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.Had he bet on Greta? On me? Against either of us?How strange.An hour ago, I d been worried about how to keep her focused, and now that she was focused, I was fretting about why she wasfocused.Greta had come to me wanting to know what to wear to Winter s concert, and had been almost disappointed to hear that he d be playing at thefestival and not at the Artiste Unknown. Every woman needs a little black dress. I d helped her sort through some of the other girls things, most of which were too short for her. Eventhe crazy vampire women. She donned the dress, an off-the-shoulder mini in basic black, and I flicked a stray bit of white string with my claw,removing it from the tight, body-hugging sheath.In this kind of dress she d have to be careful walking upstairs, bending over, or kneeling unless shewanted it to spontaneously transform into a T-shirt equivalent. So, do I look okay? She d let me get Erin to do her makeup, hair, and nails.Erin hadn t flinched when Greta insisted that the red nail polish beapplied to her fully extended claws, too.The combat boots detracted, though. You d look better if you were four-legged and furry, but as non-furry two-legged people go   Talbot. Greta had elbowed me so hard that not flinching required an effort. You look great. Not fat? she d asked. You re way past the amount of reassurance people can reasonably expect from a Mouser. I d touched her chin a dangerous test.She hadn tbitten my finger or snapped at me, which meant she had herself under control again. You know that? But do I look fat? Why would it matter if you did? I d gestured at myself. I m not exactly a string bean. You re all muscled and stuff. Greta had poked my stomach. Guys aren t supposed to be skinny. Are you sure you won t at least try a different pair of shoes? I d held a pair of open-toed black flats up for her inspection. I understand that youdon t like heels, but  Is Dad going to be there? She d already known the answer and that had been her point.If Eric were home, she d have worn whatever wasnecessary.In his absence, Greta curtailed her willingness to make accommodations. Why are you going to Winter s concert again? I told you. Greta had pretended to admire herself in the mirror even though her reflection was a no-show. It s a secret. You ll keep an eye out for gargoyles, at least? Not really.Her words played again in my mind as I weaved in and out of traffic, zipping past one of Void City s Finest as she directed traffic.I brushed herleg as I passed; I couldn t resist.Vampires aren t the only supernatural beasties with mystic speed.I scanned the sky for gargoyles, but I should have been watching the ground.Running down the center lane two blocks from Morne Park, a stretchlimo inched its way forward.I was zipping past the rear right bumper when the door burst open.Completely unavoidable.Too stunned to react, I dropped into the backseat of my mind as if the body hurtling through the air was not my own.Isaw the rear fender of a Lincoln Town Car and thought, Other than that, Mrs.Lincoln, how did you enjoy the show? I had time for only one morethought before I lost consciousness: At least I wore a helmet.When I came to, there was an awful tightness around my throat and the feeling of being trapped.I blinked twice at the bleary image of a womanwith full cheeks and a haughty nose.Her hair was done up like a modern Marie Antoinette, all ringlets and ribbons.Her hands were around myneck, and her claws sank into my throat, carefully, threatening, not ripping.She grew, skin changing from pale to black.I found Lisette.My own transformation began, but as the akasha flowed over me, Lisette slammed my head into the hood of her limo five times in succession,breaking my concentration.One hand reached inside my trousers and her claws touched my testicles. No transformation, Mr.Talbot. Her harsh voice cut through my head, increasing the headache that was already throbbing. I wonder if you d bewilling to save us both a great deal of trouble by telling me where exactly in this city I can find Eric Courtney?25GRETA:FAT ASS GRANDMAWhen Daddy s home, I never get to do this.Never ever [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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