have, whatever’s easy, it’s quite late,” I say, looking up at the clock on the wall, it’s 8.15pm – very late for a married woman like Olivia to be out.I don't understand why she’s here? – She wants Tristan! My subconscious snipes, I bite my lip at that thought, not again!Edith smiles at me and wobbles into the kitchen, just as Stuart wonders over and helps Scott get Debs to her feet, at least she’s stopped hurling.They walk her past us and into the downstairs bathroom.Finally, Tristan turns his arctic glare on Olivia.“What are you doing here?” He says very slowly, articulating each word with a hiss, his voice low and menacing.“That’s a dazzling display of affection you’re putting on their Tristan,” she says, ignoring his rising temper.“Tristan,” I whisper, he looks down at me.“Would you like to speak to Olivia alone?” I ask sweetly, purposely widening my eyes.“No baby, stay.” He says pecking my forehead.“Ok,” I whisper smiling up at him.Then I turn and narrow my eyes at Olivia – See, he’s mine! – Jeez, I sound like Susannah! I frown at that thought.“Get out!” Tristan growls at Olivia, gripping my upper arms.I think it’s so he doesn’t march her out himself.“Darling,” she softly says.“You called me remember?”“Yes I did,” he says.“But never, for a moment
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